C.R.S. Section 26-2-111
Eligibility for public assistance

  • rules
  • repeal


No person shall be granted public assistance in the form of assistance payments under this article unless such person meets all of the following requirements:


The person is a resident of the state of Colorado or, if a dependent child, the parent or other relatives with whom said child is living is a resident of the state of Colorado or the person is a legal immigrant who would be otherwise eligible in all respects except for citizenship;


The person has insufficient income, property, or other resources to meet his or her needs as determined pursuant to rules and regulations of the state department; except that resource eligibility for the program of aid to the needy disabled shall be as specified in paragraph (d) of subsection (4) of this section, resource eligibility for the program of aid to the blind shall be as specified in subparagraph (III) of paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of this section, and resource eligibility requirements for the old age pension program shall be as specified in paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section;


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The person has not made a voluntary assignment or transfer of property without fair and valuable consideration for the purpose of rendering himself or herself eligible for public assistance under this article at any time within thirty-six months immediately prior to the filing of application for such assistance pursuant to the provisions of this article; or, in the case of a person already receiving public assistance under this article, the person has not made any such transfer during the time the person has been receiving such public assistance; but, if any such assignment or transfer is made during such thirty-six month period or during such time that public assistance is being received, there is a rebuttable presumption that the assignment or transfer was made for such purpose; but, within such period of time, a person may assign or transfer the ownership of real property owned and used as a residence by such person if:


The transfer or assignment is made for reasons other than to become or remain eligible for public assistance under this article;


The primary purpose of the transfer or assignment is not to acquire moneys or profit but is for some other legitimate reason such as estate planning.


Nothing in this paragraph (c) shall be construed to prohibit a person from selling, transferring, or assigning his or her real estate in a bona fide transaction for good and valuable consideration.


The person is not an inmate of a public institution, except as a patient in a public medical institution, or is not a patient in any institution for tuberculosis or mental diseases, or is not a patient in any medical institution as a result of having been diagnosed as having tuberculosis or psychosis; but the provisions of this paragraph (d) shall not be applicable to or in any way affect the class of old age pension recipients provided for in subsection (2)(a)(III) of this section.


Old age pension.


Except as provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this subsection (2), public assistance in the form of the old age pension shall be granted to any person who meets the requirements of subsection (1) of this section and any one of the following requirements:


The person is a United States citizen or a qualified alien, has attained the age of sixty years or more, and meets the resource eligibility requirements of the federal supplemental security income program; or




The person is an inmate of an institution, not penal in character, maintained by the state or by a municipality therein or county thereof, and the person has attained the age of sixty years or more. The period of confinement as a patient in such institution shall be considered as residence in the state of Colorado.


An applicant or recipient of the old age pension who is otherwise qualified shall not be denied the old age pension by reason of the fact that relatives may be financially able to contribute to his or her support and maintenance; except that income and resources of the spouse of an applicant or recipient of the old age pension or of a sponsor of an applicant or recipient of the old age pension who is a qualified alien shall be considered in determining eligibility pursuant to rules of the state department.


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Except as otherwise provided in subparagraphs (II) and (III) of this paragraph (c), a qualified alien shall not be granted the old age pension under the provisions of this subsection (2) unless it is shown that:
(A)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2010, (HB 10-1384), ch. 218, p. 954, § 4, effective January 1, 2014.)(B) The qualified alien meets the requirements specified in section 26-2-111.8 (2)(a) relating to entry into the United States prior to August 22, 1996, or the requirements specified in section 26-2-111.8 (2)(b) regarding the five-year bar on receipt of benefits; and


The qualified alien meets the requirements specified in section 26-2-111.8 (2)(c) regarding the deeming of sponsor income and resources.


The requirements in subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (c) do not apply to a qualified alien who meets the eligibility criteria for the old age pension in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) if it is determined pursuant to rules of the state department that:


The qualified alien has been abandoned by or is a victim of mistreatment by his or her sponsor or is an abused spouse and would incur a significant financial hardship; or


The qualified alien who does not have a sponsor would have insufficient income to support himself or herself or would otherwise incur a significant financial hardship; or


The person who sponsored the qualified alien’s entry into the United States and who satisfied sponsorship financial requirements at the time of initial sponsorship now has insufficient income and resources to meet the needs of the qualified alien.


The requirements in subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (c) do not apply to a qualified alien who meets the eligibility criteria for the old age pension in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) and who is also eligible for federal financial benefits pursuant to Title XVI of the federal “Social Security Act”.


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A person who is a member of a household that is receiving public assistance under the Colorado works program pursuant to part 7 of this article shall not be eligible to receive public assistance pursuant to this subsection (2).
(II)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2010, (HB 10-1043), ch. 92, p. 315, § 8, effective April 15, 2010.)(3) Colorado works program.


By signing an application for the works program created in part 7 of this article, a person assigns, by operation of law, to the state department all rights the applicant may have to support from any other person on his or her own behalf or on behalf of any other family member for whom application is made. For the purposes of this subsection (3), the assignment:


Is effective for current support due and owing during the period of time the person is receiving public assistance under the works program;


Takes effect upon a determination that the applicant is eligible for the works program; and


Shall remain in effect with respect to any unpaid support that accrues under the assignment, up to the amount of the cost of assistance provided.
(IV)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2009, (SB 09-053), ch. 137, p. 594, § 1, effective October 1, 2009.)(a.5) Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection (3), and except as provided in section 26-2-108 (1)(b)(II), effective January 1, 2017, the state department shall pay to the recipient the current child support collected pursuant to the assignment. The state department shall disregard the amount of child support paid to the recipient pursuant to this paragraph (a.5) in calculating the amount of the recipient’s basic cash assistance grant pursuant to part 7 of this article. However, such payments, with applicable disregards, shall be considered income for purposes of determining eligibility.


The application shall contain a statement explaining this assignment and the payment to the recipient of child support pursuant to paragraph (a.5) of this subsection (3).


Notwithstanding any provision of paragraph (a) of this subsection (3), assignments made prior to October 1, 2009, may include support arrearages that accrued prior to the date the applicant is determined to be eligible for the works program.


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(b)(Deleted by amendment, L. 97, p. 1232, § 19, effective July 1, 1997.)(4) Aid to the needy disabled.
Public assistance in the form of aid to the needy disabled must be granted to any person who meets the requirements of subsection (1) of this section and all of the following requirements:


He or she has a total disability, as defined by section 26-2-103 (14) and the rules and regulations of the state department, that has lasted or can be expected to last for a period of six months or more or he or she is determined to be disabled and eligible for social security disability insurance benefits under Title II of the social security act.


He or she is eighteen years of age or older.


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He or she has applied for supplemental security income benefits and complied with any recommendations for referrals made by the county department except for good cause shown.


Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (b.5) to the contrary, the state department may promulgate rules allowing a county to waive the requirement that a person apply for supplemental security income benefits prior to receiving aid to the needy disabled under such conditions and for such period of time as the state department deems appropriate to ensure that a person has the opportunity to submit a thorough and complete supplemental security income benefits application.


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The person is not a member of a household receiving public assistance under the aid to families with dependent children program set forth in this article. For the purposes of this paragraph (c), “household” has the same meaning as “assistance unit” as used in 45 CFR 205.40 (a)(1), as amended.


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The provisions of subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (c) notwithstanding, on and after January 1, 1992, a supplemental payment funded by state and county funds shall be paid to households that have received public assistance payments for the month of December 1991, under both the aid to families with dependent children program set forth in this article and the aid to the needy disabled program set forth in this subsection (4). The supplemental payment shall be in an amount as will maintain the household’s total income at the same level as in December 1991.


The supplemental payment shall be paid only if the household remains continuously eligible to receive public assistance under both the aid to families with dependent children program set forth in this article and the aid to the needy disabled program set forth in this subsection (4).


He or she meets the resource eligibility requirements of the federal supplemental security income program.


If the applicant is disabled as a result of a primary diagnosis of a substance use disorder, the applicant, as conditions of eligibility, is required to:


Participate in treatment services approved by the behavioral health administration in the state department; and


Demonstrate on a periodic and random basis that he or she remains free of the use of alcohol or any nonprescribed controlled substance on a form verified by the treatment program. Any person whose random test results are positive two times in any three-month period shall be denied eligibility.


A person who is disabled as a result of a primary diagnosis of an alcohol or substance use disorder is not eligible for aid to the needy disabled based upon that primary diagnosis if the person has received aid to the needy disabled based upon such diagnosis for any cumulative twelve-month period in the person’s lifetime.


Aid to the blind.


For the purpose of providing public assistance to those not receiving federal financial benefits pursuant to Title XVI of the social security act, public assistance in the form of aid to the blind shall be granted to any person who meets the requirements of subsection (1) of this section and who:


Is blind as defined by section 26-2-103 (3) or is determined to be blind and eligible for social security disability insurance benefits under Title II of the social security act; except that any person who is a member of a household that is receiving public assistance under the aid to families with dependent children program set forth in this article shall not be eligible to receive public assistance pursuant to this subsection (5);


Has applied for supplemental security income benefits and complied with any recommendations for referrals made by the county department except for good cause shown; and


Meets the resource eligibility requirements of the federal supplemental security program.


For the purposes of this subsection (5), “household” has the same meaning as “assistance unit” as used in 45 CFR 205.40 (b)(1), as amended.


The provisions of section 26-2-111.8 shall apply in addition to the provisions of this section in determining the eligibility for public assistance of persons who are not citizens of the United States.

Source: Section 26-2-111 — Eligibility for public assistance - rules - repeal, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Foster care - Title IV-E of the social security act - Title IV-E administrative costs cash fund - rules
Public assistance programs - electronic benefits transfer service - joint reports with department of revenue - signs - rules
Federal requirements
Applications for public assistance
Verification - record
Granting of assistance payments and social services - rules
Right to own certain property
Repayment not required
Eligibility for public assistance - rules - repeal
Access to supplemental security income program benefits for old age pension applicants and recipients
Old age pension work incentive program
Eligibility of noncitizens for public assistance
Old age pensions for inmates of public institutions
Funds for old age pensions
Amount of assistance payments - old age pension
State old age pension fund - priority
Old age pension stabilization fund
Amount of assistance payments - aid to the needy disabled - rules
Federal disability benefits - application assistance - fund - rules - report - legislative declaration
Amount of assistance payments - aid to the blind
Expenses of treatment to prevent blindness or restore eyesight
Public assistance in the form of social services
Home care allowance - repeal
Acceptance of available money to finance the low-income energy assistance program
Removal to another county
Reconsideration and changes
Colorado works cases - vendor payments
Recovery from recipient - estate
Funeral - final disposition expenses - death reimbursement - definitions - rules
Public assistance not assignable
State income tax refund offset - rules
Checks, drafts, or orders for payment of moneys for public assistance - identification of bearer
Medically correctable program - fund established - rules
Noncitizens programs
Refugee services program - state plan - rules - definitions - repeal
Food pantry assistance grant program - created - timeline and criteria - grants - definitions - repeal
Colorado diaper distribution program - diapering essentials - report - rules - definitions
High-quality work management system - implementation - funding - repeal
Colorado teen parent driver’s license program - report - rules - definitions - appropriation
Colorado commodity supplemental food grant program - creation - appropriation - rules - definitions
Food bank assistance grant program - creation - rules - definition
Short title
Legislative declaration
Mandatory minimum state supplementation of SSI benefits
Optional state supplementation
Interim assistance
Federal requirements
State supplemental security income stabilization fund - creation
Food stamps - administration
Performance standards - incentives - sanctions
Federal requirements
Appeals - recoveries - rules
Fraudulent acts - penalties
Categorical eligibility - repeal
Trafficking in food stamps
Fuel assistance payments - eligibility for federal standard utility allowance - supplemental utility assistance fund established - definitions - repeal
Colorado employment first - supplemental nutrition assistance program - federal match - legislative declaration - definition - repeal
Short title
Legislative intent
No individual entitlement
Works program - purposes
Target populations
Restrictions on length of participation - rules
Payments and services under Colorado works - rules
Community resources investment assistance
Information concerning immunization of children
Assistance - assessment - individual responsibility contract - waivers for domestic violence - rules
Benefits - cash assistance - programs - rules - repeal
Exit interviews and follow-up interviews of participants - reporting
Administrative review
Works program - sanctions against participants - rules
State department duties - authority
State maintenance of effort
County block grants formula - use of money - rules
Adjusted work participation rate - notification - county authorization - career and technical education
Performance contracts
County duties - appropriations - penalties - hardship extensions - domestic violence extensions - incentives - rules
Reporting requirements
Private contracting
County block grant support fund - created
Colorado long-term works reserve - creation - use
Colorado works program maintenance fund - creation - use - report
Outreach and engagement plan - family voice participation
Short title
Legislative declaration
Individual development account program - rules
Eligibility for participation in the individual development account program
Legislative declaration
Transitional jobs program
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 26-2-111’s source at