C.R.S. Section 26-2-712
State department duties

  • authority


Plan submission.
The state department shall submit and amend as necessary a plan to the secretary of the federal department of health and human services that is consistent with the provisions of this part 7 and federal law.


County block grant allocation.


The state department shall allocate the amount of moneys that shall be provided to a county as a county block grant for the purposes of a county’s administration and implementation of the works program pursuant to section 26-2-714.


Except as provided in section 26-2-720.5, the county block grant shall represent the total amount that a county shall receive from the state for the administration and implementation of the Colorado works program.


Maintenance of effort.
The state department shall monitor the state’s progress toward meeting the levels of spending required under the federal law and section 26-2-713.


Performance measurements.


The state department shall develop performance goals and a formula for measuring a county’s progress toward meeting such performance goals in administering and implementing the works program with county block grants. The state department shall provide data gathered on behalf of each county to the general assembly on a quarterly basis regarding employment- and training-related performance measures for the works program. Such data must include wages earned by works program participants upon leaving the program, job retention rates, and other related information. Such data must be provided through the state department’s computerized systems, if available. Counties are not required to provide additional manual or computerized systems to gather such data. The state department shall work with the state work force development council to gather data on works program participants who participate in training and job placement programs offered by work force development boards and the result of such participation.


The formula may be based upon the formula developed by the secretary of the federal department of health and human services after consultation with the national governors’ association and the American public welfare association for measuring states’ performance under the TANF block grants.


In connection with overseeing the works program, the specific duties of the state department are to:


Oversee the implementation of the works program statewide and, in connection with such oversight, develop standardized forms for the counties’ use in streamlining the application process, delivery of services, and tracking of participants;


Monitor the state’s progress in meeting the work participation requirements set forth in federal law;


Establish a process to implement the provisions for regionalization set forth in section 26-2-718 pursuant to which any combination of county departments may be approved by the state department to administer and implement the works program pursuant to the provisions of this part 7;


Establish statewide goals and monitor the state’s progress toward meeting such goals for the reduction in the incidence of pregnancies of women and men who are not married;


Monitor the counties’ provision of basic cash assistance grants pursuant to section 26-2-706.6 and, if necessary due to increased caseloads or economic downturns, do the following to ensure that the basic cash assistance grant is provided in a consistent manner statewide:


Grant moneys to one or more counties from the county block grant support fund administered pursuant to section 26-2-720.5; or


If no funds administered pursuant to section 26-2-720.5 are available:


Request supplemental appropriations from the general assembly, including but not limited to an appropriation from the Colorado long-term works reserve created pursuant to section 26-2-721; or


Reduce the county block grant of any county that maintains moneys in a county reserve account pursuant to section 26-2-714 (5) in order that moneys may be made available to one or more counties to avoid the need to reduce or eliminate the basic cash assistance grant statewide. If the state department makes a reduction in a county’s reserve account pursuant to this sub-subparagraph (B), the state department shall increase the county’s block grant for the following fiscal year by the amount of the reduction authorized pursuant to this sub-subparagraph (B); or


After taking the actions described in subparagraphs (I) and (II) of this paragraph (e), take any actions necessary to reduce the costs of, or reduce or eliminate, the basic cash assistance grant statewide.
(6)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2008, p. 1964, § 14, effective January 1, 2009.)(7) Colorado works program capacity building.
The state department shall develop training for case workers and other service providers so that they are knowledgeable and may assist persons who receive assistance through the Colorado works program in:


Identifying goals, including work activities, time frames for achieving self-sufficiency, and the means required to meet these benchmarks;


Obtaining supportive services such as mental health counseling, substance abuse counseling, domestic violence services, life skills training, and money management and parenting classes;


Utilizing the family’s existing strengths;


Providing ongoing support and assistance to the family in overcoming barriers to training and employment;


Monitoring the progress of the family toward attaining self-sufficiency;


Understanding and properly utilizing data reporting systems to report participation data and outcomes required by the state department; and


Providing opportunities for persons working with Colorado works participants to access professional-level curriculum to become proficient in assessing participant needs and developing individual plans to address those needs.


Domestic violence services training - rules.


To facilitate the proper identification, screening, and assessment of past and present victims of domestic violence who apply for or participate in the Colorado works program and to assist counties in complying with the provisions of this subsection (8) and section 26-2-708 (5), the state board shall promulgate rules that require the state department to provide ongoing domestic violence training and appropriate domestic violence training materials to county staff and to:


Assist counties in developing local resources and using available community resources to provide counseling and supportive services to past and present victims of domestic violence; and


Require counties to make applicants to and participants in the Colorado works program aware of the services and assistance provided by the state department pursuant to this subsection (8) and by the county.


The state department may contract with an individual or entity that has demonstrated expertise in the area of domestic violence assistance for the provision of the services specified in this subsection (8).


Waiver process.


Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this subsection (9), the governor and the state department, acting jointly, may grant a county’s application for a waiver of any requirement of this part 7 or the rules promulgated pursuant to this part 7. Any waiver granted pursuant to this subsection (9) shall be designed to improve methods of achieving participants’ self-sufficiency, meeting work participation rates and performance goals, or reducing dependency.


Any application for a waiver shall include a statement of the purpose of the waiver. The application shall be submitted to the governor and the state department no later than October 1 of the year immediately preceding the year in which the county intends to implement the waiver. The county shall provide notice of its application to all adjacent counties. The governor and the state department shall grant or deny the county’s application no later than December 1 of the year in which the county applied. A waiver granted pursuant to this subsection (9) shall take effect on January 1 of the year immediately following approval of such waiver. The governor and the state department shall specify the duration of such waivers.


The state department and the governor shall not approve an application under this subsection (9) that proposes to waive any statute or rule governing statewide eligibility, the amount of the basic cash assistance grant, the county maintenance of effort, or any requirement of the federal law. The governor and the state department shall not approve an application under this subsection (9) that proposes to waive a participant’s right to appeal a county determination under the works program, but they may approve the waiver of statutes or rules governing the method or procedure for such appeal.


The governor and the state department may approve any number of applications for waivers of one or more provisions of this part 7 or of the rules promulgated pursuant to this part 7, so long as such waivers meet the requirements of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this subsection (9).


In the event that the governor has reason to believe that a county’s implementation of the works program pursuant to a waiver granted under this subsection (9) fails to satisfy the requirements of the federal law or is inconsistent with the purposes of the works program as set forth in section 26-2-705, the governor may revoke the waiver granted to the county and require the county to resume implementation of the works program pursuant to the provisions of this part 7 and the rules promulgated pursuant to this part 7.


In the event that the governor and the state department grant waivers to a county pursuant to this subsection (9), the performance contract entered into between the county and the state department pursuant to section 26-2-715 shall be amended to reflect the county’s authority to implement the works program in accordance with the waivers granted and the governor’s authority to revoke the waivers in accordance with paragraph (e) of this subsection (9).


Job market analysis.
The state department, the department of labor and employment, and the state board for community colleges and occupational education created in section 23-60-104 (1)(b), C.R.S., shall annually analyze job market information in order to establish a compilation of the types of jobs most appropriate and likely to lead to long-term self-sufficiency for participants. As used in this subsection (10), “job market information” means any state or regional job market or labor data or statistics or any information related to state or regional labor trends that the department of labor and employment may have or to which it may have access.


Tuition voucher system.


The state department shall collaborate with the state board for community colleges and occupational education, created in section 23-60-104 (1)(b), C.R.S., to develop a tuition voucher system pursuant to which a participant may attend courses at an institution in the state’s system of community and technical colleges by using a tuition voucher.


The state department and the state board for community colleges and occupational education, created in section 23-60-104 (1)(b), C.R.S., shall enter into a cooperative arrangement to make available appropriate educational and academic training programs for participants who receive tuition vouchers.

Source: Section 26-2-712 — State department duties - authority, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Foster care - Title IV-E of the social security act - Title IV-E administrative costs cash fund - rules
Public assistance programs - electronic benefits transfer service - joint reports with department of revenue - signs - rules
Federal requirements
Applications for public assistance
Verification - record
Granting of assistance payments and social services - rules
Right to own certain property
Repayment not required
Eligibility for public assistance - rules - repeal
Access to supplemental security income program benefits for old age pension applicants and recipients
Old age pension work incentive program
Eligibility of noncitizens for public assistance
Old age pensions for inmates of public institutions
Funds for old age pensions
Amount of assistance payments - old age pension
State old age pension fund - priority
Old age pension stabilization fund
Amount of assistance payments - aid to the needy disabled - rules
Federal disability benefits - application assistance - fund - rules - report - legislative declaration
Amount of assistance payments - aid to the blind
Expenses of treatment to prevent blindness or restore eyesight
Public assistance in the form of social services
Home care allowance - repeal
Acceptance of available money to finance the low-income energy assistance program
Removal to another county
Reconsideration and changes
Colorado works cases - vendor payments
Recovery from recipient - estate
Funeral - final disposition expenses - death reimbursement - definitions - rules
Public assistance not assignable
State income tax refund offset - rules
Checks, drafts, or orders for payment of moneys for public assistance - identification of bearer
Medically correctable program - fund established - rules
Noncitizens programs
Refugee services program - state plan - rules - definitions - repeal
Food pantry assistance grant program - created - timeline and criteria - grants - definitions - repeal
Colorado diaper distribution program - diapering essentials - report - rules - definitions
High-quality work management system - implementation - funding - repeal
Colorado teen parent driver’s license program - report - rules - definitions - appropriation
Colorado commodity supplemental food grant program - creation - appropriation - rules - definitions
Food bank assistance grant program - creation - rules - definition
Short title
Legislative declaration
Mandatory minimum state supplementation of SSI benefits
Optional state supplementation
Interim assistance
Federal requirements
State supplemental security income stabilization fund - creation
Food stamps - administration
Performance standards - incentives - sanctions
Federal requirements
Appeals - recoveries - rules
Fraudulent acts - penalties
Categorical eligibility - repeal
Trafficking in food stamps
Fuel assistance payments - eligibility for federal standard utility allowance - supplemental utility assistance fund established - definitions - repeal
Colorado employment first - supplemental nutrition assistance program - federal match - legislative declaration - definition - repeal
Short title
Legislative intent
No individual entitlement
Works program - purposes
Target populations
Restrictions on length of participation - rules
Payments and services under Colorado works - rules
Community resources investment assistance
Information concerning immunization of children
Assistance - assessment - individual responsibility contract - waivers for domestic violence - rules
Benefits - cash assistance - programs - rules - repeal
Exit interviews and follow-up interviews of participants - reporting
Administrative review
Works program - sanctions against participants - rules
State department duties - authority
State maintenance of effort
County block grants formula - use of money - rules
Adjusted work participation rate - notification - county authorization - career and technical education
Performance contracts
County duties - appropriations - penalties - hardship extensions - domestic violence extensions - incentives - rules
Reporting requirements
Private contracting
County block grant support fund - created
Colorado long-term works reserve - creation - use
Colorado works program maintenance fund - creation - use - report
Outreach and engagement plan - family voice participation
Short title
Legislative declaration
Individual development account program - rules
Eligibility for participation in the individual development account program
Legislative declaration
Transitional jobs program
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 26-2-712’s source at