C.R.S. Section 39-3-206
Notice to individuals returning incomplete or nonqualifying exemption applications

  • denial of exemption
  • administrative remedies


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a.5) of subsection (2) of this section, an assessor shall only grant the exemption allowed to qualifying seniors under section 39-3-203 (1) to an applicant who has timely returned an exemption application in accordance with section 39-3-205 (1)(a) that establishes that the applicant is entitled to the exemption.


If the information provided on or with an application for the exemption allowed to qualifying seniors under section 39-3-203 (1) indicates that the applicant is not entitled to the exemption, or is insufficient to allow the assessor to determine whether or not the applicant is entitled to the exemption, the assessor shall deny the application and mail to the applicant a statement providing the reasons for the denial and informing the applicant of the applicant’s right to contest the denial pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. The assessor shall mail the statement no later than August 1 of the property tax year for which the exemption application was filed.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (1.5) is effective until January 1, 2024.]


Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a.7) of subsection (2) of this section, the division shall only accept an application for the exemption allowed to qualifying disabled veterans under section 39-3-203 (1.5) if the applicant timely returned the exemption application in accordance with section 39-3-205 (1)(b), and an assessor shall only grant the exemption if the division verifies that the applicant is a qualified disabled veteran and the exemption application forwarded by the division to the assessor pursuant to section 39-3-205 (2.5) establishes that the applicant meets the other requirements to be entitled to the exemption.


If the information provided on or with an application for the exemption allowed to qualifying disabled veterans under section 39-3-203 (1.5) that is forwarded by the division to an assessor pursuant to section 39-3-205 (2.5) indicates that the applicant is not entitled to the exemption, or is insufficient to allow the assessor to determine whether or not the applicant is entitled to the exemption, the assessor shall deny the application and mail to the applicant a statement providing the reasons for the denial and informing the applicant of the applicant’s right to contest the denial pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. The assessor shall mail the statement no later than August 1 of the property tax year for which the exemption application was filed.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (1.5) is effective January 1, 2024.]


Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2)(a.7) of this section, the assessor shall only accept an application for the exemption allowed to qualifying veterans with a disability under section 39-3-203 (1.5) if the applicant timely returned the exemption application in accordance with section 39-3-205 (1)(b), and an assessor shall only grant the exemption if the applicant submits proof of qualifying veteran with a disability status as required by section 39-3-205 and the exemption application establishes that the applicant meets the other requirements to be entitled to the exemption.


If the information provided on or with an application for the exemption allowed to qualifying veterans with a disability under section 39-3-203 (1.5) indicates that the applicant is not entitled to the exemption, or is insufficient to allow the assessor to determine whether or not the applicant is entitled to the exemption, the assessor shall deny the application and mail to the applicant a statement providing the reasons for the denial and informing the applicant of the applicant’s right to contest the denial pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. The assessor shall mail the statement no later than August 1 of the property tax year for which the exemption application was filed.


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (2)(a) is effective until January 1, 2024.]
An applicant whose exemption application has been denied pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection (1) or paragraph (b) of subsection (1.5) of this section may contest the denial by requesting a hearing before the county commissioners sitting as the county board of equalization no later than August 15 of the property tax year for which the exemption application was filed. The hearing shall be held on or after August 1 and no later than September 1 of the property tax year for which the exemption application was filed, and the decision of the county board of equalization is not subject to further administrative appeal by either the applicant or the assessor. An applicant may not contest a determination by the division that the applicant is not a qualifying disabled veteran at a hearing requested pursuant to this paragraph (a).


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (2)(a) is effective January 1, 2024.]
An applicant whose exemption application has been denied pursuant to subsection (1)(b) or (1.5)(b) of this section may contest the denial by requesting a hearing before the county commissioners sitting as the county board of equalization no later than August 15 of the property tax year for which the exemption application was filed. The hearing shall be held on or after August 1 and no later than September 1 of the property tax year for which the exemption application was filed, and the decision of the county board of equalization is not subject to further administrative appeal by either the applicant or the assessor.


An individual who wishes to claim the exemption for qualifying seniors allowed by section 39-3-203 (1), but who has not timely filed an exemption application with the assessor by July 15, may file a late exemption application no later than the August 15 that immediately follows that deadline. The assessor shall accept any such application but may not accept any late application filed after August 15. The assessor shall grant an exemption if an accepted late application establishes that the applicant is entitled to the exemption. A decision of an assessor to disallow the filing of a late application after August 15 or to grant or deny an exemption to an applicant who has filed a late application after July 15 but no later than August 15 is final, and an applicant who is denied late filing or an exemption may not contest the denial.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (2)(a.7) is effective until January 1, 2024.]
An individual who wishes to claim the exemption for qualifying disabled veterans allowed by section 39-3-203 (1.5), but who has not timely filed an exemption application with the division, may request that the division waive the application deadline and allow the individual to file a late exemption application no later than the August 1 that immediately follows the original application deadline. The division may accept an application if, in the division’s sole discretion, the applicant shows good cause for not timely filing an application. If the division accepts a late application, it shall determine whether the applicant is a qualifying disabled veteran and shall mail notice of its determination to the applicant no later than the August 25 that immediately follows the late application deadline. If the division determines that a veteran is a qualifying disabled veteran, it shall mail a copy of the notice of its determination to the assessor for the county in which the property for which the applicant has claimed the exemption is located and shall include with the notice a copy of the applicant’s exemption application. The assessor shall grant an exemption if the notice and application forwarded by the division to the assessor establish that the applicant is entitled to the exemption. A decision of the division to allow or disallow the filing of a late application or of an assessor to grant or deny an exemption to an applicant who has filed a late application is final, and an applicant who is denied late filing or an exemption may not contest the denial.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (2)(a.7) is effective January 1, 2024.]
An individual who wishes to claim the exemption for qualifying veterans with a disability allowed by section 39-3-203 (1.5), but who has not timely filed an exemption application, may request that the assessor waive the application deadline and allow the individual to file a late exemption application no later than the August 1 that immediately follows the original application deadline. The assessor may accept an application if, in the assessor’s sole discretion, the applicant shows good cause for not timely filing an application. If the assessor accepts a late application, the assessor shall determine whether the application should be granted or denied pursuant to subsection (1.5) of this section and shall mail notice of its determination to the applicant no later than the August 25 that immediately follows the late application deadline. A decision of the assessor to allow or disallow the filing of a late application or of an assessor to grant or deny an exemption to an applicant who has filed a late application is final, and an applicant who is denied late filing or an exemption may not contest the denial.


The county board of equalization may appoint independent referees to conduct hearings requested pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) on behalf of the county board and to make findings and submit recommendations to the county board for its final action.

Source: Section 39-3-206 — Notice to individuals returning incomplete or nonqualifying exemption applications - denial of exemption - administrative remedies, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-39.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Legislative declaration - presumption of charitable purpose
Household furnishings - exemption
Personal effects - exemption
Ditches, canals, and flumes - exemption
Public libraries - governments - school districts - exemption
Property - religious purposes - exemption - legislative declaration
Tax-exempt property - incidental use - exemption - limitations
Property - not-for-profit schools - exemption
Property - nonresidential - health-care facility - water company - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations
Property - community corrections facility - exemption
Residential property - integral part of tax-exempt entities - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations
Property - integral part of child care center - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations
Property - used by fraternal or veterans’ organization - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations
Property - health-care services - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations
Residential property - orphanage - low-income elderly or individuals with disabilities - homeless or abused - low-income households - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations - definitions
Residential property - homeless - charitable purposes - exempt - limitations
Residential property - while being constructed - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations
Property acquired by nonprofit housing provider for low-income housing - use for charitable purposes - exemption - limitations - definitions
Burden - claim for charitable exemption
Statutes not applicable
Combination use of property - charitable, religious, and educational purposes - exemption - limitations
Cemeteries - not-for-profit - exemption
Intangible personal property - exemption
Business personal property - exemption - exemption authority for local governments
Community solar garden - partial business personal property tax exemption - definitions
Inventories - materials and supplies - held for consumption or primarily for sale - exemption
Personal property - exemption - reimbursement to local governments - legislative declaration - definitions
Livestock - exemption
Agricultural and livestock products - exemption
Agricultural equipment used in production of agricultural products - CEA facilities - exemption - definition
Works of art, literary materials, and artifacts - on loan - exemption - limitations - definitions
Property used by state entity - installment sales or lease agreement - financed purchase of an asset, certificate of participation, or leveraged lease agreement - exemption
Horticultural improvements - exemption - limitation - exception
Mobile homes - low-value - exemption - legislative declaration - definition
County fair property - exemption - limitation
Qualifying business entities - participation in federal tax credit transactions - exemption - requirements - definitions
Community land trust property - nonprofit affordable homeownership developer property - exemption - requirements - legislative declaration - definitions
Exempt property listed and valued
Proportional valuation - exempt property
Change in tax status of property - effective date - tax liability
Entire property becomes tax-exempt
Portion of property becomes tax-exempt
Payment of property taxes extinguishes lien
Condemnation by tax-exempt agency - duties of treasurer
Organizations with tax-exempt status - forgiveness of taxes owed
EV supply equipment - exemption
Legislative declaration
Property tax exemption - qualifications
Notice of property tax exemption
Exemption applications - penalty for providing false information - confidentiality
Notice to individuals returning incomplete or nonqualifying exemption applications - denial of exemption - administrative remedies
Reporting of exemptions - reimbursement to local governmental entities
Auditing of property tax exemption program
State expenditure for property tax exemptions - mechanism for refunding of excess state revenue - legislative declaration
Reporting of property tax revenue reductions - reimbursement of local governmental entities - definitions - local government backfill cash fund - creation - repeal
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 39-3-206’s source at colorado​.gov