C.R.S. Section 39-3-210
Reporting of property tax revenue reductions

  • reimbursement of local governmental entities
  • definitions
  • local government backfill cash fund
  • creation
  • repeal


As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (1)(a) is effective until a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
“Additional state revenues” means the lesser of two hundred forty million dollars or the total amount of the state revenues in excess of the limitation on state fiscal year spending imposed by section 20 (7)(a) of article X of the state constitution that the state is required to refund under section 20 (7)(d) of article X of the state constitution, including any amount specified in section 24-77-103.8, that exceeds the amounts projected to be refunded as required by sections 39-3-209 and 39-22-627 for the state fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2022.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (1)(a) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
“Additional state revenues” means the state revenues in excess of the limitation on state fiscal year spending imposed by section 20 (7)(a) of article X of the state constitution that the state is required to refund under section 20 (7)(d) of article X of the state constitution, including any amount specified in section 24-77-103.8, that exceed the amount projected to be refunded as required by section 39-3-209 for the state fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2022.


“County” includes a city and county.


“Fire district” means any special district that has the sole responsibility of providing fire protection services.


[Editor’s note:
Subsection (1)(b.5) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
“Fund” means the local government backfill cash fund created in subsection (5.5)(a) of this section.


“Health service district” means a special district that may establish, maintain, or operate, directly or indirectly through lease to or from other parties or other arrangement, public hospitals, convalescent centers, nursing care facilities, intermediate care facilities, emergency facilities, community clinics, or other facilities licensed or certified pursuant to section 25-1.5-103 (1)(a) providing health and personal care services and may organize, own, operate, control, direct, manage, contract for, or furnish ambulance service.


“Library district” means a public library established as its own taxing authority by one or more governmental units or parts thereof. A library district is a political subdivision of the state.


[Editor’s note:
Subsection (1)(d.5) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
“Local governmental entity” means a governmental entity authorized by law to impose ad valorem taxes on taxable property located within its territorial limits; except that the term excludes school districts.


“Municipality” means a home rule or statutory city, town, or territorial charter city.


[Editor’s note:
Subsection (1)(e.5) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
“Proposition HH general fund exempt account” means the proposition HH general fund exempt account created in section 24-77-203 (3)(a).


“Sanitation district” means a special district that provides for storm or sanitary sewers, or both, flood and surface drainage, treatment and disposal works and facilities, or solid waste disposal facilities or waste services, and all necessary or proper equipment and appurtenances incident thereto.


[Editor’s note:
Subsection (1)(f.3) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
“Select special district” means a fire district, health service district, water district, sanitation district, or library district.


[Editor’s note:
Subsection (1)(f.7) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
“Total property tax revenue reduction” means the amount that a treasurer calculates for a local governmental entity in accordance with subsection (2) of this section.


“Water district” means a special district that supplies water for domestic and other public and private purposes by any available means and provides all necessary or proper reservoirs, treatment works and facilities, equipment, and appurtenances incident thereto.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (2) is effective until a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]


For the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023, for counties with a population of three hundred thousand or less as determined pursuant to the most recently published population estimates from the state demographer appointed by the executive director of the department of local affairs:


Each treasurer shall calculate the total property tax revenues lost by each local governmental entity, excluding school districts, within the treasurer’s county as a result of the changes made in Senate Bill 22-238, enacted in 2022, that reduced valuations for assessment set forth pursuant to sections 39-1-104 (1)(b) and (1.8)(b), 39-1-104.2 (3)(q)(II) and (3)(r)(II), and 39-3-104.3 (2); and


Each assessor shall calculate the difference in assessed value of real property for the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, and the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023 within the assessor’s county.


For the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023, for counties with a population greater than three hundred thousand as determined pursuant to the most recently published population estimates from the state demographer appointed by the executive director of the department of local affairs:


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Each treasurer shall calculate, for each municipality, fire district, health service district, water district, sanitation district, and library district, the aggregate reduction of local government property tax revenue during the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023, as a result of the changes made in Senate Bill 22-238, enacted in 2022, that reduced valuations for assessment set forth pursuant to sections 39-1-104 (1)(b) and (1.8)(b), 39-1-104.2 (3)(q)(II) and (3)(r)(II), and 39-3-104.3 (2);


Each assessor shall calculate, for each municipality, fire district, health service district, water district, sanitation district, and library district, the difference in assessed value of real property for the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, and the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023, within the assessor’s county; and


Each treasurer shall calculate, for all local governmental entities besides municipalities, fire districts, health service districts, water districts, sanitation districts, school districts, and library districts, the aggregate reduction of local government property tax revenue during the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023, as a result of the changes made in Senate Bill 22-238, enacted in 2022, that reduced valuations for assessment set forth pursuant to sections 39-1-104 (1)(b) and (1.8)(b), 39-1-104.2 (3)(q)(II) and (3)(r)(II), and 39-3-104.3 (2).


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (2) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]


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For the property tax years commencing on January 1, 2023, and January 1, 2024, each treasurer shall calculate the total property tax revenue reduction for each local governmental entity within the treasurer’s county as a result of all of the cumulative temporary reductions in valuation for assessment made in Senate Bill 22-238, enacted in 2022, and Senate Bill 23-303.


For the property tax years commencing on and after January 1, 2025, but before January 1, 2033, each treasurer shall calculate the total property tax revenue reduction for each local governmental entity within the treasurer’s county as a result of all of the temporary reductions in valuation for assessment made in Senate Bill 23-303.


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When calculating the total property tax revenue reduction for a local governmental entity for a property tax year as required by this section, a treasurer shall use the local governmental entity’s mill levy for the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, excluding any mills levied to provide for the payment of bonds and interest thereon or for the payment of any other contractual obligation that has been approved by a majority of the local governmental entity’s voters voting thereon.


Notwithstanding subsection (2)(a) of this section, a treasurer is not required to determine the total property tax revenue reduction for a local governmental entity that is ineligible to receive a reimbursement from the state for a property tax year in accordance with subsection (4.5)(b)(I)(B) of this section.


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For the property tax years commencing on and after January 1, 2023, but before January 1, 2033, each assessor shall calculate the difference in assessed value of real property for each local governmental entity within the assessor’s county for the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, and the property tax year.


Notwithstanding subsection (2)(c)(I) of this section, an assessor is not required to calculate the difference in assessed value of real property for a local governmental entity, excluding a county, that is ineligible to receive a reimbursement from the state for a property tax year in accordance with subsection (4.5)(b)(I)(B) of this section.


For purposes of this section, a local governmental entity within a county includes the county itself.


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On or before September 15, 2023, each treasurer shall report the following estimates to the administrator for all local governmental entities within the treasurer’s county:


The total property tax revenue reduction for the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023, that is based on the:


Temporary reductions in the valuation for assessment made in Senate Bill 22-238, enacted in 2022; and


Cumulative temporary reductions in the valuation for assessment made in Senate Bill 22-238, enacted in 2022, and Senate Bill 23-303, if a majority of voters approve the ballot issue referred in accordance with section 24-77-202; and


The increase in assessed value from the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, to the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023, that is based on the:


Temporary reductions in the valuation for assessment made in Senate Bill 22-238, enacted in 2022; and


Cumulative temporary reductions in the valuation for assessment made in Senate Bill 22-238, enacted in 2022, and Senate Bill 23-303, if a majority of voters approve the ballot issue referred in accordance with section 24-77-202.


The administrator shall provide the estimates received in accordance with subsection (2.5)(a) of this section to the department of revenue and legislative council staff.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (3) is effective until a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
No later than March 1, 2024, each treasurer shall report the amounts specified in subsection (2) of this section, as applicable, and the basis for the amounts to the administrator, and the administrator may require a treasurer to provide additional information as necessary to evaluate the accuracy of the amounts reported. The administrator shall confirm that the reported amounts are correct or rectify the amounts, if necessary. The administrator shall then forward the correct amounts for each county to the state treasurer to enable the state treasurer to issue a reimbursement warrant to each treasurer in accordance with subsection (4) of this section.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (3) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
No later than March 1, 2024, and March 1 of the next nine years thereafter, a treasurer shall report the amounts specified in subsection (2) of this section, as applicable and the basis for the amounts to the administrator. The administrator may require a treasurer to provide additional information as necessary to evaluate the accuracy of the amounts reported. The administrator shall confirm that the reported amounts are correct or rectify the amounts, if necessary. The administrator shall then forward the correct amounts for a county to the state treasurer to enable the state treasurer to issue a reimbursement warrant to a treasurer in accordance with subsection (4) of this section.


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[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (4)(a) is effective until a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
No later than April 15, 2024, the state treasurer shall issue a warrant, to be paid upon demand from additional state revenues for the state fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2022, and, if necessary, from other money in the general fund, to each treasurer that is equal to the total of:


The amount specified by the administrator under subsection (3) of this section, based on the amount reported by each treasurer under subsection (2)(a)(I) of this section, for each county that both:


Had an increase of less than ten percent in the assessed value of real property from the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, to the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023; and


Has a population of three hundred thousand or fewer, as determined pursuant to the most recently published population estimates from the state demographer appointed by the executive director of the department of local affairs;


Ninety percent of the amount specified by the administrator under subsection (3) of this section, based on the amount reported by each treasurer under subsection (2)(a)(I) of this section, for each county that both:


Had an increase of ten percent or more in the assessed value of real property from the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, to the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023; and


Has a population of three hundred thousand or fewer, as determined pursuant to the most recently published population estimates from the state demographer appointed by the executive director of the department of local affairs;


Sixty-five percent of the amount specified by the administrator under subsection (3) of this section, based on the amount reported by each treasurer under subsection (2)(b)(II) of this section, for any county not described in subsections (4)(a)(I) and (4)(a)(II) of this section;


Ninety percent of the amount specified by the administrator under subsection (3) of this section, based on the amount reported by each treasurer under subsection (2)(b)(I)(A) of this section for each municipality, fire district, health service district, water district, sanitation district, and library district that had an increase of ten percent or more in the assessed value of real property from the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, to the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023; and


The entire amount specified by the administrator under subsection (3) of this section, based on the amount reported by each treasurer under subsection (2)(b)(I)(A) of this section for each municipality, fire district, health service district, water district, sanitation district, and library district that had an increase of less than ten percent in the assessed value of real property from the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, to the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023.


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[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (4)(a) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]


No later than April 15, 2024, the state treasurer shall issue a warrant, to be paid upon demand from additional state revenues for the state fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2022, and, if necessary, from other money in the general fund, to each treasurer that is equal to the total reimbursement amounts set forth in subsection (4.5) of this section for all local governmental entities within the treasurer’s county for the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023.


No later than April 15, 2025, and April 15 of the next eight years thereafter, the state treasurer shall issue a warrant, to be paid upon demand first from the fund, and, if necessary, from state revenues in the proposition HH general fund exempt account, to each treasurer that is equal to the total reimbursement amounts set forth in subsection (4.5) of this section for all local governmental entities within the treasurer’s county for the prior property tax year.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (4)(b) is effective until a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
Each treasurer shall distribute the total amount received from the state treasurer to the local governmental entities, excluding school districts, within the treasurer’s county as if the revenues had been regularly paid as property tax, but so that the local governmental entities only receive the amounts determined pursuant to subsection (4)(a) of this section.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (4)(b) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
Each treasurer shall distribute the total amount received from the state treasurer to the local governmental entities, excluding school districts, within the treasurer’s county as if the revenues had been regularly paid as property tax, but so that the local governmental entities only receive the amounts determined pursuant to this section.


When distributing the money, the treasurer shall provide each local governmental entity with a statement of the amount distributed to the local governmental entity that represents the reimbursement received under this subsection (4).


The use of additional state revenues pursuant to subsection (4)(a) of this section is a reasonable method of refunding a portion of the excess state revenues required to be refunded in accordance with section 20 (7)(d) of article X of the state constitution.


[Editor’s note:
Subsection (4.5) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]


Except as set forth in subsections (4.5)(b), (4.5)(c), and (4.5)(d) of this section, the reimbursement for a local governmental entity for a property tax year commencing on or after January 1, 2023, but before January 1, 2033, is equal to:


For counties with a population that is three hundred thousand or less:


The entire amount of the total property tax revenue reduction for each local governmental entity within a county that had an increase of less than ten percent in the assessed value of real property from the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, to the property tax year for which the reimbursement is being calculated; and


Ninety percent of the total property tax revenue reduction for each local governmental entity that had an increase of ten percent or more in the assessed value of real property from the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, to the property tax year for which the reimbursement is being calculated;


For counties with a population greater than three hundred thousand:


The entire amount of the total property tax revenue reduction for each municipality or select special district that had an increase of less than ten percent in the assessed value of real property from the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, to the property tax year for which the reimbursement is being calculated;


Ninety percent of the total property tax revenue reduction for each municipality or select special district that had an increase of ten percent or more in the assessed value of real property from the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, to the property tax year for which the reimbursement is being calculated; and


Sixty-five percent of the total property tax revenue reduction for all local governmental entities besides a municipality or a select special district.


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Except as set forth in subsection (4.5)(b)(II) of this section, for property tax years commencing on and after January 1, 2024, a local governmental entity is ineligible to receive reimbursement under this section if:


The local governmental entity has an increase of twenty percent or more in the assessed value of real property from the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, to the property tax year for which a reimbursement amount is calculated; or


The local governmental entity is within a county that has a population greater than three hundred thousand and was ineligible to receive a reimbursement under subsection (4.5)(b)(I)(A) of this section for a prior property tax year.


The reimbursement for a fire district, health service district, or ambulance district that would otherwise be ineligible to receive a reimbursement based on subsection (4.5)(b)(I) of this section is equal to fifty percent of the district’s total property tax revenue reduction for the property tax year.


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For a property tax year commencing on or after January 1, 2024, but before January 1, 2033, the total of all reimbursements statewide under this section shall not exceed the total of the amount in the fund and an amount equal to twenty percent of the amount in the proposition HH general fund exempt account as of the date that the treasurer is making the reimbursements.


If the total of all reimbursements statewide would otherwise exceed the limit set forth in subsection (4.5)(c)(I) of this section for a property tax year, the state treasurer shall provide the reimbursements otherwise specified in this subsection (4.5) to all fire districts, health service districts, and ambulance districts and then proportionally reduce the reimbursement amount for all other local governmental entities so that the total of all reimbursements statewide, including the reimbursement amounts for all fire districts, health service districts, and ambulance districts, equals the limit for the property tax year.


The state treasurer shall reduce a local governmental entity’s reimbursement as necessary to avoid the local governmental entity exceeding its fiscal year spending limit under section 20 (7)(b) of article X of the state constitution for the fiscal year.


If a local governmental entity has an increase of twenty percent or more in the assessed value of real property from the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2022, to the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023, then, for the reimbursement for the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023, the local governmental entity’s total property tax revenue reduction is based only on the temporary reductions in valuation for assessment made in senate bill 22-238, enacted in 2022.


The reimbursement amounts set forth in this section are based on the amounts that the administrator reports to the treasurer in accordance with subsection (3) of this section. For purposes of this subsection (4.5), population is determined pursuant to the most recently published population estimates from the state demographer appointed by the executive director of the department of local affairs.


If a local governmental entity is located in more than one county, then the part located in each county is treated like any other local governmental entity located within the county for the purpose of determining the reimbursement amount under subsection (4.5)(a) of this section, but, for the purpose of applying subsection (4.5)(b) of this section, the entire local governmental entity is considered.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (5) is effective until a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
On or before March 21, 2024, based on the information available as of that date, the property tax administrator shall submit a report to the general assembly describing the aggregate reduction of local government property tax revenue during the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023, as a result of the changes made in Senate Bill 22-238, enacted in 2022, that reduced valuations for assessment set forth pursuant to sections 39-1-104 (1)(b) and (1.8)(b), 39-1-104.2 (3)(q)(II) and (3)(r)(II), and 39-3-104.3 (2).


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (5) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
On or before March 21, 2024, based on the information available as of that date, the property tax administrator shall submit a report to the general assembly describing the total property tax revenue reduction for all local governmental entities statewide for the property tax year commencing on January 1, 2023.


[Editor’s note:
Subsection (5.5) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]


The local government backfill cash fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The fund consists of money transferred to the fund in accordance with subsection (5.5)(b) of this section. The state treasurer shall credit all interest and income derived from the deposit and investment of money in the local government backfill cash fund to the fund.


On February 1, 2024, the state treasurer shall transfer one hundred twenty-eight million dollars from the general fund to the fund.


The money in the fund is available for the state treasurer to pay the warrants required to be issued in accordance with subsection (4)(a)(II) of this section.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (6) is effective until a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
This section is repealed, effective July 1, 2025.


[Editor’s note:
This version of subsection (6) takes effect only if a ballot issue is referred to and approved by the registered electors in accordance with section 24-77-202, Colorado Revised Statutes. See the editor’s note following this section.]
This section is repealed, effective July 1, 2035.

Source: Section 39-3-210 — Reporting of property tax revenue reductions - reimbursement of local governmental entities - definitions - local government backfill cash fund - creation - repeal, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-39.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Legislative declaration - presumption of charitable purpose
Household furnishings - exemption
Personal effects - exemption
Ditches, canals, and flumes - exemption
Public libraries - governments - school districts - exemption
Property - religious purposes - exemption - legislative declaration
Tax-exempt property - incidental use - exemption - limitations
Property - not-for-profit schools - exemption
Property - nonresidential - health-care facility - water company - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations
Property - community corrections facility - exemption
Residential property - integral part of tax-exempt entities - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations
Property - integral part of child care center - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations
Property - used by fraternal or veterans’ organization - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations
Property - health-care services - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations
Residential property - orphanage - low-income elderly or individuals with disabilities - homeless or abused - low-income households - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations - definitions
Residential property - homeless - charitable purposes - exempt - limitations
Residential property - while being constructed - charitable purposes - exemption - limitations
Property acquired by nonprofit housing provider for low-income housing - use for charitable purposes - exemption - limitations - definitions
Burden - claim for charitable exemption
Statutes not applicable
Combination use of property - charitable, religious, and educational purposes - exemption - limitations
Cemeteries - not-for-profit - exemption
Intangible personal property - exemption
Business personal property - exemption - exemption authority for local governments
Community solar garden - partial business personal property tax exemption - definitions
Inventories - materials and supplies - held for consumption or primarily for sale - exemption
Personal property - exemption - reimbursement to local governments - legislative declaration - definitions
Livestock - exemption
Agricultural and livestock products - exemption
Agricultural equipment used in production of agricultural products - CEA facilities - exemption - definition
Works of art, literary materials, and artifacts - on loan - exemption - limitations - definitions
Property used by state entity - installment sales or lease agreement - financed purchase of an asset, certificate of participation, or leveraged lease agreement - exemption
Horticultural improvements - exemption - limitation - exception
Mobile homes - low-value - exemption - legislative declaration - definition
County fair property - exemption - limitation
Qualifying business entities - participation in federal tax credit transactions - exemption - requirements - definitions
Community land trust property - nonprofit affordable homeownership developer property - exemption - requirements - legislative declaration - definitions
Exempt property listed and valued
Proportional valuation - exempt property
Change in tax status of property - effective date - tax liability
Entire property becomes tax-exempt
Portion of property becomes tax-exempt
Payment of property taxes extinguishes lien
Condemnation by tax-exempt agency - duties of treasurer
Organizations with tax-exempt status - forgiveness of taxes owed
EV supply equipment - exemption
Legislative declaration
Property tax exemption - qualifications
Notice of property tax exemption
Exemption applications - penalty for providing false information - confidentiality
Notice to individuals returning incomplete or nonqualifying exemption applications - denial of exemption - administrative remedies
Reporting of exemptions - reimbursement to local governmental entities
Auditing of property tax exemption program
State expenditure for property tax exemptions - mechanism for refunding of excess state revenue - legislative declaration
Reporting of property tax revenue reductions - reimbursement of local governmental entities - definitions - local government backfill cash fund - creation - repeal
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 39-3-210’s source at colorado​.gov