C.R.S. Section 40-10.1-605
Operational requirements

  • rules


The following requirements apply to the provision of services:


A driver shall not provide services unless a transportation network company has matched the driver to a rider through a digital network. A driver shall not solicit or accept the on-demand summoning of a ride, otherwise known as a “street hail”.


A transportation network company shall make available to prospective riders and drivers the method by which the transportation network company calculates fares or the applicable rates being charged and an option to receive an estimated fare.


Upon completion of a prearranged ride, a transportation network company shall transmit to the rider an electronic receipt, either by electronic mail or via text message, documenting:


The point of origin and destination of the prearranged ride;


The total duration and distance of the prearranged ride;


The total fare paid, including the base fare and any additional charges incurred for distance traveled or duration of the prearranged ride; and


The driver’s first name and telephone number.


Before permitting a person to act as a driver on its digital network, a transportation network company shall confirm that the person has self-certified to the transportation network company through the transportation network company’s online application or digital network that he or she is physically and mentally fit to drive, is at least twenty-one years of age, and possesses:


A valid driver’s license;


Proof of automobile insurance; and


Proof of a Colorado vehicle registration.
(IV)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2021.)(e) A driver shall not offer or provide transportation network company services for more than twelve consecutive hours.


A transportation network company shall implement an intoxicating substance policy for drivers that disallows any amount of intoxication of the driver while providing services. The transportation network company shall include on its website and mobile device application software a notice concerning the transportation network company’s intoxicating substance policy.


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A transportation network company shall conduct or have a certified mechanic conduct a safety inspection of a prospective driver’s vehicle before it is approved for use as a personal vehicle and shall have periodic inspections of personal vehicles conducted thereafter, at intervals of at least one inspection per year. A safety inspection shall include an inspection of:


Foot brakes;


Emergency brakes;


Steering mechanism;




Rear window and other glass;


Windshield wipers;




Tail lights;


Turn indicator lights;


Stop lights;


Front seat adjustment mechanism;


The opening, closing, and locking capability of the doors;








Muffler and exhaust system;


Tire conditions, including tread depth;


Interior and exterior rear-view mirrors; and


Safety belts.


Effective ninety days after June 5, 2014, the commission may also conduct inspections of personal vehicles.


A personal vehicle must:


Have at least four doors; and


Be designed to carry no more than eight passengers, including the driver.
A transportation network company shall make the following disclosure to a prospective driver in the prospective driver’s terms of service:
While operating on the transportation network company’s digital network, your personal automobile insurance policy might not afford liability coverage, depending on the policy’s terms.


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A transportation network company shall make the following disclosure to a prospective driver in the prospective driver’s terms of service:
If the vehicle that you plan to use to provide transportation network company services for our transportation network company has a lien against it, you must notify the lienholder that you will be using the vehicle for transportation services that may violate the terms of your contract with the lienholder.


The disclosure set forth in subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (j) must be placed prominently in the prospective driver’s written terms of service, and the prospective driver must acknowledge the terms of service electronically or by signature.


A transportation network company shall make available to a rider a customer support telephone number on its digital network or website for rider inquiries.


The disclosure requirements set forth in this subsection (1) take effect on July 1, 2014.


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A transportation network company shall not disclose to a third party any personally identifiable information concerning a user of the transportation network company’s digital network unless:


The transportation network company obtains the user’s consent to disclose personally identifiable information;


Disclosure is necessary to comply with a legal obligation; or


Disclosure is necessary to protect or defend the terms and conditions for use of the service or to investigate violations of the terms and conditions.


The limitation on disclosure does not apply to the disclosure of aggregated user data and other information about the user that is not personally identifiable.


Any taxicab company or shuttle company authorized by the commission under this article may convert to a transportation network company model or may set up a subsidiary or affiliate transportation network company. In converting to a transportation network company model or setting up a transportation network company subsidiary or affiliate, a taxicab company or shuttle company authorized by the commission under this article may completely or partially suspend its certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under section 40-10.1-201. During the period of suspension of its certificate of public convenience and necessity, a taxicab company, shuttle company, or a subsidiary or affiliate of a taxicab company or shuttle company is exempt from taxi or shuttle standards under this article, the standards concerning the regulation of rates and charges under article 3 of this title, and any commission rules regarding common carriers promulgated under this article or article 3 of this title.


Each transportation network company shall require that each personal vehicle providing transportation network company services display an exterior marking that identifies the personal vehicle as a vehicle for hire.


A transportation network company that, for remuneration from a school or school district, provides services for students to or from a school, school-related activities, or school-sanctioned activities shall enter into a contract with the appropriate school or school district that may include specific provisions for the safety of student passengers, as determined by the school or school district.


A transportation network company that, for remuneration from a school or school district, provides services for students to or from a school, school-related activities, or school-sanctioned activities shall use a technology-enabled integrated solution that provides end-to-end visibility into the ride for the transportation network company, the student’s legal guardian, and the person that scheduled the ride. This solution must allow for global positioning system monitoring of the ride in real time for safety-related anomalies.


A transportation network company that, for remuneration from a school or school district, provides services for students to or from a school, school-related activities, or school-sanctioned activities shall ensure that each driver providing the service receives training in mandatory reporting requirements, safe driving practices, first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, education on special considerations for transporting students with disabilities, emergency preparedness, and safe pick-up and drop-off procedures. The transportation network company, not the driver, shall pay the cost of providing the training. No later than September 1, 2022, the commission shall, in coordination with the department of education, promulgate rules providing for the approval of the training used, and the transportation network company must have the training approved by the commission.


A transportation network company or a third party shall retain true and accurate inspection records for at least fourteen months after an inspection was conducted for each personal vehicle used by a driver.


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Before a person is permitted to act as a driver through use of a transportation network company’s digital network, the person shall:


Obtain a criminal history record check pursuant to the procedures set forth in section 40-10.1-110 as supplemented by the commission’s rules promulgated under section 40-10.1-110 or through a privately administered national criminal history record check, including the national sex offender database; and


If a privately administered national criminal history record check is used, provide a copy of the criminal history record check to the transportation network company.


A driver shall obtain a criminal history record check in accordance with subparagraph (I) of paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) every five years while serving as a driver.


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A person who has been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo contendere to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in the previous seven years before applying to become a driver shall not serve as a driver. If the criminal history record check reveals that the person has ever been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo contendere to any of the following felony offenses, the person shall not serve as a driver:


An offense involving fraud, as described in article 5 of title 18, C.R.S.;


An offense involving unlawful sexual behavior, as defined in section 16-22-102 (9), C.R.S.;


An offense against property, as described in article 4 of title 18, C.R.S.; or


A crime of violence, as described in section 18-1.3-406, C.R.S.


A person who has been convicted of a comparable offense to the offenses listed in subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (c) in another state or in the United States shall not serve as a driver.


A transportation network company or a third party shall retain true and accurate results of the criminal history record check for each driver that provides services for the transportation network company for at least five years after the criminal history record check was conducted.


A person who has, within the immediately preceding five years, been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo contendere to a felony shall not serve as a driver.


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Before permitting an individual to act as a driver on its digital network, a transportation network company shall obtain and review a driving history research report for the individual.


An individual with the following moving violations shall not serve as a driver:


More than three moving violations in the three-year period preceding the individual’s application to serve as a driver; or


A major moving violation in the three-year period preceding the individual’s application to serve as a driver, whether committed in this state, another state, or the United States, including vehicular eluding, as described in section 18-9-116.5, C.R.S., reckless driving, as described in section 42-4-1401, C.R.S., and driving under restraint, as described in section 42-2-138, C.R.S.


A transportation network company or a third party shall retain true and accurate results of the driving history research report for each driver that provides services for the transportation network company for at least three years.


If any person files a complaint with the commission against a transportation network company or driver, the commission may inspect the transportation network company’s records as reasonably necessary to investigate and resolve the complaint.


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A transportation network company shall provide services to the public in a nondiscriminatory manner, regardless of: Geographic location of the departure point or destination once the driver and rider have been matched through the digital network; race; ethnicity; gender; sexual orientation, as defined in section 2-4-401 (13.5); gender identity, as defined in section 2-4-401 (3.5); gender expression, as defined in section 2-4-401 (3.4); or disability that could prevent customers from accessing transportation. A driver shall not refuse to transport a passenger unless:


The passenger is acting in an unlawful, disorderly, or endangering manner;


The passenger is unable to care for himself or herself and is not in the charge of a responsible companion; or


The driver has already committed to providing a ride for another rider.


A transportation network company shall not impose additional charges for providing services to persons with physical or mental disabilities because of those disabilities.


A driver shall permit a service animal to accompany a rider on a prearranged ride.


If a rider with physical or mental disabilities requires the use of the rider’s mobility equipment, a driver shall store the mobility equipment in the vehicle during a prearranged ride if the vehicle is reasonably capable of storing the mobility equipment. If the driver is unable to store a rider’s mobility equipment in the driver’s vehicle, the driver shall refer the rider to another driver or transportation service provider with a vehicle that is equipped to accommodate the rider’s mobility equipment.


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A transportation network company is not liable for a driver’s violation of subsection (6) of this section unless the driver’s violation has been previously reported to the transportation network company in writing, and the transportation network company has failed to reasonably address the alleged violation. The commission shall afford a transportation network company the same due process rights afforded transportation providers in defending against civil penalties assessed by the commission.


The commission may assess a civil penalty up to five hundred fifty dollars under this subsection (7).


Within ten days of receiving a complaint about a driver’s alleged violation of subsection (6) of this section, the commission shall report the complaint to the transportation network company for which the driver provides services.


A driver shall immediately report to the transportation network company any refusal to transport a passenger pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of this section, and the transportation network company shall annually report all such refusals to the commission in a form and manner determined by the commission.


A transportation network company shall not use a driver to provide services for students to or from a school, school-related activities, or school-sanctioned activities for remuneration from a school or school district if the driver has been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo contendere to an offense described in section 22-32-109.8 (6.5).

Source: Section 40-10.1-605 — Operational requirements - rules, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-40.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Powers of commission
Subject to control by commission
Transportation not subject to regulation
Commission to make rules and prescribe rates
Financial responsibility - filing
Commission to make safety rules
Motor carrier compliance with safety rules
Record check - rules
Filing, issuance, and annual fees - fee setting by the commission
Commission may take action against certificate or permit
Penalty for violations
Penalty for violation of article
Jurisdiction of courts
Commission to notify local authorities - procedure
Limited regulation of transportation network companies
Certificated taxi carrier parity report - recommendations - legislative declaration - repeal
Certificate required
Permit required - legislative declaration
Rules for issuance of certificate - standing to protest - judicial review - legislative declaration
Temporary authority
Transfer of certificate or permit
Rates - limitations
Taxicab license plates - rules
Permit requirements
Livery license plates - rules
Revocation of permit for failure to pay fine
Permit requirements
Verification of authority - notice of requirement for designated license plates - rules
Towing task force - creation - rules - report - repeal
Repeal of part - subject to review
Nonconsensual tows - rights of owners, operators, and lienholders - rules
Failure to comply
Records - rules
Kickbacks prohibited
Violators subject to penalties
Towing rules
Permit requirements - issuance by ports of entry
Enforcement of carrier’s lien
Contracts for service
Delivery and storage of household goods
Binding arbitration
Revocation of permit for failure to pay fine
Outreach - fund
Short title
Limited regulation
Registration - financial responsibility of transportation network companies - primary liability insurance - insurance protection against uninsured motorists
Operational requirements - rules
Permit required for transportation network companies - annual permit fee - penalty for violation - rules - repeal
Fees - transportation network company fund - creation
Fees - enterprise per ride fees - collection - distribution of fee proceeds - enterprise per ride fees fund - rules - definitions
Reporting requirements - rules
Legislative declaration
Large-market taxicab service - permit required - rules
Large-market taxicab service license plates - rules
Permit revocation
Rates - limitations - rules
Permit requirements - rules
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 40-10.1-605’s source at colorado​.gov