Short title 42‑4‑102
Legislative declaration 42‑4‑103
Scope and effect of article - exceptions to provisions 42‑4‑104
Adoption of traffic control manual 42‑4‑105
Local traffic control devices 42‑4‑106
Who may restrict right to use highways - definitions - rules 42‑4‑107
Obedience to police officers 42‑4‑108
Public officers to obey provisions - exceptions for emergency vehicles 42‑4‑109
Low-power scooters, animals, skis, skates, and toy vehicles on highways 42‑4‑109.5
Low-speed electric vehicles 42‑4‑109.6
Class B low-speed electric vehicles - effective date - rules 42‑4‑110
Provisions uniform throughout state - legislative declaration 42‑4‑110.5
Automated vehicle identification systems - legislative declaration - exceptions to liability - penalty - limits on use of photographs and video - definitions 42‑4‑111
Powers of local authorities 42‑4‑112
Noninterference with the rights of owners of realty 42‑4‑113
Appropriations for administration of article 42‑4‑114
Removal of traffic hazards 42‑4‑116
Restrictions for minor drivers - definitions 42‑4‑117
Personal mobility devices 42‑4‑118
Establishment of wildlife crossing zones - report 42‑4‑201
Obstruction of view or driving mechanism - hazardous situation 42‑4‑202
Unsafe vehicles - penalty - identification plates 42‑4‑203
Unsafe vehicles - spot inspections 42‑4‑204
When lighted lamps are required 42‑4‑205
Head lamps on motor vehicles - penalty 42‑4‑206
Tail lamps and reflectors - penalty 42‑4‑207
Clearance and identification 42‑4‑208
Stop lamps and turn signals - penalty 42‑4‑209
Lamp or flag on projecting load 42‑4‑210
Lamps on parked vehicles 42‑4‑211
Lamps on farm equipment and other vehicles and equipment 42‑4‑212
Spot lamps and auxiliary lamps 42‑4‑213
Audible and visual signals on emergency vehicles 42‑4‑214
Visual signals on service vehicles - rules - definition 42‑4‑215
Signal lamps and devices - additional lighting equipment 42‑4‑216
Multiple-beam road lights - penalty 42‑4‑217
Use of multiple-beam lights 42‑4‑218
Single-beam road-lighting equipment 42‑4‑219
Number of lamps permitted 42‑4‑220
Low-power scooters - lighting equipment - department control - use and operation 42‑4‑221
Bicycle, electric scooter, and personal mobility device equipment 42‑4‑222
Volunteer firefighters - volunteer ambulance attendants - special lights and alarm systems 42‑4‑223
Brakes - penalty 42‑4‑224
Horns or warning devices - definition 42‑4‑225
Mufflers - prevention of noise 42‑4‑226
Mirrors - exterior placements 42‑4‑227
Windows unobstructed - certain materials prohibited - windshield wiper requirements 42‑4‑228
Restrictions on tire equipment 42‑4‑229
Safety glazing material in motor vehicles 42‑4‑230
Emergency lighting equipment - who must carry 42‑4‑231
Parking lights 42‑4‑232
Minimum safety standards for motorcycles, autocycles, and low-power scooters 42‑4‑233
Alteration of suspension system 42‑4‑234
Slow-moving vehicles - display of emblem 42‑4‑235
Minimum standards for commercial vehicles - motor carrier safety fund - created - definitions - rules - penalties 42‑4‑236
Child restraint systems required - definitions - exemptions 42‑4‑237
Safety belt systems - mandatory use - exemptions - penalty - definitions 42‑4‑238
Blue and red lights - illegal use or possession 42‑4‑239
Misuse of a wireless telephone - definitions - penalty - preemption 42‑4‑240
Low-speed electric vehicle equipment requirements 42‑4‑241
Unlawful removal of tow-truck signage - unlawful usage of tow-truck signage - definition 42‑4‑242
Automated driving systems - safe harbor 42‑4‑301
Legislative declarations - enactment of enhanced emissions program not waiver of state right to challenge authority to require specific loaded mode transient dynamometer technology in automobile emissions testing 42‑4‑302
Commencement of basic emissions program - authority of commission 42‑4‑304
Definitions relating to motor vehicle inspection and readjustment program 42‑4‑305
Powers and duties of executive director - automobile inspection and readjustment program - basic emissions program - enhanced emissions program - clean screen program - rules 42‑4‑306
Powers and duties of commission - automobile inspection and readjustment program - basic emissions program - enhanced emissions program - clean screen program 42‑4‑307
Powers and duties of the department of public health and environment - division of administration - automobile inspection and readjustment program - basic emissions program - enhanced emissions program - clean screen program 42‑4‑307.5
Clean screen authority - enterprise - revenue bonds 42‑4‑307.7
Vehicle emissions testing - remote sensing 42‑4‑308
Inspection and readjustment stations - inspection-only facilities - fleet inspection stations - motor vehicle dealer test facilities - contractor - emissions inspectors - emissions mechanics - requirements 42‑4‑309
Vehicle fleet owners - motor vehicle dealers - authority to conduct inspections - fleet inspection stations - motor vehicle dealer test facilities - contracts with licensed inspection-only entities 42‑4‑310
Periodic emissions control inspection required 42‑4‑311
Operation of inspection and readjustment stations - inspection-only facilities - fleet inspection stations - motor vehicle dealer test facilities - enhanced inspection centers 42‑4‑312
Improper representation as emissions inspection and readjustment station - inspection-only facility - fleet inspection station - motor vehicle dealer test facility - enhanced inspection center 42‑4‑313
Penalties 42‑4‑314
Automobile emissions control systems - tampering - operation of vehicle 42‑4‑315
Warranties 42‑4‑316
AIR program - demonstration of compliance with ambient air quality standards and transportation conformity 42‑4‑316.5
Termination of vehicle emissions testing program 42‑4‑401
Definitions 42‑4‑402
Administration of inspection program 42‑4‑403
Powers and duties of the commission 42‑4‑404
Powers and duties of the executive director of the department of public health and environment 42‑4‑405
Powers and duties of executive director 42‑4‑406
Requirement of certification of emissions control for registration - testing for diesel smoke opacity compliance 42‑4‑407
Requirements for a diesel emission-opacity inspection - licensure as diesel emissions inspection station - licensure as emissions inspector 42‑4‑408
Operation of diesel inspection station 42‑4‑409
Improper representation of a diesel inspection station 42‑4‑410
Inclusion in the diesel inspection program 42‑4‑411
Applicability of this part to heavy-duty diesel fleets of nine or more 42‑4‑412
Air pollution violations 42‑4‑413
Visible emissions from diesel-powered motor vehicles unlawful - penalty 42‑4‑414
Heavy-duty diesel fleet inspection and maintenance program - penalty - rules 42‑4‑501
Size and weight violations - penalty 42‑4‑502
Width of vehicles 42‑4‑503
Projecting loads on passenger vehicles - penalty 42‑4‑504
Height and length of vehicles 42‑4‑505
Longer vehicle combinations - rules 42‑4‑506
Trailers and towed vehicles 42‑4‑507
Wheel and axle loads 42‑4‑508
Gross weight of vehicles and loads - definition 42‑4‑509
Vehicles weighed - excess removed 42‑4‑510
Permits for excess size and weight and for manufactured homes - rules - definitions 42‑4‑511
Permit standards - state and local 42‑4‑511.2
Authority for cooperative agreements with regional states on excess size or weight vehicles - regulations 42‑4‑512
Liability for damage to highway 42‑4‑601
Department to sign highways, where 42‑4‑602
Local traffic control devices 42‑4‑603
Obedience to official traffic control devices 42‑4‑604
Traffic control signal legend 42‑4‑605
Flashing signals 42‑4‑606
Display of unauthorized signs or devices 42‑4‑607
Interference with official devices 42‑4‑608
Signals by hand or signal device 42‑4‑609
Method of giving hand and arm signals 42‑4‑610
Unauthorized insignia 42‑4‑611
Paraplegic persons or persons with disabilities - distress flag 42‑4‑612
When signals are inoperative or malfunctioning - penalty 42‑4‑613
Failure to pay toll established by regional transportation authority 42‑4‑614
Designation of highway maintenance, repair, or construction zones - signs - increase in penalties for speeding violations 42‑4‑615
School zones - increase in penalties for moving traffic violations 42‑4‑616
Wildlife crossing zones - increase in penalties for moving traffic violations 42‑4‑617
Steep downhill grade zones - increase in penalties and surcharges for speeding violations - definitions 42‑4‑701
Vehicles approaching or entering intersection 42‑4‑702
Vehicle turning left 42‑4‑703
Entering through highway - stop or yield intersection 42‑4‑704
Vehicle entering roadway 42‑4‑705
Operation of vehicle approached by emergency vehicle - operation of vehicle approaching stationary emergency vehicle, stationary towing carrier vehicle, or stationary public utility service vehicle 42‑4‑706
Obedience to railroad signal 42‑4‑707
Certain vehicles must stop at railroad grade crossings - definitions 42‑4‑708
Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossing 42‑4‑709
Stop when traffic obstructed 42‑4‑710
Emerging from or entering alley, driveway, or building 42‑4‑711
Driving on mountain highways 42‑4‑712
Driving in highway work area 42‑4‑713
Yielding right-of-way to transit buses - definitions 42‑4‑714
Bicyclist or other authorized user in bicycle lane 42‑4‑715
Yielding right-of-way in roundabouts - definitions 42‑4‑801
Pedestrian obedience to traffic control devices and traffic regulations 42‑4‑802
Pedestrians’ right-of-way in crosswalks 42‑4‑803
Crossing at other than crosswalks 42‑4‑805
Pedestrians walking or traveling in a wheelchair on highways 42‑4‑806
Driving through safety zone prohibited 42‑4‑807
Drivers to exercise due care 42‑4‑808
Drivers and pedestrians, other than persons in wheelchairs, to yield to individuals with disabilities 42‑4‑901
Required position and method of turning 42‑4‑902
Limitations on turning around 42‑4‑903
Turning movements and required signals 42‑4‑1001
Drive on right side - exceptions 42‑4‑1002
Passing oncoming vehicles 42‑4‑1003
Overtaking a vehicle on the left 42‑4‑1004
When overtaking on the right is permitted 42‑4‑1005
Limitations on overtaking on the left 42‑4‑1006
One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands 42‑4‑1007
Driving on roadways laned for traffic 42‑4‑1008
Following too closely 42‑4‑1008.5
Crowding or threatening bicyclist 42‑4‑1009
Coasting prohibited 42‑4‑1010
Driving on divided or controlled-access highways 42‑4‑1011
Use of runaway vehicle ramps 42‑4‑1012
High occupancy vehicle (HOV) and high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes - penalty 42‑4‑1013
Passing lane - definitions - penalty 42‑4‑1101
Speed limits 42‑4‑1102
Altering of speed limits - department to study rural state highways and increase speed limits - definitions 42‑4‑1103
Minimum speed regulation 42‑4‑1104
Speed limits on elevated structures 42‑4‑1105
Speed contests - speed exhibitions - aiding and facilitating - immobilization of motor vehicle - definitions 42‑4‑1106
Minimum speed in left lane - interstate 70 42‑4‑1201
Starting parked vehicle 42‑4‑1202
Parking or abandonment of vehicles 42‑4‑1203
Ski areas to install signs 42‑4‑1204
Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited in specified places - penalty 42‑4‑1205
Parking at curb or edge of roadway 42‑4‑1206
Unattended motor vehicle - definitions 42‑4‑1207
Opening and closing vehicle doors 42‑4‑1208
Reserved parking for persons with disabilities - applicability - rules 42‑4‑1209
Owner liability for parking violations 42‑4‑1210
Designated areas on private property for authorized vehicles 42‑4‑1211
Limitations on backing 42‑4‑1212
Pay parking access for persons with disabilities 42‑4‑1213
Parking in electric motor vehicle charging stations - definition 42‑4‑1301
Driving under the influence - driving while impaired - driving with excessive alcoholic content - definitions - penalties 42‑4‑1301.1
Expressed consent for the taking of blood, breath, urine, or saliva sample - testing - fund - rules - repeal 42‑4‑1301.3
Alcohol and drug driving safety program - definition 42‑4‑1301.4
Useful public service - definitions - local programs - assessment of costs 42‑4‑1302
Stopping of suspect 42‑4‑1303
Records - prima facie proof 42‑4‑1304
Samples of blood or other bodily substance - duties of department of public health and environment - rules 42‑4‑1305
Open alcoholic beverage container - motor vehicle - prohibited 42‑4‑1305.5
Open marijuana container - motor vehicle - prohibited 42‑4‑1306
Colorado task force on drunk and impaired driving - creation - legislative declaration 42‑4‑1307
Penalties for traffic offenses involving alcohol and drugs - legislative declaration - definitions - repeal 42‑4‑1308
Study of devices capable of assessing drug impairment of motorists - report - definition - repeal 42‑4‑1401
Reckless driving - penalty 42‑4‑1402
Careless driving - penalty 42‑4‑1402.5
Vulnerable road user - prohibition - violations and penalties - definition 42‑4‑1403
Following fire apparatus prohibited 42‑4‑1404
Crossing fire hose 42‑4‑1405
Riding in trailers 42‑4‑1406
Foreign matter on highway prohibited - penalty - definitions 42‑4‑1407
Spilling loads on highways prohibited - prevention of spilling of aggregate, trash, or recyclables 42‑4‑1407.5
Splash guards - when required - definition 42‑4‑1408
Operation of motor vehicles on property under control of or owned by parks and recreation districts 42‑4‑1409
Compulsory insurance - penalty - legislative intent 42‑4‑1410
Proof of financial responsibility required - suspension of license 42‑4‑1410.5
Providing false evidence of proof of motor vehicle insurance - penalty 42‑4‑1411
Use of earphones while driving 42‑4‑1412
Operation of bicycles, electric scooters, and other human-powered vehicles 42‑4‑1412.5
Statewide regulation of certain persons approaching intersections who are not operating motor vehicles - status of existing local ordinance or resolution - legislative declaration - definitions 42‑4‑1413
Eluding or attempting to elude a police officer 42‑4‑1414
Use of dyed fuel on highways prohibited 42‑4‑1415
Radar jamming devices prohibited - penalty 42‑4‑1416
Failure to present a valid transit pass or coupon - fare inspector authorization - definitions 42‑4‑1501
Traffic laws apply to persons operating motorcycles and autocycles - special permits 42‑4‑1502
Motorcycles and autocycles - protective helmet 42‑4‑1503
Operating motorcycles and autocycles on roadways laned for traffic 42‑4‑1504
Clinging to other vehicles - penalty 42‑4‑1601
Accidents involving death or personal injuries - duties 42‑4‑1602
Accident involving damage - duty 42‑4‑1603
Duty to give notice, information, and aid 42‑4‑1604
Duty upon striking unattended vehicle or other property 42‑4‑1605
Duty upon striking highway fixtures or traffic control devices 42‑4‑1606
Duty to report accidents 42‑4‑1607
When driver unable to give notice or make written report 42‑4‑1608
Accident report forms 42‑4‑1609
Coroners to report 42‑4‑1610
Reports by interested parties confidential 42‑4‑1611
Tabulation and analysis of reports 42‑4‑1612
Accidents in state highway work areas 42‑4‑1701
Traffic offenses and infractions classified - penalties - penalty and surcharge schedule - repeal 42‑4‑1702
Alcohol- or drug-related traffic offenses - collateral attack 42‑4‑1703
Parties to a crime 42‑4‑1704
Offenses by persons controlling vehicles 42‑4‑1705
Person arrested to be taken before the proper court 42‑4‑1706
Juveniles - convicted - arrested and incarcerated - provisions for confinement 42‑4‑1707
Summons and complaint or penalty assessment notice for misdemeanors, petty offenses, and misdemeanor traffic offenses - release - registration 42‑4‑1708
Traffic infractions - proper court for hearing, burden of proof - appeal - collateral attack 42‑4‑1709
Penalty assessment notice for traffic infractions - violations of provisions by officer - driver’s license - definition 42‑4‑1710
Failure to pay penalty for traffic infractions - failure of parent or guardian to sign penalty assessment notice - procedures 42‑4‑1711
Compliance with appearance 42‑4‑1712
Procedure prescribed not exclusive 42‑4‑1713
Conviction record inadmissible in civil action 42‑4‑1714
Traffic violation not to affect credibility of witness 42‑4‑1715
Convictions, judgments, and charges recorded - public inspection 42‑4‑1716
Notice to appear or pay fine - failure to appear - penalty - definition 42‑4‑1717
Conviction - attendance at driver improvement school - rules 42‑4‑1718
Electronic transmission of data - standards 42‑4‑1719
Violations - commercial driver’s license - compliance with federal regulation 42‑4‑1801
Legislative declaration 42‑4‑1802
Definitions 42‑4‑1803
Abandonment of motor vehicles - public property 42‑4‑1804
Report of abandoned motor vehicles - owner’s opportunity to request hearing 42‑4‑1805
Appraisal of abandoned motor vehicles - sale 42‑4‑1806
Liens upon towed motor vehicles 42‑4‑1807
Perfection of lien 42‑4‑1808
Foreclosure of lien 42‑4‑1809
Proceeds of sale 42‑4‑1810
Transfer and purge of certificates of title 42‑4‑1811
Penalty 42‑4‑1812
Exemptions 42‑4‑1813
Local regulations 42‑4‑1814
Violation of motor vehicle registration or inspection laws - separate statutory provision 42‑4‑1901
School buses - equipped with supplementary brake retarders 42‑4‑1902
School vehicle drivers - special training required 42‑4‑1903
School buses - stops - signs - passing 42‑4‑1904
Regulations for school buses - regulations on discharge of passengers - penalty - exception - definition 42‑4‑2001
Maximum hours of service - ready-mix concrete truck operators 42‑4‑2101
Legislative declaration 42‑4‑2102
Definitions 42‑4‑2103
Abandonment and nonconsensual towing of motor vehicles - private property - rules 42‑4‑2104
Appraisal of abandoned motor vehicles - sale 42‑4‑2105
Liens upon towed motor vehicles 42‑4‑2106
Perfection of lien 42‑4‑2107
Sale of abandoned vehicle 42‑4‑2108
Proceeds of sale 42‑4‑2109
Transfer and purge of certificates of title 42‑4‑2110
Penalty 42‑4‑2201
Definitions 42‑4‑2202
Transfer for recycling 42‑4‑2203
Vehicle verification system - fees - rules 42‑4‑2204
Theft discovered - duties - liability 42‑4‑2301
Comprehensive education 42‑4‑2401
Definitions 42‑4‑2402
Event data recorders 42‑4‑2403
Applicability 42‑4‑2501
Educational materials - updating of driving manual
Short title 42‑4‑102
Legislative declaration 42‑4‑103
Scope and effect of article - exceptions to provisions 42‑4‑104
Adoption of traffic control manual 42‑4‑105
Local traffic control devices 42‑4‑106
Who may restrict right to use highways - definitions - rules 42‑4‑107
Obedience to police officers 42‑4‑108
Public officers to obey provisions - exceptions for emergency vehicles 42‑4‑109
Low-power scooters, animals, skis, skates, and toy vehicles on highways 42‑4‑109.5
Low-speed electric vehicles 42‑4‑109.6
Class B low-speed electric vehicles - effective date - rules 42‑4‑110
Provisions uniform throughout state - legislative declaration 42‑4‑110.5
Automated vehicle identification systems - legislative declaration - exceptions to liability - penalty - limits on use of photographs and video - definitions 42‑4‑111
Powers of local authorities 42‑4‑112
Noninterference with the rights of owners of realty 42‑4‑113
Appropriations for administration of article 42‑4‑114
Removal of traffic hazards 42‑4‑116
Restrictions for minor drivers - definitions 42‑4‑117
Personal mobility devices 42‑4‑118
Establishment of wildlife crossing zones - report 42‑4‑201
Obstruction of view or driving mechanism - hazardous situation 42‑4‑202
Unsafe vehicles - penalty - identification plates 42‑4‑203
Unsafe vehicles - spot inspections 42‑4‑204
When lighted lamps are required 42‑4‑205
Head lamps on motor vehicles - penalty 42‑4‑206
Tail lamps and reflectors - penalty 42‑4‑207
Clearance and identification 42‑4‑208
Stop lamps and turn signals - penalty 42‑4‑209
Lamp or flag on projecting load 42‑4‑210
Lamps on parked vehicles 42‑4‑211
Lamps on farm equipment and other vehicles and equipment 42‑4‑212
Spot lamps and auxiliary lamps 42‑4‑213
Audible and visual signals on emergency vehicles 42‑4‑214
Visual signals on service vehicles - rules - definition 42‑4‑215
Signal lamps and devices - additional lighting equipment 42‑4‑216
Multiple-beam road lights - penalty 42‑4‑217
Use of multiple-beam lights 42‑4‑218
Single-beam road-lighting equipment 42‑4‑219
Number of lamps permitted 42‑4‑220
Low-power scooters - lighting equipment - department control - use and operation 42‑4‑221
Bicycle, electric scooter, and personal mobility device equipment 42‑4‑222
Volunteer firefighters - volunteer ambulance attendants - special lights and alarm systems 42‑4‑223
Brakes - penalty 42‑4‑224
Horns or warning devices - definition 42‑4‑225
Mufflers - prevention of noise 42‑4‑226
Mirrors - exterior placements 42‑4‑227
Windows unobstructed - certain materials prohibited - windshield wiper requirements 42‑4‑228
Restrictions on tire equipment 42‑4‑229
Safety glazing material in motor vehicles 42‑4‑230
Emergency lighting equipment - who must carry 42‑4‑231
Parking lights 42‑4‑232
Minimum safety standards for motorcycles, autocycles, and low-power scooters 42‑4‑233
Alteration of suspension system 42‑4‑234
Slow-moving vehicles - display of emblem 42‑4‑235
Minimum standards for commercial vehicles - motor carrier safety fund - created - definitions - rules - penalties 42‑4‑236
Child restraint systems required - definitions - exemptions 42‑4‑237
Safety belt systems - mandatory use - exemptions - penalty - definitions 42‑4‑238
Blue and red lights - illegal use or possession 42‑4‑239
Misuse of a wireless telephone - definitions - penalty - preemption 42‑4‑240
Low-speed electric vehicle equipment requirements 42‑4‑241
Unlawful removal of tow-truck signage - unlawful usage of tow-truck signage - definition 42‑4‑242
Automated driving systems - safe harbor 42‑4‑301
Legislative declarations - enactment of enhanced emissions program not waiver of state right to challenge authority to require specific loaded mode transient dynamometer technology in automobile emissions testing 42‑4‑302
Commencement of basic emissions program - authority of commission 42‑4‑304
Definitions relating to motor vehicle inspection and readjustment program 42‑4‑305
Powers and duties of executive director - automobile inspection and readjustment program - basic emissions program - enhanced emissions program - clean screen program - rules 42‑4‑306
Powers and duties of commission - automobile inspection and readjustment program - basic emissions program - enhanced emissions program - clean screen program 42‑4‑307
Powers and duties of the department of public health and environment - division of administration - automobile inspection and readjustment program - basic emissions program - enhanced emissions program - clean screen program 42‑4‑307.5
Clean screen authority - enterprise - revenue bonds 42‑4‑307.7
Vehicle emissions testing - remote sensing 42‑4‑308
Inspection and readjustment stations - inspection-only facilities - fleet inspection stations - motor vehicle dealer test facilities - contractor - emissions inspectors - emissions mechanics - requirements 42‑4‑309
Vehicle fleet owners - motor vehicle dealers - authority to conduct inspections - fleet inspection stations - motor vehicle dealer test facilities - contracts with licensed inspection-only entities 42‑4‑310
Periodic emissions control inspection required 42‑4‑311
Operation of inspection and readjustment stations - inspection-only facilities - fleet inspection stations - motor vehicle dealer test facilities - enhanced inspection centers 42‑4‑312
Improper representation as emissions inspection and readjustment station - inspection-only facility - fleet inspection station - motor vehicle dealer test facility - enhanced inspection center 42‑4‑313
Penalties 42‑4‑314
Automobile emissions control systems - tampering - operation of vehicle 42‑4‑315
Warranties 42‑4‑316
AIR program - demonstration of compliance with ambient air quality standards and transportation conformity 42‑4‑316.5
Termination of vehicle emissions testing program 42‑4‑401
Definitions 42‑4‑402
Administration of inspection program 42‑4‑403
Powers and duties of the commission 42‑4‑404
Powers and duties of the executive director of the department of public health and environment 42‑4‑405
Powers and duties of executive director 42‑4‑406
Requirement of certification of emissions control for registration - testing for diesel smoke opacity compliance 42‑4‑407
Requirements for a diesel emission-opacity inspection - licensure as diesel emissions inspection station - licensure as emissions inspector 42‑4‑408
Operation of diesel inspection station 42‑4‑409
Improper representation of a diesel inspection station 42‑4‑410
Inclusion in the diesel inspection program 42‑4‑411
Applicability of this part to heavy-duty diesel fleets of nine or more 42‑4‑412
Air pollution violations 42‑4‑413
Visible emissions from diesel-powered motor vehicles unlawful - penalty 42‑4‑414
Heavy-duty diesel fleet inspection and maintenance program - penalty - rules 42‑4‑501
Size and weight violations - penalty 42‑4‑502
Width of vehicles 42‑4‑503
Projecting loads on passenger vehicles - penalty 42‑4‑504
Height and length of vehicles 42‑4‑505
Longer vehicle combinations - rules 42‑4‑506
Trailers and towed vehicles 42‑4‑507
Wheel and axle loads 42‑4‑508
Gross weight of vehicles and loads - definition 42‑4‑509
Vehicles weighed - excess removed 42‑4‑510
Permits for excess size and weight and for manufactured homes - rules - definitions 42‑4‑511
Permit standards - state and local 42‑4‑511.2
Authority for cooperative agreements with regional states on excess size or weight vehicles - regulations 42‑4‑512
Liability for damage to highway 42‑4‑601
Department to sign highways, where 42‑4‑602
Local traffic control devices 42‑4‑603
Obedience to official traffic control devices 42‑4‑604
Traffic control signal legend 42‑4‑605
Flashing signals 42‑4‑606
Display of unauthorized signs or devices 42‑4‑607
Interference with official devices 42‑4‑608
Signals by hand or signal device 42‑4‑609
Method of giving hand and arm signals 42‑4‑610
Unauthorized insignia 42‑4‑611
Paraplegic persons or persons with disabilities - distress flag 42‑4‑612
When signals are inoperative or malfunctioning - penalty 42‑4‑613
Failure to pay toll established by regional transportation authority 42‑4‑614
Designation of highway maintenance, repair, or construction zones - signs - increase in penalties for speeding violations 42‑4‑615
School zones - increase in penalties for moving traffic violations 42‑4‑616
Wildlife crossing zones - increase in penalties for moving traffic violations 42‑4‑617
Steep downhill grade zones - increase in penalties and surcharges for speeding violations - definitions 42‑4‑701
Vehicles approaching or entering intersection 42‑4‑702
Vehicle turning left 42‑4‑703
Entering through highway - stop or yield intersection 42‑4‑704
Vehicle entering roadway 42‑4‑705
Operation of vehicle approached by emergency vehicle - operation of vehicle approaching stationary emergency vehicle, stationary towing carrier vehicle, or stationary public utility service vehicle 42‑4‑706
Obedience to railroad signal 42‑4‑707
Certain vehicles must stop at railroad grade crossings - definitions 42‑4‑708
Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossing 42‑4‑709
Stop when traffic obstructed 42‑4‑710
Emerging from or entering alley, driveway, or building 42‑4‑711
Driving on mountain highways 42‑4‑712
Driving in highway work area 42‑4‑713
Yielding right-of-way to transit buses - definitions 42‑4‑714
Bicyclist or other authorized user in bicycle lane 42‑4‑715
Yielding right-of-way in roundabouts - definitions 42‑4‑801
Pedestrian obedience to traffic control devices and traffic regulations 42‑4‑802
Pedestrians’ right-of-way in crosswalks 42‑4‑803
Crossing at other than crosswalks 42‑4‑805
Pedestrians walking or traveling in a wheelchair on highways 42‑4‑806
Driving through safety zone prohibited 42‑4‑807
Drivers to exercise due care 42‑4‑808
Drivers and pedestrians, other than persons in wheelchairs, to yield to individuals with disabilities 42‑4‑901
Required position and method of turning 42‑4‑902
Limitations on turning around 42‑4‑903
Turning movements and required signals 42‑4‑1001
Drive on right side - exceptions 42‑4‑1002
Passing oncoming vehicles 42‑4‑1003
Overtaking a vehicle on the left 42‑4‑1004
When overtaking on the right is permitted 42‑4‑1005
Limitations on overtaking on the left 42‑4‑1006
One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands 42‑4‑1007
Driving on roadways laned for traffic 42‑4‑1008
Following too closely 42‑4‑1008.5
Crowding or threatening bicyclist 42‑4‑1009
Coasting prohibited 42‑4‑1010
Driving on divided or controlled-access highways 42‑4‑1011
Use of runaway vehicle ramps 42‑4‑1012
High occupancy vehicle (HOV) and high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes - penalty 42‑4‑1013
Passing lane - definitions - penalty 42‑4‑1101
Speed limits 42‑4‑1102
Altering of speed limits - department to study rural state highways and increase speed limits - definitions 42‑4‑1103
Minimum speed regulation 42‑4‑1104
Speed limits on elevated structures 42‑4‑1105
Speed contests - speed exhibitions - aiding and facilitating - immobilization of motor vehicle - definitions 42‑4‑1106
Minimum speed in left lane - interstate 70 42‑4‑1201
Starting parked vehicle 42‑4‑1202
Parking or abandonment of vehicles 42‑4‑1203
Ski areas to install signs 42‑4‑1204
Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited in specified places - penalty 42‑4‑1205
Parking at curb or edge of roadway 42‑4‑1206
Unattended motor vehicle - definitions 42‑4‑1207
Opening and closing vehicle doors 42‑4‑1208
Reserved parking for persons with disabilities - applicability - rules 42‑4‑1209
Owner liability for parking violations 42‑4‑1210
Designated areas on private property for authorized vehicles 42‑4‑1211
Limitations on backing 42‑4‑1212
Pay parking access for persons with disabilities 42‑4‑1213
Parking in electric motor vehicle charging stations - definition 42‑4‑1301
Driving under the influence - driving while impaired - driving with excessive alcoholic content - definitions - penalties 42‑4‑1301.1
Expressed consent for the taking of blood, breath, urine, or saliva sample - testing - fund - rules - repeal 42‑4‑1301.3
Alcohol and drug driving safety program - definition 42‑4‑1301.4
Useful public service - definitions - local programs - assessment of costs 42‑4‑1302
Stopping of suspect 42‑4‑1303
Records - prima facie proof 42‑4‑1304
Samples of blood or other bodily substance - duties of department of public health and environment - rules 42‑4‑1305
Open alcoholic beverage container - motor vehicle - prohibited 42‑4‑1305.5
Open marijuana container - motor vehicle - prohibited 42‑4‑1306
Colorado task force on drunk and impaired driving - creation - legislative declaration 42‑4‑1307
Penalties for traffic offenses involving alcohol and drugs - legislative declaration - definitions - repeal 42‑4‑1308
Study of devices capable of assessing drug impairment of motorists - report - definition - repeal 42‑4‑1401
Reckless driving - penalty 42‑4‑1402
Careless driving - penalty 42‑4‑1402.5
Vulnerable road user - prohibition - violations and penalties - definition 42‑4‑1403
Following fire apparatus prohibited 42‑4‑1404
Crossing fire hose 42‑4‑1405
Riding in trailers 42‑4‑1406
Foreign matter on highway prohibited - penalty - definitions 42‑4‑1407
Spilling loads on highways prohibited - prevention of spilling of aggregate, trash, or recyclables 42‑4‑1407.5
Splash guards - when required - definition 42‑4‑1408
Operation of motor vehicles on property under control of or owned by parks and recreation districts 42‑4‑1409
Compulsory insurance - penalty - legislative intent 42‑4‑1410
Proof of financial responsibility required - suspension of license 42‑4‑1410.5
Providing false evidence of proof of motor vehicle insurance - penalty 42‑4‑1411
Use of earphones while driving 42‑4‑1412
Operation of bicycles, electric scooters, and other human-powered vehicles 42‑4‑1412.5
Statewide regulation of certain persons approaching intersections who are not operating motor vehicles - status of existing local ordinance or resolution - legislative declaration - definitions 42‑4‑1413
Eluding or attempting to elude a police officer 42‑4‑1414
Use of dyed fuel on highways prohibited 42‑4‑1415
Radar jamming devices prohibited - penalty 42‑4‑1416
Failure to present a valid transit pass or coupon - fare inspector authorization - definitions 42‑4‑1501
Traffic laws apply to persons operating motorcycles and autocycles - special permits 42‑4‑1502
Motorcycles and autocycles - protective helmet 42‑4‑1503
Operating motorcycles and autocycles on roadways laned for traffic 42‑4‑1504
Clinging to other vehicles - penalty 42‑4‑1601
Accidents involving death or personal injuries - duties 42‑4‑1602
Accident involving damage - duty 42‑4‑1603
Duty to give notice, information, and aid 42‑4‑1604
Duty upon striking unattended vehicle or other property 42‑4‑1605
Duty upon striking highway fixtures or traffic control devices 42‑4‑1606
Duty to report accidents 42‑4‑1607
When driver unable to give notice or make written report 42‑4‑1608
Accident report forms 42‑4‑1609
Coroners to report 42‑4‑1610
Reports by interested parties confidential 42‑4‑1611
Tabulation and analysis of reports 42‑4‑1612
Accidents in state highway work areas 42‑4‑1701
Traffic offenses and infractions classified - penalties - penalty and surcharge schedule - repeal 42‑4‑1702
Alcohol- or drug-related traffic offenses - collateral attack 42‑4‑1703
Parties to a crime 42‑4‑1704
Offenses by persons controlling vehicles 42‑4‑1705
Person arrested to be taken before the proper court 42‑4‑1706
Juveniles - convicted - arrested and incarcerated - provisions for confinement 42‑4‑1707
Summons and complaint or penalty assessment notice for misdemeanors, petty offenses, and misdemeanor traffic offenses - release - registration 42‑4‑1708
Traffic infractions - proper court for hearing, burden of proof - appeal - collateral attack 42‑4‑1709
Penalty assessment notice for traffic infractions - violations of provisions by officer - driver’s license - definition 42‑4‑1710
Failure to pay penalty for traffic infractions - failure of parent or guardian to sign penalty assessment notice - procedures 42‑4‑1711
Compliance with appearance 42‑4‑1712
Procedure prescribed not exclusive 42‑4‑1713
Conviction record inadmissible in civil action 42‑4‑1714
Traffic violation not to affect credibility of witness 42‑4‑1715
Convictions, judgments, and charges recorded - public inspection 42‑4‑1716
Notice to appear or pay fine - failure to appear - penalty - definition 42‑4‑1717
Conviction - attendance at driver improvement school - rules 42‑4‑1718
Electronic transmission of data - standards 42‑4‑1719
Violations - commercial driver’s license - compliance with federal regulation 42‑4‑1801
Legislative declaration 42‑4‑1802
Definitions 42‑4‑1803
Abandonment of motor vehicles - public property 42‑4‑1804
Report of abandoned motor vehicles - owner’s opportunity to request hearing 42‑4‑1805
Appraisal of abandoned motor vehicles - sale 42‑4‑1806
Liens upon towed motor vehicles 42‑4‑1807
Perfection of lien 42‑4‑1808
Foreclosure of lien 42‑4‑1809
Proceeds of sale 42‑4‑1810
Transfer and purge of certificates of title 42‑4‑1811
Penalty 42‑4‑1812
Exemptions 42‑4‑1813
Local regulations 42‑4‑1814
Violation of motor vehicle registration or inspection laws - separate statutory provision 42‑4‑1901
School buses - equipped with supplementary brake retarders 42‑4‑1902
School vehicle drivers - special training required 42‑4‑1903
School buses - stops - signs - passing 42‑4‑1904
Regulations for school buses - regulations on discharge of passengers - penalty - exception - definition 42‑4‑2001
Maximum hours of service - ready-mix concrete truck operators 42‑4‑2101
Legislative declaration 42‑4‑2102
Definitions 42‑4‑2103
Abandonment and nonconsensual towing of motor vehicles - private property - rules 42‑4‑2104
Appraisal of abandoned motor vehicles - sale 42‑4‑2105
Liens upon towed motor vehicles 42‑4‑2106
Perfection of lien 42‑4‑2107
Sale of abandoned vehicle 42‑4‑2108
Proceeds of sale 42‑4‑2109
Transfer and purge of certificates of title 42‑4‑2110
Penalty 42‑4‑2201
Definitions 42‑4‑2202
Transfer for recycling 42‑4‑2203
Vehicle verification system - fees - rules 42‑4‑2204
Theft discovered - duties - liability 42‑4‑2301
Comprehensive education 42‑4‑2401
Definitions 42‑4‑2402
Event data recorders 42‑4‑2403
Applicability 42‑4‑2501
Educational materials - updating of driving manual