C.R.S. Section 44-3-410
Liquor-licensed drugstore license

  • multiple licenses permitted
  • requirements
  • rules

(1)(a)(I) A liquor-licensed drugstore license shall be issued to persons selling malt, vinous, and spirituous liquors in sealed containers not to be consumed at the place where sold. On and after July 1, 2016, except as permitted under subsection (1)(b) of this section, the state and local licensing authorities shall not issue a new liquor-licensed drugstore license if the licensed premises for which a liquor-licensed drugstore license is sought is located:


Within one thousand five hundred feet of a retail liquor store licensed under section 44-3-409;


For a drugstore premises located in a municipality with a population of ten thousand or fewer, within three thousand feet of a retail liquor store licensed under section 44-3-409; or


For a drugstore premises located in a municipality with a population of ten thousand or fewer that is contiguous to the city and county of Denver, within one thousand five hundred feet of a retail liquor store licensed under section 44-3-409.


Nothing in this subsection (1) prohibits:


The renewal or transfer of ownership of a liquor-licensed drugstore license initially issued prior to July 1, 2016.


A liquor-licensed drugstore licensee from allowing tastings on the licensed premises if the applicable local licensing authority has authorized the liquor-licensed drugstore to conduct tastings on its licensed premises in accordance with section 44-3-301 (10).


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On or after January 1, 2017, to qualify for an additional liquor-licensed drugstore license under this section, a liquor-licensed drugstore licensee, or a retail liquor store licensee that was licensed as a liquor-licensed drugstore on February 21, 2016, must apply to the state and local licensing authorities, as part of a single application, for a transfer of ownership of at least two licensed retail liquor stores that were licensed or had applied for a license on or before May 1, 2016, a change of location of one of the retail liquor stores, and a merger and conversion of the retail liquor store licenses into a single liquor-licensed drugstore license. The applicant may apply for a transfer, change of location, and merger and conversion only if all of the following requirements are met:


The retail liquor stores that are the subject of the transfer of ownership are located within the same local licensing authority jurisdiction as the drugstore premises for which the applicant is seeking a liquor-licensed drugstore license, and, if any retail liquor stores are located within one thousand five hundred feet of the drugstore premises or, for a drugstore premises located in a municipality with a population of ten thousand or fewer, within three thousand feet of the drugstore premises, the applicant applies to transfer ownership of all retail liquor stores located within that distance. If there are no licensed retail liquor stores or only one licensed retail liquor store within the same local licensing authority jurisdiction as the drugstore premises for which a liquor-licensed drugstore license is sought, the applicant shall apply to transfer ownership of one or two retail liquor stores, as necessary, that are located in the local licensing authority jurisdiction that is nearest to the jurisdiction in which the drugstore premises is located.


Upon transfer and conversion of the retail liquor store licenses to a single liquor-licensed drugstore license, the drugstore premises for which the liquor-licensed drugstore license is sought will be located at least one thousand five hundred feet from all licensed retail liquor stores that are within the same local licensing authority jurisdiction as the drugstore premises or, for a drugstore premises located in a municipality with a population of ten thousand or fewer, at least three thousand feet from all licensed retail liquor stores that are within the same local licensing authority jurisdiction as the drugstore premises.


For purposes of determining whether the distance requirements specified in subsection (1)(b)(I) of this section are satisfied, the distance shall be determined by a radius measurement that begins at the principal doorway of the drugstore premises for which the application is made and ends at the principal doorway of the licensed retail liquor store.


In making its determination on the transfer of ownership, change of location, and license merger and conversion application, the local licensing authority shall consider the reasonable requirements of the neighborhood and the desires of the adult inhabitants in accordance with section 44-3-312.


In addition to any other requirements for licensure under this section or this article 3, a person applying for a new liquor-licensed drugstore license in accordance with this subsection (1)(b) on or after January 1, 2017, or to renew a liquor-licensed drugstore license issued on or after January 1, 2017, under this subsection (1)(b) must:


Provide evidence to the state and local licensing authorities that at least twenty percent of the licensee’s gross annual income derived from total sales during the prior twelve months at the drugstore premises for which a new or renewal licenses is sought is from the sale of food items, as defined by the state licensing authority by rule; and


Make and keep its premises open to the public.


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A person licensed under this section to sell malt, vinous, and spirituous liquors as provided in this section shall:


Purchase malt, vinous, and spirituous liquors only from a wholesaler licensed under this article 3;


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Not sell malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors to consumers at a price that is below the liquor-licensed drugstore’s cost, as listed on the invoice, to purchase the malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors, unless the sale is of discontinued or close-out malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors.


This subsection (2)(a)(II) does not prohibit a liquor-licensed drugstore from operating a bona fide loyalty or rewards program for malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors so long as the price for the product is not below the liquor-licensed drugstore’s costs as listed on the invoice. The state licensing authority may adopt rules to implement this subsection (2)(a)(II).


Not allow consumers to purchase malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors at a self-checkout or other mechanism that allows the consumer to complete the alcohol beverage purchase without assistance from and completion of the entire transaction by an employee of the liquor-licensed drugstore;


Require, in accordance with section 44-3-901 (11), consumers attempting to purchase malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors to present a valid identification, as determined by the state licensing authority by rule; and


Not sell clothing or accessories imprinted with advertising, logos, slogans, trademarks, or messages related to alcohol beverages.


A person licensed under this section on or after January 1, 2017, shall not purchase malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors from a wholesaler on credit and shall effect payment upon delivery of the alcohol beverages.


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A liquor-licensed drugstore licensee who complies with this subsection (3) and rules promulgated pursuant to this subsection (3) may deliver malt, vinous, and spirituous liquors to a person of legal age if:


The person receiving the delivery of malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors is located at a place that is not licensed pursuant to this section;


The delivery is made by an employee of the liquor-licensed drugstore who is at least twenty-one years of age and who is using a vehicle owned or leased by the licensee to make the delivery;


The person making the delivery verifies, in accordance with section 44-3-901 (11), that the person receiving the delivery of malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors is at least twenty-one years of age; and


The liquor-licensed drugstore derives no more than fifty percent of its gross annual revenues from total sales of malt, vinous, and spirituous liquors from the sale of malt, vinous, and spirituous liquors that the liquor-licensed drugstore delivers.


The state licensing authority shall promulgate rules as necessary for the proper delivery of malt, vinous, and spirituous liquors and is authorized to issue a permit to any liquor-licensed drugstore licensee that will allow the licensee to deliver the liquors pursuant to the rules and this subsection (3). A permit issued under this subsection (3) is subject to the same suspension and revocation provisions as are set forth in sections 44-3-306 and 44-3-601 for other licenses granted pursuant to this article 3.


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Except as provided in subsection (4)(b) of this section, it is unlawful for any owner, part owner, shareholder, or person interested directly or indirectly in a liquor-licensed drugstore to conduct, own either in whole or in part, or be directly or indirectly interested in any other business licensed pursuant to this article 3.


An owner, part owner, shareholder, or person interested directly or indirectly in a liquor-licensed drugstore may have an interest in:


An arts license granted under this article 3;


An airline public transportation system license granted under this article 3;


A financial institution referred to in section 44-3-308 (4);


For a liquor-licensed drugstore licensed on or before January 1, 2016, or a liquor-licensed drugstore licensee that was licensed as a liquor-licensed drugstore on February 21, 2016, that converted its license to a retail liquor store license after February 21, 2016, and that applied on or before May 1, 2017, to convert its retail liquor store license back to a liquor-licensed drugstore license, additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses as follows, but only if obtained in accordance with subsection (1)(b) of this section:


On or after January 1, 2017, and before January 1, 2022, four additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses, for a maximum of five total liquor-licensed drugstore licenses;


On or after January 1, 2022, and before January 1, 2027, up to seven additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses, for a maximum of eight total liquor-licensed drugstore licenses;


On or after January 1, 2027, and before January 1, 2032, up to twelve additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses, for a maximum of thirteen total liquor-licensed drugstore licenses;


On or after January 1, 2032, and before January 1, 2037, up to nineteen additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses, for a maximum of twenty total liquor-licensed drugstore licenses; and


On or after January 1, 2037, an unlimited number of additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses.


For a liquor-licensed drugstore that submitted an application for a new liquor-licensed drugstore license before October 1, 2016, additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses as follows, but only if obtained in accordance with subsection (1)(b) of this section:


On or after January 1, 2019, and before January 1, 2022, four additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses, for a maximum of five total liquor-licensed drugstore licenses;


On or after January 1, 2022, and before January 1, 2027, up to seven additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses, for a maximum of eight total liquor-licensed drugstore licenses;


On or after January 1, 2027, and before January 1, 2032, up to twelve additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses, for a maximum of thirteen total liquor-licensed drugstore licenses;


On or after January 1, 2032, and before January 1, 2037, up to nineteen additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses, for a maximum of twenty total liquor-licensed drugstore licenses; and


On or after January 1, 2037, an unlimited number of additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses.


Subsection (4)(b)(V) of this section does not apply to a liquor-licensed drugstore licensee that was licensed as a liquor-licensed drugstore on February 21, 2016, that converted its license to a retail liquor store license after February 21, 2016, and that applied on or before May 1, 2017, to convert its retail liquor store license back to a liquor-licensed drugstore license.


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A liquor-licensed drugstore licensed under this section shall not store alcohol beverages off the licensed premises.


A licensed wholesaler shall make all deliveries of alcohol beverages to a liquor-licensed drugstore:


Through a common carrier, a contract carrier, or on vehicles owned by the wholesaler; and


Only to the business address of the liquor-licensed drugstore.


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A liquor-licensed drugstore licensed under this section on or after January 1, 2017, shall have at least one manager permitted under section 44-3-427 who works on the licensed premises. The liquor-licensed drugstore shall designate at least one permitted manager on the licensed premises to conduct the liquor-licensed drugstore’s purchases of alcohol beverages from a licensed wholesaler. A licensed wholesaler shall take orders for alcohol beverages only from a permitted manager designated by the liquor-licensed drugstore.


A liquor-licensed drugstore that is involved in selling alcohol beverages must obtain and maintain a certification as a responsible alcohol beverage vendor in accordance with part 10 of this article 3.


An employee of a liquor-licensed drugstore who is under twenty-one years of age shall not deliver malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors offered for sale on, or sold and removed from, the licensed premises.


A person licensed under this section that obtains additional liquor-licensed drugstore licenses in accordance with subsection (4)(b)(IV) or (4)(b)(V) of this section may operate under a single or consolidated corporate entity but shall not commingle purchases of or credit extensions for purchases of malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors from a wholesaler licensed under this article 3 for more than one licensed premises. A wholesaler licensed under this article 3 shall not base the price for the malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors it sells to a liquor-licensed drugstore licensed under this section on the total volume of malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors that the licensee purchases for multiple licensed premises.

Source: Section 44-3-410 — Liquor-licensed drugstore license - multiple licenses permitted - requirements - rules, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-44.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Wine shipments - permits
Local option
Permitted acts - auctions at special events - definition
State licensing authority - creation
Duties of state licensing authority
Performance of duties
Licensing in general
License renewal - rules
Transfer of ownership and temporary permits
State licensing authority - application and issuance procedures - definitions - rules
Denial of application
Inactive licenses
Persons prohibited as licensees - definition
Unlawful financial assistance
Local licensing authority - applications - optional premises licenses
Optional premises license - local option
Public notice - posting and publication - definition
Results of investigation - decision of authorities
Restrictions for applications for new license
Classes of licenses and permits - rules
Manufacturer’s license
Limited winery license - rules
Festival permit - rules
Importer’s license
Nonresident manufacturers and importers of malt liquor
Wholesaler’s license - discrimination in wholesale sales prohibited
Termination of wholesalers - remedies - definitions
Retail liquor store license - rules
Liquor-licensed drugstore license - multiple licenses permitted - requirements - rules
Beer and wine license
Bed and breakfast permit
Hotel and restaurant license - definitions - rules
Tavern license
Optional premises license
Retail gaming tavern license
Brew pub license - definitions
Club license - legislative declaration
Arts license - definition
Racetrack license
Public transportation system license
Vintner’s restaurant license
Removal of vinous liquor from licensed premises
Retail establishment permit - definitions
Wine packaging permit - limitations - rules
Distillery pub license - legislative declaration - definition
Liquor-licensed drugstore manager’s permit
Lodging and entertainment license
Purchasing alcohol from a surrendered license of common ownership - definition
State fees - rules
Fees and taxes - allocation
Excise tax - records - rules - definition
Lien to secure payment of taxes - exemptions - recovery
Local license fees
Suspension - revocation - fines - rules
Inspection procedures
Civil liability - legislative declaration - definitions
Judicial review
Unlawful acts - exceptions - definitions
Testing for intoxication by law enforcement officers - when prohibited
Alcohol-without-liquid devices - legislative declaration - definition - unlawful acts
Violations - penalties
Duties of inspectors and police officers
Warrants - searches and seizures
Return on warrant - sale of liquor seized
Loss of property rights
Colorado state fair - common consumption area - national western center - consumption on premises
Common consumption areas
Takeout and delivery of alcohol beverages - permit - on-premises consumption licenses - requirements and limitations - rules - definition - repeal
Communal outdoor dining areas - permit required - rules
Short title
Responsible vendors - standards
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 44-3-410’s source at