C.R.S. Section 44-3-503
Excise tax

  • records
  • rules
  • definition


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An excise tax at the rate of 8.0 cents per gallon, or the same per unit volume tax applied to metric measure, on all malt liquors and hard cider, 7.33 cents per liter on all vinous liquors except hard cider, and 60.26 cents per liter on all spirituous liquors is imposed, and the taxes shall be collected on all such respective beverages, not otherwise exempt from the tax, sold, offered for sale, or used in this state; except that, upon the same beverages, only one such tax shall be paid in this state. The manufacturer thereof, the holder of a winery direct shipper’s permit, or the first licensee receiving alcohol beverages in this state if shipped from without the state, shall be primarily liable for the payment of any tax or tax surcharge imposed pursuant to this section; but, if the beverage is transported by a manufacturer or wholesaler to a point outside of the state and disposed of there, then the manufacturer or wholesaler, upon the filing with the state licensing authority of a duplicate bill of lading, invoice, or affidavit showing such transaction, shall not be subject to the tax provided in this section on such beverages, and, if such tax has already been paid, it shall be refunded to said manufacturer or wholesaler. For purposes of this section, “manufacturer” includes brew pub, distillery pub, and vintner’s restaurant licensees.


The department shall promulgate rules concerning the excise tax applied to powdered alcohol at 60.26 cents per liter for the amount of liters of water suggested to be added by the manufacturer’s packaging.


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Effective July 1, 2000, a wine development fee at the rate of 1.0 cent per liter is imposed on all vinous liquors except hard cider sold, offered for sale, or used in this state. An amount equal to one hundred percent of the wine development fee collected pursuant to this subsection (1)(c)(I) shall be transferred from the general fund to the Colorado wine industry development fund created in section 35-29.5-105. Such transfers shall be made by the state treasurer as soon as possible after the twentieth day of the month following the collection of such wine development fee.


In addition to the excise tax imposed pursuant to subsection (1)(a) of this section, an additional excise tax surcharge at the rate of 5.0 cents per liter for the first nine thousand liters, 3.0 cents per liter for the next thirty-six thousand liters, and 1.0 cent per liter for all additional amounts, is imposed on all vinous liquors except hard cider produced by Colorado licensed wineries and sold, offered for sale, or used in this state. An amount equal to one hundred percent of the excise tax surcharge collected pursuant to this subsection (1)(c)(II) shall be transferred from the general fund to the Colorado wine industry development fund created in section 35-29.5-105. Such transfers shall be made by the state treasurer as soon as possible after the twentieth day of the month following the collection of such excise tax surcharge.


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An excise tax of ten dollars per ton of grapes is imposed upon all grapes of the vinifera varieties or other produce used in the production of wine in this state by a licensed Colorado winery or vintner’s restaurant, whether true or hybrid. The excise tax imposed pursuant to this subsection (1)(d) shall be paid to the department by the licensed winery or vintner’s restaurant at the time of purchase of the product by the winery or vintner’s restaurant or of importation of the product, whichever is later. An amount equal to one hundred percent of such excise tax shall be transferred from the general fund to the Colorado wine industry development fund created in section 35-29.5-105. Such transfers shall be made by the state treasurer as soon as possible after the twentieth day of the month following the collection of such excise tax.


The excise tax imposed in accordance with this subsection (1)(d) does not apply to produce used in the production of hard cider.


The policy of this state is that alcoholics and intoxicated persons may not be subjected to criminal prosecution because of their consumption of alcohol beverages, but rather should be afforded a continuum of treatment in order that they may lead normal lives as productive members of society. The general assembly finds that the cost of implementing a statewide treatment plan is greater than originally estimated. By increasing the excise tax on alcohol beverages in Colorado, it is the intent of this general assembly that the increased revenues derived from this subsection (1) be viewed as one of the sources of funding for the future development of alcoholism treatment programs under the statute enacted in 1973 and for the payment of other related direct and indirect costs caused by the consumption of alcohol beverages.


The state licensing authority shall make and publish such rules to secure and enforce the collection and payment of the tax as it may deem proper if the rules are not inconsistent with the provisions of this article 3.


Except as provided in subsection (1)(d) of this section, the excise taxes and excise tax surcharges provided for in this section shall be paid to the department upon the filing of the return provided for in subsection (4) of this section and shall be delivered to the department on or before the twentieth day of the month following the month in which such alcohol beverages are first sold in this state. As used in this subsection (3), “first sold” means the sale or disposal that occurs when a licensed wholesaler sells, transfers, or otherwise disposes of a product, when a manufacturer sells to a licensed wholesaler or a consumer, or when a holder of a winery direct shipper’s permit ships to a personal consumer in this state.


Each licensed manufacturer and wholesaler of alcohol beverages within this state shall file, on or before the twentieth day of each month, an exact, verified return with the state licensing authority showing for the preceding calendar month the quantities of alcohol beverages:


Constituting the licensee’s beginning and ending inventory for the month;


Manufactured by the licensee in this state;


Shipped to the licensee from within this state and received by the licensee in this state;


Shipped to the licensee from outside this state and received by the licensee in this state;


Sold or disposed of by the licensee to persons or purchasers in this state;


Sold or disposed of by the licensee to persons or purchasers outside this state, separately indicating those sales or transactions of alcohol beverages to which the excise tax is not applicable; and


For persons licensed pursuant to section 44-3-402 (3), 44-3-403 (2)(a), or 44-3-417 (1)(b), a separate report of vinous or malt liquors, as applicable, that were manufactured or inventoried in, or transferred from, an alternating proprietor licensed premises.


Each holder of a winery direct shipper’s permit under section 44-3-104 shall file, on or before the twentieth day of each calendar month, an exact, verified return with the state licensing authority showing for the preceding calendar month the quantities of vinous liquor shipped to personal consumers in this state.


The return, on forms prescribed by the state licensing authority, shall also show the amount of excise tax payable, after allowances for all proper deductions, for alcohol beverages sold by the manufacturer, wholesaler, or holder of a winery direct shipper’s permit in this state and shall include any additional information as the state licensing authority may require for the proper administration of this article 3. The payment of the excise tax provided for in this section, in the amount disclosed by the return, shall accompany the return and shall be paid to the department. Each manufacturer, wholesaler, or holder of a winery direct shipper’s permit required to file a return shall keep complete and accurate books and records, accounts, and other documents as may be necessary to substantiate the accuracy of his or her return and the amount of excise tax due and shall retain such records for a period of three years.


The state licensing authority, after public hearing of which the licensee shall have due notice as provided in this article 3, shall suspend or revoke any license or winery direct shipper’s permit issued pursuant to this article 3 for a failure to pay any excise tax required by this article 3 and may suspend or revoke the license or permit for a violation of or failure to comply with the rules promulgated by the authority.


If the excise tax is not paid when due, there shall be added to the amount of the tax as a penalty a sum equivalent to ten percent thereof and, in addition thereto, interest on the tax and a penalty at the rate of one percent a month or fraction of a month from the date the tax became due until paid. Nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve any person otherwise liable from liability for payment of the excise tax.


The department shall make a refund or allow a credit to the manufacturer, the wholesaler, or the holder of a winery direct shipper’s permit, as the case may be, of the amount of the excise tax paid on alcohol beverages sold in this state when, after payment of the excise tax, the alcohol beverages are rendered unsalable by reason of destruction or damage upon submission of evidence satisfactory to the state licensing authority that the excise tax has actually been paid. Such refund or credit shall be made by the department within sixty days after the submission of evidence satisfactory to the department.


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In order to economize and to simplify administrative procedures, the state licensing authority may authorize a procedure whereby a manufacturer or wholesaler of alcohol beverages or holder of a winery direct shipper’s permit entitled by law to a refund of the tax provided in this section may instead receive a credit against the tax due on other sales by claiming said credit on the next month’s return and attaching a duplicate bill of lading, invoice, or affidavit showing such transaction.


To the extent and so long as federal law precludes this state from collecting its excise tax on vinous and spirituous liquors sold and delivered on ceded federal property, any manufacturer or wholesaler of such liquors making any such sales and deliveries on such federal property within the boundaries of this state may receive a refund of or a credit for the excise tax paid to this state on such liquors.

Source: Section 44-3-503 — Excise tax - records - rules - definition, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-44.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Wine shipments - permits
Local option
Permitted acts - auctions at special events - definition
State licensing authority - creation
Duties of state licensing authority
Performance of duties
Licensing in general
License renewal - rules
Transfer of ownership and temporary permits
State licensing authority - application and issuance procedures - definitions - rules
Denial of application
Inactive licenses
Persons prohibited as licensees - definition
Unlawful financial assistance
Local licensing authority - applications - optional premises licenses
Optional premises license - local option
Public notice - posting and publication - definition
Results of investigation - decision of authorities
Restrictions for applications for new license
Classes of licenses and permits - rules
Manufacturer’s license
Limited winery license - rules
Festival permit - rules
Importer’s license
Nonresident manufacturers and importers of malt liquor
Wholesaler’s license - discrimination in wholesale sales prohibited
Termination of wholesalers - remedies - definitions
Retail liquor store license - rules
Liquor-licensed drugstore license - multiple licenses permitted - requirements - rules
Beer and wine license
Bed and breakfast permit
Hotel and restaurant license - definitions - rules
Tavern license
Optional premises license
Retail gaming tavern license
Brew pub license - definitions
Club license - legislative declaration
Arts license - definition
Racetrack license
Public transportation system license
Vintner’s restaurant license
Removal of vinous liquor from licensed premises
Retail establishment permit - definitions
Wine packaging permit - limitations - rules
Distillery pub license - legislative declaration - definition
Liquor-licensed drugstore manager’s permit
Lodging and entertainment license
Purchasing alcohol from a surrendered license of common ownership - definition
State fees - rules
Fees and taxes - allocation
Excise tax - records - rules - definition
Lien to secure payment of taxes - exemptions - recovery
Local license fees
Suspension - revocation - fines - rules
Inspection procedures
Civil liability - legislative declaration - definitions
Judicial review
Unlawful acts - exceptions - definitions
Testing for intoxication by law enforcement officers - when prohibited
Alcohol-without-liquid devices - legislative declaration - definition - unlawful acts
Violations - penalties
Duties of inspectors and police officers
Warrants - searches and seizures
Return on warrant - sale of liquor seized
Loss of property rights
Colorado state fair - common consumption area - national western center - consumption on premises
Common consumption areas
Takeout and delivery of alcohol beverages - permit - on-premises consumption licenses - requirements and limitations - rules - definition - repeal
Communal outdoor dining areas - permit required - rules
Short title
Responsible vendors - standards
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 44-3-503’s source at