Section 8-83-224
State council
- duties
The state council shall function as, and is intended to meet the requirements for, the state work force development board referred to in the federal act. In addition to performing the functions set forth in subsection (2) of this section and the federal act, the state council shall serve in an advisory role to the governor for those areas specified by the federal act and shall serve as a conduit for information to local work force development areas, including facilitation of grant applications and assistance to work force development areas to enable work force development areas to successfully implement programs under the federal act.(2)
The state council shall assist the governor in the following:(a)
Development of the comprehensive five-year state plan as specified in section 8-83-209;(b)
Development and continuous improvement of a statewide system of activities that are funded pursuant to the federal act or carried out through a one-stop system as set forth in this part 2 that receives Title I moneys. Such improvement shall include the development of linkages in order to ensure coordination and prevent duplication among the programs and activities authorized in this part 2.(c)
Review of local plans submitted by the work force development boards and the rural consortium work force development board;(d)
Designation of local work force development areas;(e)
Commenting at least once annually on the measures taken pursuant to the federal “Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act”, 20 U.S.C. sec. 2301 et seq.;(f)
Review and comment on, and submission to the joint budget committee for review and comment on, allocation formulas for the distribution of Title I moneys for adult employment and training activities and youth activities to work force investment areas in accordance with the process established in section 8-83-223;(g)
Preparation of the annual report to the secretary of the United States department of labor;(h)
Development of the statewide employment statistics system described in the “Wagner-Peyser Act”;(i)
Development of an application for an incentive grant authorized pursuant to the federal act;(j)
Any other functions as requested by the governor; and(k)
Other duties outlined in the federal act.(3)
The state council shall work in partnership with the business community, local work force area representatives, and other state and local partners to convene a state-level work group to address branding, marketing, and outreach to the public about the opportunities available in the work force development areas throughout the state. The work group shall convene not later than July 31, 2016. On or before January 15, 2017, the work group shall make recommendations for adoption into the biannual state plan regarding the updating of existing statutes and policies to ensure consistency and advancement in the work force program throughout the state.
Section 8-83-224 — State council - duties, https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-08.pdf
(accessed Dec. 24, 2024).