Section 10-1-133
Consumer insurance council
- creation
- advisory body
- appointment of members
- meetings
- repeal
There is hereby created in the division the consumer insurance council, also referred to in this section as the “council”. The council is an advisory body to the commissioner concerning insurance matters of interest to the public. Nothing in this section divests the commissioner of the commissioner’s authority to regulate the business of insurance.(2)
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The council consists of at least six and not more than fifteen members appointed by the commissioner, all of whom must represent consumer organizations or be consumers who are not engaged, directly or indirectly, in the insurance industry or any other industry, business, or profession that might present a conflict of interest, as determined by the commissioner. To the greatest extent possible, the council must reflect the geographic and demographic diversity of the state. Insurance producers, insurance industry representatives, actively practicing health-care providers, and any other individuals who may have a conflict of interest, as determined by the commissioner, are not eligible for membership on the council.(b)
The commissioner shall appoint members of the council in a timely manner. Members shall serve two-year terms with a maximum of three consecutive terms.(c)
Three or more unexcused absences of a member of the council constitute grounds for the removal of the member. The chair of the council, in consultation with the commissioner, shall determine whether a member with three or more unexcused absences may continue service on the council. If a member is removed, the commissioner shall appoint a new member to serve the remaining portion of the two-year term.(d)
Members of the council shall serve without compensation but are entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in traveling to and from council meetings, including any required dependent care and dependent or attendant travel, food, and lodging expenses.(3)
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The council shall elect a chair from its membership. The chair shall serve a one-year term and may be elected to another one-year term.(b)
The council shall elect a vice-chair from its membership. The vice-chair shall serve in the absence of the chair. The vice-chair shall serve a one-year term and may be elected to another one-year term.(4)
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The council shall meet quarterly and may request up to four additional meetings per year. All meetings of the council are open to the public. General meetings of the council shall be held at the office of the division. The council may meet in other locations of the state as agreed upon by the council. Members of the council may participate in meetings via telephonic communications.(b)
A council member may request a special meeting. Requests for special meetings must be made to the chair of the council.(c)
All members of the council may request topics of discussion for the council.(d)
The council must act by consensus.(e)
The council may submit recommendations to the commissioner, including legislative recommendations. If the council submits a recommendation to the commissioner, the commissioner shall provide a response to the council, in a timely manner, regarding the recommendation and how the commissioner will address the recommendation.(5)
This section is repealed, effective September 1, 2029. Before the repeal, the council is scheduled for review in accordance with section 2-3-1203.
Section 10-1-133 — Consumer insurance council - creation - advisory body - appointment of members - meetings - repeal, https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-10.pdf
(accessed Dec. 24, 2024).