C.R.S. Section 10-1-128
Fraudulent insurance acts

  • immunity for furnishing information relating to suspected insurance fraud
  • legislative declaration


For purposes of this title 10, articles 40 to 47 of title 8, articles 200, 215, 220, 240, 245, 255, 270, 275, 285, 290, 300, and 305 of title 12, and article 20 of title 44, a fraudulent insurance act is committed if a person knowingly and with intent to defraud presents, causes to be presented, or prepares with knowledge or belief that it will be presented to or by an insurer, a purported insurer, or any insurance producer any written statement as part or in support of an application for the issuance or the rating of an insurance policy or a claim for payment or other benefit pursuant to an insurance policy that the person knows to contain false information concerning any fact material to the application or claim or if the person knowingly and with intent to defraud or mislead conceals information concerning any fact material related to the application or claim. For purposes of this section, “written statement” includes a client medical record as such term is defined in section 18-4-412 (2)(a) and any bill for medical services.


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The general assembly finds and declares that insurance fraud is expensive; that it increases premiums and places businesses at risk; and that it reduces consumers’ ability to raise their standards of living and decreases the economic vitality of this state. The general assembly further finds and declares that the state of Colorado must aggressively confront the problem of insurance fraud by facilitating the detection of and reducing the occurrence of fraud through stricter enforcement and deterrence and by encouraging greater cooperation among consumers, the insurance industry, and the state in coordinating efforts to combat insurance fraud.


Colorado has addressed insurance fraud in various statutes, including but not limited to the civil and administrative provisions found in this section, part 4 of article 2 of this title, parts 1, 2, 9, and 11 of article 3 of this title, and numerous other provisions of this title. It has also been addressed in criminal provisions found in parts 1, 2, and 3 of article 2 of title 18, part 1 of article 4 of title 18, part 1 of article 5 of title 18, and section 18-5-205, C.R.S. These statutory provisions impose regulatory oversight and severe civil and criminal penalties on authorized and unauthorized insurance companies and other persons who commit insurance fraud. The purpose of this section is to further improve regulatory oversight of licensed persons who commit insurance fraud and provide additional remedies to aggrieved persons.


An allegation of a fraudulent insurance act shall not excuse an insurance company from its duty to promptly investigate a claim.


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Each insurance company licensed to do business in this state that, in a lawsuit involving a fraudulent insurance act, obtains a judgment or settlement against a person who is licensed by the state of Colorado and whose services are compensated in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by insurance claim proceeds shall send notice of such settlement or judgment to the appropriate Colorado state licensing board, in the form prescribed by the executive director of the department of regulatory agencies. No cause of action shall arise against any insurance company or individual for providing information as provided in this subsection (4).


Every person who, in a lawsuit involving a fraudulent insurance act, obtains a judgment or settlement against a person who is licensed by the state of Colorado and whose services are compensated in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by insurance claim proceeds, may send to the appropriate Colorado state licensing board notice of such settlement or judgment. No cause of action shall arise against any person for providing information as provided in this subsection (4).


Every person who obtains a judgment or settlement involving a fraudulent insurance act by an insurance company or an agent of an insurance company may send to the Colorado division of insurance within the department of regulatory agencies notice of such judgment or settlement, including any evidence of a fraudulent insurance act. No cause of action shall arise against any person for providing information as provided in this subsection (4).


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Every licensed insurance company doing business in Colorado shall prepare, implement, and maintain an insurance anti-fraud plan; except that this subsection (5) shall not apply to entities whose principal business is the assumption of reinsurance, reinsurance agreements, or reinsurance claims transactions. Insurance companies approved by the commissioner under article 5 of this title may be required, as a condition of such approval, to maintain an insurance anti-fraud plan. Each anti-fraud plan shall outline specific procedures, appropriate to the type of insurance provided by the insurance company in Colorado, to:


Prevent, detect, and investigate all forms of insurance fraud, including fraud by the insurance company’s employees and agents, fraud resulting from false representations or omissions of material fact in the application for insurance, renewal documents, or rating of insurance policies, claims fraud, and security of the insurance company’s data processing systems;


Educate appropriate employees about fraud detection and the company’s anti-fraud plan;


Provide for the hiring of or contracting for one or more fraud investigators;


Report suspected or actual insurance fraud to the appropriate law enforcement and regulatory entities in the investigation and prosecution of insurance fraud.


The commissioner of insurance may review a licensed insurance company’s anti-fraud plan in connection with a market conduct examination to determine whether such plan complies with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this subsection (5).


Every licensed insurance company doing business in this state shall include, as part of its annual report as required in section 10-3-109, a summary of its anti-fraud efforts as described in paragraph (a) of this subsection (5).


The anti-fraud plan of an insurance company and the summary of anti-fraud efforts prepared as required in paragraph (c) of this subsection (5) are not public records and are exempted from article 72 of title 24, C.R.S.; are proprietary and not subject to public examination; and are not discoverable or admissible under the Colorado rules of civil procedure in any civil litigation.


Any insurance company or producer of an insurance company that has committed a fraudulent insurance act shall be subject to available disciplinary action by the commissioner of insurance.


The responsibility of an insurance company under this section to prevent, detect, and investigate insurance fraud shall not excuse its duty to comply with section 10-3-1104 or any other applicable insurance law.


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Each insurance company shall provide on all printed applications for insurance, or on all insurance policies, or on all claim forms provided and required by an insurance company, or required by law, whether printed or electronically transmitted, a statement, in conspicuous nature, permanently affixed to the application, insurance policy, or claim form substantially the same as the following:
It is unlawful to knowingly provide false, incomplete, or misleading facts or information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the company. Penalties may include imprisonment, fines, denial of insurance, and civil damages. Any insurance company or agent of an insurance company who knowingly provides false, incomplete, or misleading facts or information to a policyholder or claimant for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the policyholder or claimant with regard to a settlement or award payable from insurance proceeds shall be reported to the Colorado division of insurance within the department of regulatory agencies.


This subsection (6) shall not apply to reinsurance contracts, reinsurance agreements, or reinsurance claims transactions.

Source: Section 10-1-128 — Fraudulent insurance acts - immunity for furnishing information relating to suspected insurance fraud - legislative declaration, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-10.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Legislative declaration
Division of insurance - division of insurance cash fund created - division subject to repeal - repeal of functions
Commissioner of insurance - other employees
Oath required of insurance commissioner and actuary
Personal fees prohibited
Duties of commissioner - reports - publications - fees - disposition of funds - adoption of rules - examinations and investigations
Rules of commissioner
Grounds and procedure for suspension or revocation of certificate or license of entities
Invoking aid of courts
Policy conditions required by other states
No seal required on policies
Sale of premium notes prohibited
Defamation of other companies - penalty
Company unauthorized in other states
Foreign companies - unsatisfied judgments - suspension
Insurance vending machines prohibited
Reporting of medical malpractice claims
Reporting of malpractice claims against nurses
Reporting of malpractice claims against physical therapists
Reporting of malpractice claims against architects
Reporting of claims against plumbers
Reporting of podiatric malpractice claims
Reporting of malpractice claims against optometrists
Reporting of malpractice claims against pharmacists and pharmacies
Reporting of malpractice claims against naturopathic doctors
Reporting of malpractice claims against audiologists
Training program for persons working with the aging
Discretionary use of administrative law judges
Fraudulent insurance acts - immunity for furnishing information relating to suspected insurance fraud - legislative declaration
Fraudulent insurance acts - enforcement
Availability of sickness, health, and accident insurance
Duties to third parties - rules
Oversight of the general assembly
Consumer insurance council - creation - advisory body - appointment of members - meetings - repeal
Office of insurance ombudsman - plan - report to joint budget committee
Reimbursement for benefits - limitations - notice - definitions - legislative declaration
Insurance policies - language other than English - definitions
Electronic delivery of documents - when permitted - definitions - consent - construction with other laws
Internet posting of standard insurance provisions - conditions - notice of revisions
Subpoena authority
Investigations - rules
Prohibition on denial of coverage or increase in premiums of insurance for living organ donors - commissioner to enforce - short title - definitions
Cost to reconstruct a home - annual report - homeowner’s insurance affordability study - rules
Legislative declaration
Authority, scope, and scheduling of examinations
Conduct of examinations - conferences - penalty
Financial examination reports
Conflict of interest
Immunity from liability - prohibited activity
Coordination with other states through NAIC
Additional duties of commissioner
Legislative declaration
Market analysis - market conduct surveillance
Authority and scope of market conduct surveillance - rules - penalty
Market conduct examinations
Market conduct surveillance personnel
Immunity from liability - prohibited activity
Confidentiality requirements
Fines and penalties
Participation in national market conduct databases
Coordination with other states through NAIC
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 10-1-128’s source at