C.R.S. Section 12-220-104

  • rules

As used in this article 220, unless the context otherwise requires:


“Accredited” means a program that is nationally recognized for specialized accrediting for dental, dental therapy, dental hygiene, and dental auxiliary programs by the United States department of education.


“Board” means the Colorado dental board created in section 12-220-105.


“Dental assistant” means any person, other than a dentist, dental therapist, or dental hygienist, licensed in Colorado, who may be assigned or delegated to perform dental tasks or procedures as authorized by this article 220 or by rules of the board.


“Dental hygiene” means the delivery of preventive, educational, and clinical services supporting total health for the control of oral disease and the promotion of oral health provided by a dental hygienist within the scope of the dental hygienist’s education, training, and experience and in accordance with applicable law.


“Dental hygiene diagnosis” means the identification of an existing oral health problem that a dental hygienist is qualified and licensed to treat within the scope of dental hygiene practice. The dental hygiene diagnosis focuses on behavioral risks and physical conditions that are related to oral health. A dentist shall confirm any dental hygiene diagnosis that requires treatment that is outside the scope of dental hygiene practice pursuant to sections 12-220-501, 12-220-503, and 12-220-504.


“Dental therapy” means the delivery of dental care as specified in section 12-220-508 and in accordance with this article 220 and rules promulgated by the board.


“Dentistry” means the evaluation, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment, including nonsurgical, surgical, or related procedures, of diseases, disorders, or conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area, or the adjacent and associated structures and the impact of the disease, disorder, or condition on the human body so long as a dentist is practicing within the scope of the dentist’s education, training, and experience and in accordance with applicable law.


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“Direct supervision” means the supervision of those tasks or procedures that do not require the presence of the dentist in the room where performed but require the dentist’s presence on the premises and availability for prompt consultation and treatment.


For purposes of this subsection (7) only, “premises” means within the same building, dental office, or treatment facility and within close enough proximity to respond in a timely manner to an emergency or the need for assistance.


“Independent advertising or marketing agent” means a person, firm, association, or corporation that performs advertising or other marketing services on behalf of licensed dentists, including referrals of patients to licensees resulting from patient-initiated responses to the advertising or marketing services.


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“Indirect supervision” means the supervision of those tasks or procedures that do not require the presence of the dentist in the office or on the premises at the time the tasks or procedures are being performed, but do require that the tasks be performed with the prior knowledge and consent of the dentist.


For purposes of this subsection (9) only, “premises” means within the same building, dental office, or treatment facility and within close enough proximity to respond in a timely manner to an emergency or the need for assistance.


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“Interim therapeutic restoration” or “ITR” means a direct provisional restoration placed to stabilize a tooth until a licensed dentist can assess the need for further definitive treatment.


“Interim therapeutic restoration” involves the removal of soft material using hand instrumentation, without the use of rotary instrumentation, and the subsequent placement of a glass ionomer restoration or, pursuant to board rules, a restoration using new restorative materials that may become available and are appropriate to the interim therapeutic procedure.


“Interim therapeutic restoration” includes protective restoration for adults delivered in accordance with section 12-220-505.


“Laboratory work order” means the written instructions of a dentist licensed in Colorado authorizing another person to construct, reproduce, or repair any prosthetic denture, bridge, appliance, or other structure to function in the oral cavity, maxillofacial area, or adjacent and associated regions.


“License” has the meaning specified in section 12-20-102 (9) and includes an academic license to practice dentistry pursuant to section 12-220-402. A license is a privilege personal to the licensee, and the board may revoke, suspend, or impose disciplinary conditions on the license for a violation of this article 220.


“Proprietor” includes any person who:


Employs dentists, dental therapists, dental hygienists, or dental assistants in the operation of a dental office, except as provided in sections 12-220-305 and 12-220-501;


Places in possession of a dentist, dental therapist, dental hygienist, dental assistant, or other agent dental material or equipment that may be necessary for the management of a dental office on the basis of a lease or any other agreement for compensation for the use of the material, equipment, or offices; or


Retains the ownership or control of dental equipment or material or a dental office and makes the same available in any manner for use by dentists, dental therapists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, or other agents; except that nothing in this subsection (13)(c) applies to bona fide sales of dental equipment or material secured by a chattel mortgage or retain-title agreement or to the loan of articulators.




“Telehealth supervision” means indirect supervision by a dentist of a dental therapist or dental hygienist performing a statutorily authorized procedure using telecommunications systems.

Source: Section 12-220-104 — Definitions - rules, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-12.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Applicability of common provisions
Definitions - rules
Colorado dental board - qualifications of board members - quorum - panel - rules - review of functions - repeal of article - repeal
Powers and duties of board - rules - limitation on authority
Indebtedness - appropriations - publications
Attorney general shall represent board and members
Grounds for disciplinary action - definition
Disciplinary actions - rules
Disciplinary proceedings
Board panels
Cease-and-desist orders
Mental and physical examinations
Confidential agreement to limit practice
Review of board action
Professional review committees - immunity
Use or sale of forged or invalid diploma, license, license renewal certificate, or identification
Unauthorized practice - penalties
Soliciting or advertisements by unlicensed persons
Persons entitled to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene
Persons exempt from operation of this article
Ownership of dental or dental hygiene practice - information to be posted - heir to serve as temporary proprietor - limitations - definitions
Names and status under which dental practice may be conducted
What constitutes practicing dentistry - authority to electronically prescribe
Dentists may prescribe drugs - surgical operations - anesthesia - limits on prescriptions
Professional liability insurance required - rules
Continuing education requirements - rules
Independent advertising or marketing agent - injunctive proceedings
Dentist peer health assistance program - fees - rules
Application for dentist license - fee
Dentist academic license
Examination - how conducted - dentist license issued to successful applicants
Dentist - licensure by endorsement
Application for dental hygienist license - fee
Dental hygienist examinations - license
Dental hygienist - licensure by endorsement
Application for dental therapist license - fee - rules
Dental therapist examinations - license
Renewal of dental and dental hygienist licenses - fees - questionnaire
Inactive dental, dental therapist, or dental hygienist license
Retired dental, dental therapist, and dental hygienist licenses
Anesthesia and sedation permits - dentists, dental therapists, and dental hygienists - training and experience requirements - office inspections - rules
Change of address - duplicate licenses and certificates
Tasks authorized to be performed by dental therapists, dental hygienists, or dental assistants - rules
Construction of dental devices by unlicensed technician
What constitutes practicing unsupervised dental hygiene - rules
What constitutes practicing supervised dental hygiene
Interim therapeutic restorations by dental hygienists - permitting process - rules - subject to review
Dental hygienist peer health assistance program - fees - rules
Practice of dental therapy supervision requirement - rules
Legislative declaration
Minimum standards - rules - definition
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 12-220-104’s source at colorado​.gov