C.R.S. Section 12-220-508
Practice of dental therapy supervision requirement

  • rules


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A dental therapist may perform the following tasks and procedures under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist:


Prepare and place direct restorations in primary and permanent teeth;


Perform brush biopsies;


Extract periodontally diseased permanent teeth with mobility of +3 to +4, except for teeth that are unerupted, impacted, fractured, or require sectioning;


Extract primary teeth that are erupted or not impacted with radiological evidence of roots;


Oral examination and evaluation for conditions and services that are within the dental therapist’s scope of practice and education;


Place temporary crowns;


Prepare and place preformed crowns; and


Repair defective prosthetic devices.


A dental therapist licensed pursuant to this article 220 who has completed one thousand hours or more under direct supervision, or who has completed the direct supervision hours required under the waiver described in subsection (1)(e) of this section, may practice the tasks and procedures identified in subsection (1)(a) of this section under the indirect supervision of a licensed dentist pursuant to a written articulated plan with the dentist that meets the requirements of subsection (2) of this section.


A dental therapist licensed pursuant to this article 220 may perform the following tasks under the indirect supervision of a licensed dentist, regardless of the number of hours the dental therapist has practiced:


Reimplanting teeth;


Stabilizing reimplanted teeth;


Extracting primary teeth that are erupted or not impacted without radiological evidence of roots;


Removing sutures;


Preparing dental study casts;


Administering local anesthesia in accordance with section 12-220-411;


Dispensing and administering the following drugs within the parameters of a written articulated plan and with the authorization of the supervising dentist: Nonnarcotic analgesics, anti-inflammatories, and antibiotics; and


Any task or procedure authorized to be performed by a licensed dental hygienist as specified in rules adopted pursuant to sections 12-220-106 (1)(a)(I), 12-220-501, 12-220-503 (1), 12-220-504 (1), and 12-220-505.


A dental therapist shall complete at least a majority of the direct supervision hours required under subsection (1)(b) or (1)(e) of this section performing the tasks and procedures identified in subsection (1)(a) of this section.


For the purposes of satisfying the practice hours requirement specified in subsection (1)(a) of this section, the board, by rule, may waive up to six hundred hours of the required practice hours. In promulgating these rules, the board shall, at a minimum, consider the number of years the dental therapist has practiced as:


A licensed dental hygienist in Colorado;


A licensed dental hygienist in another state; or


A licensed dental therapist in another state.


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An articulated plan between a dental therapist and a dentist must include:


Methods of dentist supervision, consultation, and approval;


Protocols for informed consent, record keeping, quality assurance, and dispensing or administering medications;


Policies for handling referrals when a patient needs services the dental therapist is not authorized or qualified to provide;


Protocols for assessment of dental disease and the formulation of an individualized treatment plan authorized by the supervising dentist;


Policies for handling medical emergencies; and


Policies for supervising dental assistants and working with dental hygienists and other dental practitioners and staff.


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A dentist who enters into a written articulated plan with a dental therapist shall ensure that the dentist, or another dentist, is available to the dental therapist for timely communication during the dental therapist’s provision of care to a patient.


A dental therapist and a dentist who enter into a written articulated plan shall each maintain a physical or digital copy of the plan.


A dental therapist may enter into written articulated plans with more than one dentist if each articulated plan includes the same supervision requirements and scope of practice.


A written articulated plan must be signed by the dentist and the dental therapist.


For purposes of this section, a written articulated plan satisfies the requirement of prior knowledge and consent for indirect supervision.


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Except as provided in subsection (3)(b) or (3)(c) of this section, a dentist may not simultaneously supervise more than three full-time or full-time-equivalent dental therapists.


A dentist may supervise an additional two full-time or full-time-equivalent dental therapists who practice in a federally qualified health center pursuant to 42 U.S.C. sec. 1395x (aa)(4) or a rural health clinic pursuant to 42 U.S.C. sec. 1395x (aa)(4).


The board shall promulgate rules creating a process for a dentist to seek a waiver from the supervision limit specified in subsection (3)(a) of this section. At a minimum, the rules must specify the application process and waiver requirements.

Source: Section 12-220-508 — Practice of dental therapy supervision requirement - rules, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-12.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Applicability of common provisions
Definitions - rules
Colorado dental board - qualifications of board members - quorum - panel - rules - review of functions - repeal of article - repeal
Powers and duties of board - rules - limitation on authority
Indebtedness - appropriations - publications
Attorney general shall represent board and members
Grounds for disciplinary action - definition
Disciplinary actions - rules
Disciplinary proceedings
Board panels
Cease-and-desist orders
Mental and physical examinations
Confidential agreement to limit practice
Review of board action
Professional review committees - immunity
Use or sale of forged or invalid diploma, license, license renewal certificate, or identification
Unauthorized practice - penalties
Soliciting or advertisements by unlicensed persons
Persons entitled to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene
Persons exempt from operation of this article
Ownership of dental or dental hygiene practice - information to be posted - heir to serve as temporary proprietor - limitations - definitions
Names and status under which dental practice may be conducted
What constitutes practicing dentistry - authority to electronically prescribe
Dentists may prescribe drugs - surgical operations - anesthesia - limits on prescriptions
Professional liability insurance required - rules
Continuing education requirements - rules
Independent advertising or marketing agent - injunctive proceedings
Dentist peer health assistance program - fees - rules
Application for dentist license - fee
Dentist academic license
Examination - how conducted - dentist license issued to successful applicants
Dentist - licensure by endorsement
Application for dental hygienist license - fee
Dental hygienist examinations - license
Dental hygienist - licensure by endorsement
Application for dental therapist license - fee - rules
Dental therapist examinations - license
Renewal of dental and dental hygienist licenses - fees - questionnaire
Inactive dental, dental therapist, or dental hygienist license
Retired dental, dental therapist, and dental hygienist licenses
Anesthesia and sedation permits - dentists, dental therapists, and dental hygienists - training and experience requirements - office inspections - rules
Change of address - duplicate licenses and certificates
Tasks authorized to be performed by dental therapists, dental hygienists, or dental assistants - rules
Construction of dental devices by unlicensed technician
What constitutes practicing unsupervised dental hygiene - rules
What constitutes practicing supervised dental hygiene
Interim therapeutic restorations by dental hygienists - permitting process - rules - subject to review
Dental hygienist peer health assistance program - fees - rules
Practice of dental therapy supervision requirement - rules
Legislative declaration
Minimum standards - rules - definition
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 12-220-508’s source at colorado​.gov