C.R.S. Section 12-220-303
Ownership of dental or dental hygiene practice

  • information to be posted
  • heir to serve as temporary proprietor
  • limitations
  • definitions


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Only a dentist licensed to practice dentistry in this state pursuant to this article 220 may be the proprietor of a dental practice in this state.


Only a dentist licensed to practice dentistry in this state pursuant to this article 220 or a dental hygienist licensed to practice dental hygiene in this state pursuant to this article 220 may be the proprietor of a dental hygiene practice in this state.


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Notwithstanding subsections (1)(a) and (1)(b) of this section, a nonprofit organization may be the proprietor of a dental or dental hygiene practice if:


The organization is a community health center, as defined in the federal “Public Health Service Act”, 42 U.S.C. sec. 254b; or


At least fifty percent of the patients served by the organization are low income. As used in this subsection (1)(c)(I)(B), “low income” means the patient’s income does not exceed the income level specified for determining eligibility for the children’s basic health plan established in article 8 of title 25.5.


Notwithstanding subsections (1)(a) and (1)(b) of this section, a political subdivision of the state may be the proprietor of a dental or dental hygiene practice. As used in this subsection (1)(c)(II), “political subdivision of the state” means a county, city and county, city, town, service authority, special district, or any other kind of municipal, quasi-municipal, or public corporation, as defined in section 7-49.5-103.


The proprietorship of a dental or dental hygiene practice by a nonprofit organization that meets the criteria in subsection (1)(c)(I) of this section or by a political subdivision of the state shall not affect the exercise of the independent professional judgment of the licensed dentist or dental hygienist providing care to patients on behalf of the organization or political subdivision.


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A dentist may conduct a dental or dental hygiene business collaboratively as a provider network in accordance with part 3 of article 18 of title 6.


A dental hygienist may conduct a dental hygiene business collaboratively as a provider network in accordance with part 3 of article 18 of title 6.


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The name, license number, ownership percentage, and other information, as required by the board, of each proprietor of a dental or dental hygiene practice, including an unlicensed heir who is the temporary proprietor of the practice, as specified in subsection (3) of this section, must be available at the reception desk of the dental or dental hygiene practice during the practice’s hours of operation. The information required by this subsection (2)(a) must be available in a format approved by the board.


Upon request, the dental or dental hygiene practice shall promptly make available to the requesting person a copy of the information required by subsection (2)(a) of this section.


The dental or dental hygiene practice shall ensure that the information required by subsection (2)(a) of this section is accurate and current. Any change in the information shall be updated within thirty days after the change.


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Notwithstanding sections 12-20-405 (1) and (2) and 12-220-201 (1)(h), if a dentist or dental hygienist who was the proprietor of a dental or dental hygiene practice and was engaged in the active practice of dentistry or dental hygiene dies:


An heir to the dentist may serve as a proprietor of the deceased dentist’s dental or dental hygiene practice for up to one year after the date of the dentist’s death, regardless of whether the heir is licensed to practice dentistry or dental hygiene; or


An heir to the dental hygienist may serve as a proprietor of the deceased dental hygienist’s dental hygiene practice for up to one year after the date of the dental hygienist’s death, regardless of whether the heir is licensed to practice dentistry or dental hygiene.


Upon good cause shown by the heir or the heir’s representative, the board may extend the period described in subsection (3)(a) of this section by up to an additional twelve months, if necessary, to allow the heir sufficient time to sell or otherwise dispose of the practice.


If an heir to a deceased dentist or dental hygienist serves as a proprietor of the deceased dentist’s or dental hygienist’s practice as specified in subsection (3)(a) of this section, all patient care provided during the time the heir is a proprietor of the practice shall be provided by an appropriately licensed dentist or dental hygienist.


The temporary proprietorship of a dental or dental hygiene practice by an unlicensed heir does not affect the exercise of the independent professional judgment of the licensed dentist or dental hygienist providing care to patients on behalf of the practice.

Source: Section 12-220-303 — Ownership of dental or dental hygiene practice - information to be posted - heir to serve as temporary proprietor - limitations - definitions, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-12.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Applicability of common provisions
Definitions - rules
Colorado dental board - qualifications of board members - quorum - panel - rules - review of functions - repeal of article - repeal
Powers and duties of board - rules - limitation on authority
Indebtedness - appropriations - publications
Attorney general shall represent board and members
Grounds for disciplinary action - definition
Disciplinary actions - rules
Disciplinary proceedings
Board panels
Cease-and-desist orders
Mental and physical examinations
Confidential agreement to limit practice
Review of board action
Professional review committees - immunity
Use or sale of forged or invalid diploma, license, license renewal certificate, or identification
Unauthorized practice - penalties
Soliciting or advertisements by unlicensed persons
Persons entitled to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene
Persons exempt from operation of this article
Ownership of dental or dental hygiene practice - information to be posted - heir to serve as temporary proprietor - limitations - definitions
Names and status under which dental practice may be conducted
What constitutes practicing dentistry - authority to electronically prescribe
Dentists may prescribe drugs - surgical operations - anesthesia - limits on prescriptions
Professional liability insurance required - rules
Continuing education requirements - rules
Independent advertising or marketing agent - injunctive proceedings
Dentist peer health assistance program - fees - rules
Application for dentist license - fee
Dentist academic license
Examination - how conducted - dentist license issued to successful applicants
Dentist - licensure by endorsement
Application for dental hygienist license - fee
Dental hygienist examinations - license
Dental hygienist - licensure by endorsement
Application for dental therapist license - fee - rules
Dental therapist examinations - license
Renewal of dental and dental hygienist licenses - fees - questionnaire
Inactive dental, dental therapist, or dental hygienist license
Retired dental, dental therapist, and dental hygienist licenses
Anesthesia and sedation permits - dentists, dental therapists, and dental hygienists - training and experience requirements - office inspections - rules
Change of address - duplicate licenses and certificates
Tasks authorized to be performed by dental therapists, dental hygienists, or dental assistants - rules
Construction of dental devices by unlicensed technician
What constitutes practicing unsupervised dental hygiene - rules
What constitutes practicing supervised dental hygiene
Interim therapeutic restorations by dental hygienists - permitting process - rules - subject to review
Dental hygienist peer health assistance program - fees - rules
Practice of dental therapy supervision requirement - rules
Legislative declaration
Minimum standards - rules - definition
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 12-220-303’s source at colorado​.gov