C.R.S. Section 12-220-201
Grounds for disciplinary action

  • definition


The board may take disciplinary action against an applicant or licensee in accordance with sections 12-20-404 and 12-220-202 for any of the following causes:


Engaging in fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in applying for, securing, renewing, or seeking reinstatement of a license to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene in this state, in applying for professional liability coverage required pursuant to section 12-220-307, or in taking the examinations provided for in this article 220;


Conviction of a felony or any crime that constitutes a violation of this article 220. For purposes of this subsection (1)(b), “conviction” includes the entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or a deferred sentence.


Administering, dispensing, or prescribing a habit-forming drug or controlled substance, as defined in section 18-18-102 (5), to a person, including the applicant or licensee, other than in the course of legitimate professional practice;


Conviction of a violation of a federal or state law regulating the possession, distribution, or use of a controlled substance, as defined in section 18-18-102 (5), and, in determining if a license should be denied, revoked, or suspended or if the licensee should be placed on probation, the board is governed by sections 12-20-202 (5) and 24-5-101;


Habitually abusing or excessively using alcohol, a habit-forming drug, or a controlled substance, as defined in section 18-18-102 (5);


Misusing a drug or controlled substance, as defined in section 18-18-102 (5);


Aiding or abetting, in the practice of dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene, a person who is not licensed to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene under this article 220 or whose license to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene is suspended;


Except as otherwise provided in sections 12-220-304, 12-220-503 (4), and 25-3-103.7, practicing dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene as a partner, agent, or employee of or in joint venture with any person who does not hold a license to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene within this state or practicing dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene as an employee of or in joint venture with any partnership, association, or corporation. A licensee holding a license to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene in this state may accept employment from any person, partnership, association, or corporation to examine, prescribe, and treat the employees of the person, partnership, association, or corporation.


Violating or attempting to violate, directly or indirectly, assisting in or abetting the violation of, or conspiring to violate any provision or term of this article 220, an applicable provision of article 20 or 30 of this title 12, or any lawful rule or order of the board;


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Failing to notify the board, as required by section 12-30-108 (1), of a physical illness, physical condition, or behavioral health, mental health, or substance use disorder that renders the licensee unable, or limits the licensee’s ability, to perform dental, dental therapy, or dental hygiene services with reasonable skill and with safety to the patient;


Failing to act within the limitations created by a physical illness, physical condition, or behavioral health, mental health, or substance use disorder that renders the licensee unable to perform dental, dental therapy, or dental hygiene services with reasonable skill and safety or that may endanger the health or safety of persons under the licensee’s care; or


Failing to comply with the limitations agreed to under a confidential agreement entered pursuant to sections 12-30-108 and 12-220-207;


Committing an act or omission that constitutes grossly negligent dental, dental therapy, or dental hygiene practice or that fails to meet generally accepted standards of dental, dental therapy, or dental hygiene practice;


Advertising in a manner that is misleading, deceptive, or false;


Engaging in a sexual act with a patient during the course of patient care or within six months immediately following the termination of the licensee’s professional relationship with the patient. “Sexual act”, as used in this subsection (1)(m), means sexual contact, sexual intrusion, or sexual penetration as defined in section 18-3-401.


Refusing to make patient records available to a patient pursuant to a written authorization-request under section 25-1-802;


False billing in the delivery of dental, dental therapy, or dental hygiene services, including performing one service and billing for another, billing for any service not rendered, or committing a fraudulent insurance act, as defined in section 10-1-128;


Committing abuse of health insurance in violation of section 18-13-119;


Failing to notify the board, in writing and within ninety days after a judgment is entered, of a final judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction in favor of any party and against the licensee involving negligent malpractice of dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene, which notice must contain the name of the court, the case number, and the names of all parties to the action;


Failing to report a dental, dental therapy, or dental hygiene malpractice judgment or malpractice settlement to the board by the licensee within ninety days;


Failing to furnish unlicensed persons with laboratory work orders pursuant to section 12-220-502;


Employing a solicitor or other agent to obtain patronage, except as provided in section 12-220-309;


Willfully deceiving or attempting to deceive the board or its agents with reference to any matter relating to this article 220;
Sharing any professional fees with anyone except those with whom the dentist, dental therapist, or dental hygienist is lawfully associated in the practice of dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene; except that:


A licensed dentist or dental hygienist may pay an independent advertising or marketing agent compensation for advertising or marketing services rendered by the agent for the benefit of the licensed dentist or dental hygienist, including compensation that is based on the results or performance of the services on a per-patient basis; and


Nothing in this section prohibits a dentist, dental therapist, or dental hygienist practice owned or operated by a proprietor authorized under section 12-220-303 from contracting with any person or entity for business management services or paying a royalty in accordance with a franchise agreement if the terms of the contract or franchise agreement do not affect the exercise of the independent professional judgment of the dentist, dental therapist, or dental hygienist.


Failing to provide reasonably necessary referral of a patient to other licensed dentists or licensed health-care professionals for consultation or treatment when the failure to provide referral does not meet generally accepted standards of dental care;
Failure of a dental therapist or dental hygienist to recommend that a patient be examined by a dentist or to refer a patient to a dentist when the dental therapist or dental hygienist detects a condition that requires care beyond the scope of practicing dental therapy or supervised or unsupervised dental hygiene;


Engaging in any of the following activities and practices:


Willfully and repeatedly ordering or performing, without clinical justification, demonstrably unnecessary laboratory tests or studies;


Administering, without clinical justification, treatment that is demonstrably unnecessary;


In addition to the provisions of subsection (1)(x) of this section, failing to obtain consultations or perform referrals when failing to do so is not consistent with the standard of care for the profession;


Ordering or performing, without clinical justification, any service, X ray, or treatment that is contrary to recognized standards of the practice of dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene, as interpreted by the board;


Falsifying or repeatedly making incorrect essential entries or repeatedly failing to make essential entries on patient records;


Violating section 8-42-101 (3.6);


Violating section 12-220-602 or any rule of the board adopted pursuant to that section;


Administering local anesthesia, minimal sedation, moderate sedation, or deep sedation/general anesthesia without obtaining a permit from the board in accordance with section 12-220-411;


Failing to report to the board, within ninety days after final disposition, the surrender of a license to, or adverse action taken against a license by, a licensing agency in another state, territory, or country, a governmental agency, a law enforcement agency, or a court for an act or conduct that would constitute grounds for discipline pursuant to this article 220;


Failing to provide adequate or proper supervision of unlicensed persons in dental, dental therapy, or dental hygiene practice;


Engaging in any conduct that constitutes a crime as defined in title 18, which conduct relates to the licensee’s practice as a dentist, dental therapist, or dental hygienist;


Practicing outside the scope of dental, dental therapy, or dental hygiene practice;


Failing to establish and continuously maintain financial responsibility or professional liability insurance as required by section 12-220-307;
Advertising or otherwise holding oneself out to the public as practicing a dental specialty in which the dentist has not successfully completed the education specified for the dental specialty as defined by the American Dental Association;


Failing to respond in an honest, materially responsive, and timely manner to a complaint filed against the licensee pursuant to this article 220;


Committing an act or omission that fails to meet generally accepted standards for infection control;


Administering moderate sedation or deep sedation/general anesthesia without a licensed dentist or other licensed health-care professional qualified to administer the relevant level of sedation or anesthesia present in the operatory;


Failing to complete and maintain records of completing continuing education as required by section 12-220-308;


Failing to comply with section 12-220-505 regarding the placement of interim therapeutic restorations;


Failing to comply with sections 12-220-501 (1)(a)(II)(C) and 12-220-503 (1)(g) and rules adopted pursuant to those sections regarding the application of silver diamine fluoride; or


Failing to accurately complete and submit the questionnaire required by section 12-220-408 (2).

Source: Section 12-220-201 — Grounds for disciplinary action - definition, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-12.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Applicability of common provisions
Definitions - rules
Colorado dental board - qualifications of board members - quorum - panel - rules - review of functions - repeal of article - repeal
Powers and duties of board - rules - limitation on authority
Indebtedness - appropriations - publications
Attorney general shall represent board and members
Grounds for disciplinary action - definition
Disciplinary actions - rules
Disciplinary proceedings
Board panels
Cease-and-desist orders
Mental and physical examinations
Confidential agreement to limit practice
Review of board action
Professional review committees - immunity
Use or sale of forged or invalid diploma, license, license renewal certificate, or identification
Unauthorized practice - penalties
Soliciting or advertisements by unlicensed persons
Persons entitled to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene
Persons exempt from operation of this article
Ownership of dental or dental hygiene practice - information to be posted - heir to serve as temporary proprietor - limitations - definitions
Names and status under which dental practice may be conducted
What constitutes practicing dentistry - authority to electronically prescribe
Dentists may prescribe drugs - surgical operations - anesthesia - limits on prescriptions
Professional liability insurance required - rules
Continuing education requirements - rules
Independent advertising or marketing agent - injunctive proceedings
Dentist peer health assistance program - fees - rules
Application for dentist license - fee
Dentist academic license
Examination - how conducted - dentist license issued to successful applicants
Dentist - licensure by endorsement
Application for dental hygienist license - fee
Dental hygienist examinations - license
Dental hygienist - licensure by endorsement
Application for dental therapist license - fee - rules
Dental therapist examinations - license
Renewal of dental and dental hygienist licenses - fees - questionnaire
Inactive dental, dental therapist, or dental hygienist license
Retired dental, dental therapist, and dental hygienist licenses
Anesthesia and sedation permits - dentists, dental therapists, and dental hygienists - training and experience requirements - office inspections - rules
Change of address - duplicate licenses and certificates
Tasks authorized to be performed by dental therapists, dental hygienists, or dental assistants - rules
Construction of dental devices by unlicensed technician
What constitutes practicing unsupervised dental hygiene - rules
What constitutes practicing supervised dental hygiene
Interim therapeutic restorations by dental hygienists - permitting process - rules - subject to review
Dental hygienist peer health assistance program - fees - rules
Practice of dental therapy supervision requirement - rules
Legislative declaration
Minimum standards - rules - definition
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 12-220-201’s source at colorado​.gov