Short title 22‑2‑102
Definitions 22‑2‑103
Department of education 22‑2‑104
Offices and positions - nature 22‑2‑105
State board of education - composition 22‑2‑105.5
State board of education - definitions - vacancies - procedure for filling 22‑2‑106
State board - duties - rules 22‑2‑106.5
State board - duties with regard to student data - memorandum of understanding 22‑2‑107
State board - power 22‑2‑108
Federal financial assistance 22‑2‑109
State board of education - additional duties - teacher standards - principal standards - rules 22‑2‑110
Commissioner of education - oath - qualifications - tenure 22‑2‑111
Commissioner of education - office - records - confidential nature 22‑2‑112
Commissioner - duties - report - legislative declaration 22‑2‑113
Commissioner - powers 22‑2‑113.8
Department of education - additional local revenues - distribution to schools - annual report 22‑2‑114.1
Dropout rates - collection of data on grades seven through twelve 22‑2‑116
Additional power - waiver of reporting requirements - review of reporting requirements 22‑2‑116.5
Department of education - student-level course completion data 22‑2‑117
Additional power - state board - waiver of requirements - rules 22‑2‑119
Department of education - inquiries concerning prospective employees - background investigation fee 22‑2‑119.3
Department of education - educator preparation program students - record check - fee - definitions 22‑2‑119.5
Department of education - duty to report - convictions 22‑2‑122
Grants to schools and school districts 22‑2‑122.5
COVID-19 learning impacts - extended learning opportunities - funding - combined application, reporting, and evaluation process - rules - legislative declaration - definitions - repeal 22‑2‑125
Loan program for capital improvements in growth school districts - use of public school fund 22‑2‑127
Financial literacy - resource bank - technical assistance - definitions - appropriation - repeal 22‑2‑127.1
Stipends for financial aid training - definitions - appropriation - repeal 22‑2‑127.3
Holocaust and genocide studies - resource bank - technical assistance - definitions 22‑2‑127.5
Computer science programs - resource bank 22‑2‑127.7
Marijuana education materials - resource bank - technical assistance 22‑2‑127.9
Mental health education literacy - resource bank - technical assistance 22‑2‑128
Department of education - reciprocal agreements with adjacent states - report 22‑2‑129
Department of education - approved supplemental education services providers - list 22‑2‑130
Supplemental online education grant program - legislative declaration - definitions - creation - eligibility - award - fund 22‑2‑132
Department of education - career and technical education authorization - rules 22‑2‑133
Assessment and identification of students with literacy challenges including dyslexia - training and technical assistance - collaboration with higher education - report 22‑2‑135
Food allergy and anaphylaxis management - rules 22‑2‑136
Additional duty - state board - individual career and academic plans - standards - rules 22‑2‑137
State schools - legislative declaration - feasibility study - authority to contract - funding 22‑2‑138
State environmental education plan - fund created 22‑2‑139
Memorandum of understanding - notification of risk - rules 22‑2‑141
Early literacy assessment tool - request for proposals - software - hardware - training - distribution - legislative declaration 22‑2‑144
Bullying prevention and education policies - short title - study 22‑2‑145
Media literacy - committee - report - strategic plan - resource bank - definition - rules 22‑2‑146
Department of education - COVID-19-related education loss - strategies - resources - report - legislative declaration 22‑2‑146.5
Department of education - improving mathematics outcomes - training and technical assistance - report - definitions 22‑2‑146.6
Colorado academic accelerator grant program - report - rules - definitions 22‑2‑147
Menstrual hygiene products accessibility grant program - eligibility - rules - report - definitions 22‑2‑148
Secondary school student substance use - committee - definitions - repeal 22‑2‑301
Short title 22‑2‑302
Legislative declaration 22‑2‑303
Definitions 22‑2‑304
Education data advisory committee - creation - duties - approval 22‑2‑305
Data dictionary - legislative declaration - creation - contents - report 22‑2‑306
Advance notice - legislative declaration - data collection - data submission changes - website update - submission windows 22‑2‑307
Data reporting requirements - interpretation of federal law - suspension 22‑2‑308
Data reporting requirements - office of legislative legal services 22‑2‑401
Legislative declaration 22‑2‑402
Definitions 22‑2‑403
Office of facility schools - created 22‑2‑404
Facility schools board - created - membership 22‑2‑405
Facility schools office - duties 22‑2‑406
Facility schools board duties - curriculum - graduation standards - report - rules 22‑2‑407
List of approved facility schools - application - criteria - rules 22‑2‑407.5
Facility schools - sustainable model of education for facility students - work group - created - membership - duties - reporting requirements - funding 22‑2‑408
Approved facility schools - funding 22‑2‑409
Notification of risk 22‑2‑410
Administration - licensing - reports 22‑2‑411
Shared operational services grant program - creation - report - rules - definitions - repeal 22‑2‑412
Technical assistance center - creation - definitions 22‑2‑501
Legislative declaration 22‑2‑502
Definitions 22‑2‑503
Teaching and learning conditions survey 22‑2‑504
National certification compensation - definition - study 22‑2‑505
Minority teacher recruitment - short title - legislative declaration - study - report
Short title 22‑2‑102
Definitions 22‑2‑103
Department of education 22‑2‑104
Offices and positions - nature 22‑2‑105
State board of education - composition 22‑2‑105.5
State board of education - definitions - vacancies - procedure for filling 22‑2‑106
State board - duties - rules 22‑2‑106.5
State board - duties with regard to student data - memorandum of understanding 22‑2‑107
State board - power 22‑2‑108
Federal financial assistance 22‑2‑109
State board of education - additional duties - teacher standards - principal standards - rules 22‑2‑110
Commissioner of education - oath - qualifications - tenure 22‑2‑111
Commissioner of education - office - records - confidential nature 22‑2‑112
Commissioner - duties - report - legislative declaration 22‑2‑113
Commissioner - powers 22‑2‑113.8
Department of education - additional local revenues - distribution to schools - annual report 22‑2‑114.1
Dropout rates - collection of data on grades seven through twelve 22‑2‑116
Additional power - waiver of reporting requirements - review of reporting requirements 22‑2‑116.5
Department of education - student-level course completion data 22‑2‑117
Additional power - state board - waiver of requirements - rules 22‑2‑119
Department of education - inquiries concerning prospective employees - background investigation fee 22‑2‑119.3
Department of education - educator preparation program students - record check - fee - definitions 22‑2‑119.5
Department of education - duty to report - convictions 22‑2‑122
Grants to schools and school districts 22‑2‑122.5
COVID-19 learning impacts - extended learning opportunities - funding - combined application, reporting, and evaluation process - rules - legislative declaration - definitions - repeal 22‑2‑125
Loan program for capital improvements in growth school districts - use of public school fund 22‑2‑127
Financial literacy - resource bank - technical assistance - definitions - appropriation - repeal 22‑2‑127.1
Stipends for financial aid training - definitions - appropriation - repeal 22‑2‑127.3
Holocaust and genocide studies - resource bank - technical assistance - definitions 22‑2‑127.5
Computer science programs - resource bank 22‑2‑127.7
Marijuana education materials - resource bank - technical assistance 22‑2‑127.9
Mental health education literacy - resource bank - technical assistance 22‑2‑128
Department of education - reciprocal agreements with adjacent states - report 22‑2‑129
Department of education - approved supplemental education services providers - list 22‑2‑130
Supplemental online education grant program - legislative declaration - definitions - creation - eligibility - award - fund 22‑2‑132
Department of education - career and technical education authorization - rules 22‑2‑133
Assessment and identification of students with literacy challenges including dyslexia - training and technical assistance - collaboration with higher education - report 22‑2‑135
Food allergy and anaphylaxis management - rules 22‑2‑136
Additional duty - state board - individual career and academic plans - standards - rules 22‑2‑137
State schools - legislative declaration - feasibility study - authority to contract - funding 22‑2‑138
State environmental education plan - fund created 22‑2‑139
Memorandum of understanding - notification of risk - rules 22‑2‑141
Early literacy assessment tool - request for proposals - software - hardware - training - distribution - legislative declaration 22‑2‑144
Bullying prevention and education policies - short title - study 22‑2‑145
Media literacy - committee - report - strategic plan - resource bank - definition - rules 22‑2‑146
Department of education - COVID-19-related education loss - strategies - resources - report - legislative declaration 22‑2‑146.5
Department of education - improving mathematics outcomes - training and technical assistance - report - definitions 22‑2‑146.6
Colorado academic accelerator grant program - report - rules - definitions 22‑2‑147
Menstrual hygiene products accessibility grant program - eligibility - rules - report - definitions 22‑2‑148
Secondary school student substance use - committee - definitions - repeal 22‑2‑301
Short title 22‑2‑302
Legislative declaration 22‑2‑303
Definitions 22‑2‑304
Education data advisory committee - creation - duties - approval 22‑2‑305
Data dictionary - legislative declaration - creation - contents - report 22‑2‑306
Advance notice - legislative declaration - data collection - data submission changes - website update - submission windows 22‑2‑307
Data reporting requirements - interpretation of federal law - suspension 22‑2‑308
Data reporting requirements - office of legislative legal services 22‑2‑401
Legislative declaration 22‑2‑402
Definitions 22‑2‑403
Office of facility schools - created 22‑2‑404
Facility schools board - created - membership 22‑2‑405
Facility schools office - duties 22‑2‑406
Facility schools board duties - curriculum - graduation standards - report - rules 22‑2‑407
List of approved facility schools - application - criteria - rules 22‑2‑407.5
Facility schools - sustainable model of education for facility students - work group - created - membership - duties - reporting requirements - funding 22‑2‑408
Approved facility schools - funding 22‑2‑409
Notification of risk 22‑2‑410
Administration - licensing - reports 22‑2‑411
Shared operational services grant program - creation - report - rules - definitions - repeal 22‑2‑412
Technical assistance center - creation - definitions 22‑2‑501
Legislative declaration 22‑2‑502
Definitions 22‑2‑503
Teaching and learning conditions survey 22‑2‑504
National certification compensation - definition - study 22‑2‑505
Minority teacher recruitment - short title - legislative declaration - study - report