C.R.S. Section 22-60.5-112.5
National credential

  • fee assistance
  • one-time payments


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For the 2002-03 budget year, the 2004-05 budget year, and each budget year thereafter, subject to available appropriations, the department of education shall assist persons who are seeking national credentials by paying a portion of the fees charged for such national credential. The general assembly shall annually appropriate, if available, moneys from the state education fund, created in section 17 (4) of article IX of the state constitution, to the department of education to be used for the purposes of this section. Fee assistance pursuant to this section shall be available to any person who:


Is seeking a national credential from an approved professional organization as a requirement for or in the course of obtaining master teacher certification pursuant to this article;




Is employed as a teacher in a public school or an approved facility school, as defined in section 22-2-402 (1), in this state at the time of applying for fee assistance pursuant to this section; and


Applies for national credential fee assistance as provided in this section.




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To apply for national credential fee assistance pursuant to this section, a person shall present to the department of education the following items:


Proof that the person has begun the process to obtain the national credential and identification of the national credential program in which the person will participate to obtain the national credential;


Proof that the person has received or will receive national credential fee assistance through a federal assistance program and the amount of such assistance; and


Proof that the person is employed as a teacher at a public school or an approved facility school, as defined in section 22-2-402 (1), in this state at the time of applying for national credential fee assistance.


Following receipt of the items specified in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) and verification that the person meets the criteria specified in subsection (1) of this section, the department of education shall forward the fee assistance to the identified national credential program on behalf of the person in the amount specified in subsection (1) of this section. The fee assistance shall be paid out of moneys appropriated to the department of education pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section.


If a person who receives fee assistance pursuant to this section does not complete the national credential program for which he or she received such assistance, the national credential program shall refund to the department of education the amount of fee assistance paid on behalf of said person.


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The state board of education shall promulgate rules as necessary for the implementation of this section, including but not limited to a rule identifying those nationally recognized professional credentialing organizations that are approved for purposes of this section.
(b)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2006, p. 677, § 18, effective April 28, 2006.)(4)(a) The general assembly recognizes that, to obtain a national credential from an approved professional organization, a teacher must demonstrate excellence in teaching skills and achieve a very high level of performance. The general assembly further recognizes that incentives to encourage teachers to obtain national credentialing will benefit the students of Colorado by encouraging teachers to achieve higher levels of performance. Therefore, the general assembly hereby finds that, for purposes of section 17 of article IX of the state constitution, providing national credential fee assistance to teachers who obtain a national credential from an approved professional organization constitutes a performance incentive for teachers and such teachers may therefore receive funding from the state education fund created in section 17 (4) of article IX of the state constitution.




As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:


“Approved professional organization” means a nationally recognized professional credentialing organization that is approved by rule of the state board of education.


“National credential” means a certification or other form of registration or credential issued by a nationally recognized professional credentialing organization. “National credential” shall include, but need not be limited to, certification by the national board for professional teaching standards.

Source: Section 22-60.5-112.5 — National credential - fee assistance - one-time payments, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Applicants - licenses - authorizations - submittal of form and fingerprints - failure to comply constitutes grounds for denial
Applicants for initial licensure - statement of completion of approved program of preparation
Applicants for licensure or authorization - moral qualifications
Endorsement of license - effect - rules
Grounds for denying, annulling, suspending, or revoking license, certificate, endorsement, or authorization - definitions
Procedure - denial, suspension, annulment, or revocation - license, certificate, endorsement, or authorization
Hearing commissioner - duties
Inactive status of licenses
Renewal of licenses
Authorization - types - applicants’ qualifications - rules
Teacher degree apprenticeship program - guidelines - teacher apprenticeship program sponsors - application for authorization with the department - criteria for authorization - program audit
Fees - fund - repeal
National credential - fee assistance - one-time payments
State board of education - waivers
Education committees - evaluation of educator preparation programs - biennial joint meeting
Educator licenses - holding simultaneously
Applications for licenses - authority to suspend licenses - rules
Provisional license - initial license - change of term
Educator preparation programs - requirements - advisory committee - report - rules - legislative declaration - definitions
Types of teacher licenses issued - term - rules
Professional teacher licensees - master certification
Assessment of professional competencies - multiple measures to assess professional competencies - rules
Approved induction program - initial teacher licensee
One-year and two-year alternative teacher programs - standards and evaluation - duties of department - duties of the state board of education - fees - legislative declaration
Alternative teacher support teams - duties - advisory councils
Alternative teacher contracts
Teacher of record program - rules - authorization - definition
Department of education - adjunct instructor authorization - alternative teacher programs - information
Types of special services licenses issued - term
Professional special services licensees - master certification
Assessment of professional competencies
Approved induction programs - initial special services licensees
Employment of certain school-based therapists - legislative declaration - definitions
Types of principal licenses issued - term
Professional principal licensees - master certification
Assessment of professional competencies
Approved induction programs - initial principal licensees
Licensed principals - occasional teaching
Alternative principal preparation program - requirements - rules - legislative declaration
Types of administrator licenses issued - term
Professional administrator licensees - master certification
Assessment of professional competencies
Approved induction programs - initial administrator licensees
Licensed administrators - occasional teaching
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 22-60.5-112.5’s source at colorado​.gov