C.R.S. Section 26-1-112
Locating violators

  • recoveries


The executive director of the department of human services or district attorneys may request and shall receive from departments, boards, bureaus, or other agencies of the state or any of its political subdivisions, and the same are authorized to provide, such assistance and data as will enable the state department of human services and county departments properly to carry out their powers and duties to locate and prosecute any person who has fraudulently obtained public assistance under this title. Any records established pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be available only to the state department of human services, the county departments, the attorney general, and the district attorneys, county attorneys, and courts having jurisdiction in fraud or recovery proceedings or actions.


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All departments and agencies of the state and local governments shall cooperate in the location and prosecution of any person who has fraudulently obtained public assistance under this title, and, on request of the county board, the county director, the state department of human services, or the district attorney of any judicial district in this state, shall supply all information on hand relative to the location, employment, income, and property of such persons, notwithstanding any other provision of law making such information confidential, except the laws pertaining to confidentiality of any tax returns filed pursuant to law with the department of revenue. The department of revenue shall furnish at no cost to inquiring departments and agencies such information as may be necessary to effectuate the purposes of this article. The procedures whereby this information will be requested and provided shall be established by rule of the state department. The state department or county departments shall use such information only for the purposes of administering public assistance under this title, and the district attorney shall use it only for the prosecution of persons who have fraudulently obtained public assistance under this title, and he shall not use the information, or disclose it, for any other purpose.


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Whenever the state department of human services or a district attorney, for the state department, or the state department on behalf of a county department recovers any amount of fraudulently obtained public assistance funds, the federal government shall be entitled to a share proportionate to the amount of federal funds paid unless a different amount is otherwise provided by federal law, the state shall be entitled to a share proportionate to the amount of state funds paid and such additional amounts of federal funds recovered as provided by federal law, and the county department shall be entitled to a share proportionate to the amount of county funds paid unless a different amount is provided pursuant to federal law or this section.


Whenever a county department, a county board, a district attorney, or a state department on behalf of a county department recovers any amount of fraudulently obtained public assistance funds in the form of assistance payments, it shall be deposited in the county general fund and the federal government shall be entitled to a share proportionate to the amount of federal funds paid unless a different amount is provided for by federal law, the state shall be entitled to a share proportionate to one-half the amount of state funds paid, and the county shall be entitled to a share proportionate to the amount of county funds paid and, in addition, a share proportionate to one-half the amount of state funds paid. In the case of funds recovered from fraudulently obtained food stamp coupons by the county department, the county board, the district attorney, or the state department on behalf of a county department, the county shall be entitled to the share of the recovered funds provided by the federal “Food Stamp Act”.


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Whenever the county department, the county board, the district attorney, or the state department on behalf of a county department pursuant to Public Law 96-58 recovers funds from food stamp coupons which were obtained through unintentional client error, the county shall be entitled to the share of the recovered funds provided by the federal “Food Stamp Act”.


Whenever a county department, a county board, a district attorney, or the state department on behalf of the county recovers any amount of public assistance payments funds that were obtained through unintentional client error, the federal government shall be entitled to a share proportionate to the amount of federal funds paid, unless a different amount is provided for by federal law, the state shall be entitled to a share proportionate to seventy-five percent of the amount of state funds paid, the county shall be entitled, except for the Colorado works program, to a share proportionate to the amount of county funds paid, if any, and, in addition, a share proportionate to twenty-five percent of the amount of state funds paid. In the Colorado works program, the county shall be entitled to a share proportionate to the amount of county funds paid and, in addition, a share proportionate to one-half the amount of state funds paid.


Actual costs and expenses incurred by the district attorney’s office in carrying out the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of this section shall be billed to counties or a county within the judicial district in the proportions specified in section 20-1-302, C.R.S. Each county shall make an annual accounting to the state department on all amounts recovered.

Source: Section 26-1-112 — Locating violators - recoveries, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Construction of terms
Department of human services created - executive director - powers, duties, and functions
Transfer of functions - employees - property - records
Final agency action - administrative law judge - authority of executive director
State board of human services - reimbursement for expenses - rules
Powers and duties of the executive director - rules
Cooperation with federal government - grants-in-aid
Treatment of restitution payments under this title - declaration - exclusion from financial determinations
Activities of the state department under the supervision of the executive director - cash fund - report - rules - statewide adoption resource registry
Activities of the state department under the supervision of the executive director - Colorado state youth development plan - creation - definitions
Locating violators - recoveries
Records confidential - authorization to obtain records of assets - release of location information to law enforcement agencies - outstanding felony arrest warrants
Records - access by county auditor
County departments - district departments
County boards - district boards
County director - district director
Duties of county departments, county directors, and district attorneys
County staff
Merit system
Appropriations - food distribution programs
Public assistance funding model - workload study - evaluation - report - definitions - repeal
County appropriations and expenditures - advancements - procedures
Public assistance programs - county administration - data collection and analysis - vendor contract
County appropriation increases - limitations - definitions
County social services fund
County social services budget
County contingency fund - county tax base relief fund - creation
Effect of supreme court’s interpretation of section 26-1-126, creating the county contingency fund for public assistance and welfare programs
Fraudulent acts
Prevention of erroneous payments to prisoners - incentives
Comprehensive information - packet of aged services and programs - implementation
Applications for licenses - authority to suspend licenses - rules - definitions
Department of human services - rate setting - residential treatment service providers - monitoring and auditing - report
Rental properties - fund created
Home- and community-based services for persons with developmental disabilities - cooperation
Child welfare action committee - reporting - cash fund - created
Persons in a department of human services facility - medical benefits application assistance - county of residence - rules
Menstrual hygiene products for a person in custody - definition
Opioid treatment for a person in custody - definitions
Custody of a person with the capacity for pregnancy
Persons committed to or placed in a department of human services facility - prohibition against the use of restraints on pregnant women
Memorandum of understanding - notification of risk - rules
Child fatality and near fatality prevention - process - department of human services child fatality review team - reporting - rules - legislative declaration - definitions
Departments - report required - hepatitis and HIV tests - definitions
Programs administered - services provided - department of human services
Colorado brain injury trust fund board - creation - powers and duties - reimbursement for expenses
Services for persons with brain injuries - limitations - covered services
Education about brain injury
Research related to treatment of brain injuries - grants
Administrative costs
Trust fund
Reports to the general assembly
Brain injury support in the criminal justice system task force - duties - membership - report - repeal
Legislative declaration
Duties of the state department - contract to implement program - reporting requirement
Respite care task force fund - creation
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 26-1-112’s source at