C.R.S. Section 8-4-103
Payment of wages

  • insufficient funds
  • pay statement
  • record retention
  • gratuity notification
  • penalties


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All wages or compensation, other than those mentioned in section 8-4-109, earned by any employee in any employment, other than those specified in subsection (3) of this section, shall be due and payable for regular pay periods of no greater duration than one calendar month or thirty days, whichever is longer, and on regular paydays no later than ten days following the close of each pay period unless the employer and the employee shall mutually agree on any other alternative period of wage or salary payments.


An employer is subject to the penalties specified in section 8-4-113 (1) if, two or more times within any twenty-four-month period, the employer causes an employee’s check, draft, or order to not be paid because the employer’s bank does not honor an employee’s paycheck upon presentment. The director may investigate complaints regarding alleged violations of this paragraph (b).


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In agricultural, horticultural, and floricultural pursuits and in stock or poultry raising, when the employee in such employments is boarded and lodged by the employer, all wages or compensation earned by any employee in such employment shall be due and payable for regular periods of no greater duration than one month and on paydays no later than ten days following the close of each pay period.


Nothing in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2), as amended by House Bill 05-1180, as enacted at the first regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly, shall be construed as changing the property tax classification of property owned by a floricultural operation.


Nothing in this article shall apply to compensation payments due an employee under a profit-sharing plan, a pension plan, or other similar deferred compensation programs.


Every employer shall at least monthly, or at the time of each payment of wages or compensation, furnish to each employee an itemized pay statement in writing showing the following:


Gross wages earned;


All withholdings and deductions;


Net wages earned;


The inclusive dates of the pay period;


The name of the employee or the employee’s social security number; and


The name and address of the employer.


An employer shall retain records reflecting the information contained in an employee’s itemized pay statement as described in subsection (4) of this section for a period of at least three years after the wages or compensation were due. The records shall be available for inspection by the division, and the employer shall provide copies of the records upon request by the division or the employee. The director may impose a fine of up to two hundred fifty dollars per employee per month on an employer who violates this subsection (4.5) up to a maximum fine of seven thousand five hundred dollars.


Each field labor contractor shall keep, for a period of three years on each migratory laborer, records of wage rates offered, wages earned, number of hours worked, or, in the case of contractual or piecework where a field labor contractor pays the employee, the aggregate amount earned and all withholdings from wages on a form furnished by and in the manner prescribed by the division. In addition, in each pay period, each field labor contractor shall provide to each migratory laborer engaged in agricultural employment a statement of the gross earnings of the laborer for the period and all deductions and withholdings therefrom. The director may prescribe appropriate forms for use pursuant to this subsection (5). All such payroll records shall be filed with the division quarterly or at any time said labor contractor leaves this state or terminates his or her contract. The director is charged with the responsibility of making periodic reports to the governor’s committee on migrant labor.


It is unlawful for an employer engaged in a business where the custom prevails of the giving of gratuities by patrons to an employee of the business to assert a claim to, or right of ownership in, or control over gratuities. These gratuities are the sole property of the employee unless the employer notifies each patron in writing, including by a notice on a menu, table tent, or receipt, that gratuities are shared by employees. Nothing in this section prevents an employer from requiring employees to share or allocate gratuities on a preestablished basis among the employees of the business.

Source: Section 8-4-103 — Payment of wages - insufficient funds - pay statement - record retention - gratuity notification - penalties, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-08.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Proper payment - record of wages
Payment of wages - insufficient funds - pay statement - record retention - gratuity notification - penalties
Funds available to pay wages - mining industry
Payroll deductions permitted - notice required
Automatic enrollment in retirement plans - relief from liability - conditions - definitions
Early payment of wages permitted
Post notice of paydays
Payment in the event of strike
Termination of employment - payments required - civil penalties - payments to surviving spouse or heir
Disputes - fees
Enforcement - duty of director - duties of district or city attorneys - rules
Hearing officer review and appeals of administrative actions
Enforcement of director subpoenas
Fines pursuant to enforcement - wage theft enforcement fund - created - administrative lien and levy of employer assets - wage claim payments from the fund - definition - rules
Criminal penalties
Certificate of registration required
Issuance of certificate of registration
Additional obligations
Authority to obtain information
Penalty provisions
Discrimination and retaliation prohibited - employee protections - criminal penalties - civil remedies
Nonwaiver of employee rights
Limitation of actions
Termination of occupancy pursuant to contract of employment - legislative declaration
Third-party food delivery services - prohibitions - penalties - definitions
Supplemental health-care staffing agencies - annual certification - contract restrictions - penalty - civil action - reporting - definitions
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 8-4-103’s source at colorado​.gov