C.R.S. Section 22-11-204
Performance indicators

  • measures


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The department shall annually determine the level of attainment of each public school, each school district, the institute, and the state as a whole on each of the following performance indicators:


Student longitudinal academic growth, based on students’ academic progress, relative to student peers and across school years, toward meeting the state standards adopted pursuant to section 22-7-1005, as measured by students’ scores on the statewide assessments administered pursuant to section 22-7-1006.3;


Student academic achievement, based on students’ academic performance relative to the grade-level state standards adopted pursuant to section 22-7-1005, as measured by performance on the statewide assessments administered pursuant to section 22-7-1006.3; and


Student academic growth to standards, based on students’ progress toward meeting the state standards adopted pursuant to section 22-7-1005 or, for students who meet grade-level expectations on the state standards, progress toward higher levels of achievement, if available, as measured by the statewide assessments administered pursuant to section 22-7-1006.3.


In addition, the department shall annually determine the level of attainment of each public high school, each school district, the institute, and the state as a whole on the postsecondary and workforce readiness performance indicator, based on the measures specified in subsection (4) of this section.


The state board, after considering the recommendations of the technical advisory panel, shall by rule specify how the performance of each public school, each school district, the institute, and the state as a whole is calculated for the performance indicators described in subsection (1)(a) of this section.


For purposes of calculating performance for the performance indicator concerning student academic achievement, the state board shall ensure that the calculation includes consideration of the academic achievement of students enrolled in third and fourth grade who are identified as having significant reading deficiencies and provides additional credit for public schools, school districts, and the institute that demonstrate higher levels of performance on the state reading assessment or the statewide English language arts assessment by said students.


and (3) Repealed.


The department shall determine the level of attainment of each public high school, each school district, the institute, and the state as a whole on the postsecondary and workforce readiness indicator by using, at a minimum, the following measures:


For each public high school, the department shall calculate:


The percentages of students enrolled in the eleventh grade in the public high school who score at each achievement level on the standardized, curriculum-based, achievement, college entrance examination administered as a statewide assessment or the percentages of students enrolled in each of the grade levels included in the public high school who score at each achievement level on the assessments administered pursuant to section 22-7-1006.3 by the public high school;


As soon as the data is available, the percentage of students graduating from the public high school who receive a diploma that includes a postsecondary and workforce readiness endorsement as described in section 22-7-1009 (1) and the percentage who receive a diploma that includes an endorsement for exemplary demonstration of postsecondary and workforce readiness as described in section 22-7-1009 (2);


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The graduation and dropout rates, as defined by rule of the state board.


Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, for purposes of this subsection (4)(a)(III), a student who is enrolled in special education services, as defined in section 22-20-103 (23), must be counted in the public high school’s graduation rate in the school year in which the student completes the minimum graduation requirements. Nothing in this subsection (4)(a)(III)(B) limits the right to a free appropriate public education for a student as provided by the federal “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act”, 20 U.S.C. sec. 1400 et seq., as amended; the “Exceptional Children’s Educational Act”, article 20 of this title 22; or any other federal or state law or rule.


Beginning in the 2016-17 school year, the percentages of students graduating from the public high school who, in the school year immediately following graduation from high school, enroll in a career and technical education program, community college, or four-year institution of higher education. The department shall weight each postsecondary enrollment option equally in determining a public high school’s level of attainment of this measure.


Beginning in the 2018-19 school year, or in the first school year for which data is available, the percentage of students graduating from the public high school who, in the school year immediately following graduation from high school, enlist in the military. The department shall weight military enlistment equally with the postsecondary enrollment options described in subsection (4)(a)(IV) of this section in determining a public high school’s level of attainment on the postsecondary and workforce readiness indicator.


Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, the percentage of students enrolled in the public high school who demonstrate college and career readiness, based on the demonstration options available to the students enrolled in the public high school, at the higher achievement level adopted by the state board that indicates a student is prepared, without needing remediation, to enroll in general education core courses;


Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, the percentage of students enrolled in the public high school who successfully complete an advanced placement course in a subject other than English language arts or math and earn a score of three or higher on the end-of-course advanced placement exam, the percentage of students who successfully complete a concurrent enrollment course in a subject other than English language arts or math and earn a grade of “B” or higher in the course, and the percentage of students who successfully complete an international baccalaureate course in a subject other than English language arts or math and earn a score of four or higher.


For each school district and the institute, the department shall calculate:


The overall percentages of students enrolled in the eleventh grade in all of the district public high schools or all institute charter high schools who score at each achievement level on the standardized, curriculum-based, achievement, college entrance examination administered as a statewide assessment or the percentages of students enrolled in each of the grade levels included in the public high schools who score at each achievement level on the assessments administered pursuant to section 22-7-1006.3 by the public high schools;


Beginning with the first school year for which criteria are adopted pursuant to section 22-7-1009 (1) for awarding diplomas that are endorsed for postsecondary and workforce readiness and for each school year thereafter, the overall percentage of all students graduating from the district public high schools or from the institute charter high schools who receive diplomas that are endorsed for postsecondary and workforce readiness as described in section 22-7-1009 (1) and the percentage who receive diplomas that are endorsed for exemplary demonstration of postsecondary and workforce readiness as described in section 22-7-1009 (2);


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The overall graduation and dropout rates, as defined by rule of the state board, for the district public high schools or the institute charter high schools.


Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, for purposes of this subsection (4)(b)(III), a student who is enrolled in special education services, as defined in section 22-20-103 (23), must be counted in the school district’s and the institute’s graduation rate in the school year in which the student completes the minimum graduation requirements. Nothing in this subsection (4)(b)(III)(B) limits the right to a free appropriate public education for a student as provided by the federal “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act”, 20 U.S.C. sec. 1400 et seq., as amended; the “Exceptional Children’s Educational Act”, article 20 of this title 22; or any other federal or state law or rule.


Beginning in the 2016-17 school year, the overall percentages of students graduating from all of the district public high schools or all institute charter high schools who, in the school year immediately following graduation from high school, enroll in a career and technical education program, community college, or four-year institution of higher education. The department shall weight each postsecondary enrollment option equally in determining a school district’s or the institute’s level of attainment of this measure.


Beginning in the 2018-19 school year, or in the first school year for which data is available, the overall percentages of students graduating from all of the district public high schools or all institute charter high schools who, in the school year immediately following graduation from high school, enlist in the military. The department shall weight military enlistment equally with the postsecondary enrollment options described in subsection (4)(b)(IV) of this section in determining a school district’s or the institute’s level of attainment on the postsecondary and workforce readiness indicator.


Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, the overall percentage of students enrolled in the district public high schools or all of the institute charter high schools who demonstrate college and career readiness, based on the demonstration options offered by the district charter high schools, the school district, or the institute charter high schools, at the higher achievement level adopted by the state board that indicates a student is prepared, without needing remediation, to enroll in general education core courses;


Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, the overall percentage of students enrolled in the district public high schools or institute charter high schools who successfully complete an advanced placement course in a subject other than English language arts or math and earn a score of three or higher on the end-of-course advanced placement exam, the percentage of students who successfully complete a concurrent enrollment course in a subject other than English language arts or math and earn a grade of “B” or higher in the course, and the percentage of students who successfully complete an international baccalaureate course in a subject other than English language arts or math and earn a score of four or higher.


For the state, the department shall calculate:


The percentages of students enrolled in the eleventh grade in public high schools statewide who score at each achievement level on the standardized, curriculum-based, achievement, college entrance examination administered as a statewide assessment or the percentages of students enrolled in each of the grade levels included in the public high schools statewide who score at each achievement level on the assessments administered pursuant to section 22-7-1006.3 by the public high schools;


Beginning with the 2011-12 school year and for each school year thereafter, the overall percentage of all students graduating from the public high schools in the state who receive diplomas that are endorsed for postsecondary and workforce readiness as described in section 22-7-1009 (1) and the percentage who receive diplomas that are endorsed for exemplary demonstration of postsecondary and workforce readiness as described in section 22-7-1009 (2);


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The statewide graduation and dropout rates, as defined by rule of the state board, for the public high schools in the state.


Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, for purposes of this subsection (4)(c)(III), a student who is enrolled in special education services, as defined in section 22-20-103 (23), must be counted in the statewide graduation rate in the school year in which the student completes the minimum graduation requirements. Nothing in this subsection (4)(c)(III)(B) limits the right to a free appropriate public education for a student as provided by the federal “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act”, 20 U.S.C. sec. 1400 et seq., as amended; the “Exceptional Children’s Educational Act”, article 20 of this title 22; or any other federal or state law or rule.


Beginning in the 2016-17 school year, the percentages of students graduating from public high schools statewide who, in the school year immediately following graduation from high school, enroll in a career and technical education program, community college, or four-year institution of higher education. The department shall weight each postsecondary enrollment option equally in determining the state’s level of attainment of this measure.


Beginning in the 2018-19 school year, or in the first school year for which data is available, the percentage of students graduating from public high schools statewide who, in the school year immediately following graduation from high school, enlist in the military. The department shall weight military enlistment equally with the postsecondary enrollment options described in subsection (4)(c)(IV) of this section in determining the state’s level of attainment on the postsecondary and workforce readiness indicator.


Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, the overall percentage of students enrolled in the public high schools statewide who demonstrate college and career readiness, based on the demonstration options available to the students enrolled in each public high school, at the higher achievement level adopted by the state board that indicates a student is prepared, without needing remediation, to enroll in general education core courses;


Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, the overall percentage of students enrolled in the public high schools of the state who successfully complete an advanced placement course in a subject other than English language arts or math and earn a score of three or higher on the end-of-course advanced placement exam, the percentage of students who successfully complete a concurrent enrollment course in a subject other than English language arts or math and earn a grade of “B” or higher in the course, and the percentage of students who successfully complete an international baccalaureate course in a subject other than English language arts or math and earn a score of four or higher.


In measuring the performance of a public school, a school district, the institute, or the state on each of the performance indicators, the department shall disaggregate the measures for each indicator by student group. The department shall separately account for the performance of each student group in determining the overall performance on a performance indicator by a public school, a school district, the institute, or the state.


Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary:


In calculating the levels of attainment of the performance indicators, the department shall ensure compliance with the federal statutes and regulations and may adjust the calculation methods as necessary to ensure said compliance;


To comply with the privacy requirements of the federal “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974”, 20 U.S.C. sec. 1232g and any other federal requirements, the department may forego the calculations required in this section for a public school or a grade level in which the number of enrolled students is less than a minimum number determined by department policy. If the department does not calculate the levels of attainment of the performance indicators as provided in this section for a public school, the department shall determine an alternate method of measuring the public school’s performance that is comparable to the provisions of this section and complies with the requirements of federal statutes and regulations.


The department may adjust the calculations specified in this section as necessary to take into account students for whom no score is recorded on the statewide assessments or the standardized, curriculum-based, achievement, college entrance examination.


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The department shall report on the data portal the levels of attainment on the performance indicators, as measured pursuant to this section, for each public school in the state, each school district, the institute, and the state as a whole; except that, in reporting data disaggregated by student groups, the department shall not report data for any student group that is smaller than the minimum number of students necessary to protect student privacy, as determined by the department.




and (9) Repealed.

Source: Section 22-11-204 — Performance indicators - measures, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Rules - college and career readiness achievement standards
State public education system - annual performance review - targets for improvement
Colorado growth model - technical advisory panel - rules
Student longitudinal academic growth - calculation - data - research
Performance indicators - measures
State review panel - creation
Accreditation of school districts and institute - contracts - rules
Accreditation categories - criteria - rules
Accreditation - annual review - supports and interventions - rules
Removal of accreditation - recommended actions - review - appeal - rules - repeal
Public schools - annual review - plans - supports and interventions - rules - repeal
Performance watch - parent and community meeting - school districts - institute - public schools
School district accountability committees - creation - membership
School district accountability committee - powers and duties
Accredited or accredited with distinction - performance plan - school district or institute - contents - adoption
Accredited with improvement plan - school district or institute - plan contents - adoption
Accredited with priority improvement plan - school district or institute - plan contents - adoption
Accredited with turnaround plan - school district or institute - plan content - adoption
Accreditation of public schools
School accountability committee - creation - qualifications - elections
School accountability committee - powers and duties - meetings
School performance plan - contents
School improvement plan - contents
School priority improvement plan - contents
School turnaround plan - contents
State data reporting system
Data portal - creation - contents
Performance reports - contents - rules
Student performance by course level - report - definitions
School district and institute reporting requirements
Colorado school awards program - created - rules
Colorado school awards program - John Irwin schools of excellence awards - rules
Governor’s distinguished improvement awards - rules
Centers of excellence awards
Academic growth awards - rules - definitions
Colorado school awards program - distribution of award
School awards program fund - creation - contributions
Legislative declaration
Local accountability system - grant program established - repeal
Local accountability systems - supplemental performance reports - alternatively formatted plans
Local accountability systems - report
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 22-11-204’s source at colorado​.gov