Section 22-11-406
School turnaround plan
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If the state board, pursuant to section 22-11-210, directs a district public school to adopt a turnaround plan, the local school board, in accordance with time frames specified in state board rules, shall adopt a school turnaround plan, as described in subsection (3) of this section, for the district public school. Each district public school turnaround plan shall also be subject to evaluation by the state review panel and may be subject to revisions requested by the commissioner as provided in this subsection (1).(b)
The school accountability committee for the district public school shall hold a public meeting as required in section 22-32-142 (2) to receive input concerning possible strategies to be included in the school turnaround plan, advise the local school board concerning preparation of the school turnaround plan, and make recommendations to the local school board concerning the contents of the school turnaround plan, taking into account recommendations received at the public meeting. The local school board shall create and adopt the school turnaround plan, taking into account the advice and recommendations of the school accountability committee. Before adopting the school turnaround plan, the local school board shall hold a public hearing to review the written plan as required in section 22-32-142 (2). The department may require a school district to provide proof of compliance with the requirements of section 22-32-142 (2).(c)
Within the time frames specified in state board rule, the local school board shall submit the adopted school turnaround plan to the commissioner for evaluation by the state review panel. The state review panel shall critically evaluate the adopted school turnaround plan and make recommendations to the commissioner and the state board concerning the issues specified in section 22-11-210 (4). The commissioner may suggest modifications to the plan, taking into consideration any recommendations of the state review panel and may require that those plan modifications be made prior to the date when the state board enters into an accreditation contract with the district pursuant to section 22-11-206. The local school board shall revise the school turnaround plan, if necessary, and resubmit the plan for approval within the time frames specified in state board rule. The local school board shall ensure that the final, approved school turnaround plan is in effect for the district public school within the time frames specified in state board rule.(d)
The school district accountability committee shall include the final, approved school turnaround plan in the compilation prepared pursuant to section 22-11-302 (1), and the local school board shall consider the final, approved school turnaround plan in developing the budget required by section 22-44-108.(e)
The local school board shall submit the final, approved school turnaround plan to the department for publication on the data portal. The district public school shall make copies of the final, approved school turnaround plan available to members of the public upon request.(2)
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If the state board, pursuant to section 22-11-210, directs an institute charter school to adopt a turnaround plan, the institute, in accordance with time frames specified in state board rules, shall adopt a school turnaround plan, as described in subsection (3) of this section, for the institute charter school. Each institute charter school turnaround plan shall also be subject to evaluation by the state review panel and may be subject to revisions requested by the commissioner as provided in this subsection (2).(b)
The school accountability committee for the institute charter school shall hold a public meeting as required in section 22-30.5-520 (2) to receive input concerning possible strategies to be included in the school turnaround plan, advise the institute concerning preparation of the school turnaround plan, and make recommendations to the institute concerning the contents of the school turnaround plan, taking into account recommendations received at the public meeting. The institute shall create and adopt the school turnaround plan, taking into account the advice and recommendations of the school accountability committee. Before adopting the school turnaround plan, the institute shall ensure that the institute charter school holds a public hearing to review the written plan as required in section 22-30.5-520 (2). The department may require the institute to provide proof of compliance with the requirements of section 22-30.5-520 (2).(c)
Within the time frames specified in state board rule, the institute shall submit the adopted school turnaround plan to the commissioner for evaluation by the state review panel. The state review panel shall critically evaluate the adopted school turnaround plan and make recommendations to the commissioner and the state board concerning the issues specified in section 22-11-210 (4). The commissioner may suggest modifications to the plan, taking into consideration any recommendations of the state review panel and may require that those plan modifications be made prior to the date when the state board enters into an accreditation contract with the institute pursuant to section 22-11-206. The institute shall revise the school turnaround plan, if necessary, and resubmit the plan for approval within the time frames specified in state board rule. The institute shall ensure that the final, approved school turnaround plan is in effect for the institute charter school within the time frames specified in state board rule.(d)
The institute shall include the final, approved school turnaround plan in the compilation prepared pursuant to section 22-11-303 (2)(b). The institute shall submit the final, approved school turnaround plan to the department for publication on the data portal. The institute charter school shall make copies of the final, approved school turnaround plan available to members of the public upon request.(3)
A school turnaround plan must be designed to ensure that the public school improves its performance to the extent that, following completion of the public school’s next annual performance review, the public school attains a higher accreditation category. At a minimum, a school turnaround plan must:(a)
Set or revise, as appropriate, ambitious but attainable targets that the public school shall attain on the performance indicators. The local school board or the institute shall ensure that the targets are aligned with the statewide targets set by the state board pursuant to section 22-11-201.(a.5)
If the public school serves students in kindergarten and first, second, and third grades, identify the strategies to be used in addressing the needs of students enrolled in kindergarten and first, second, and third grade who are identified pursuant to section 22-7-1205 as having significant reading deficiencies and set or revise, as appropriate, ambitious but attainable targets that the public school shall attain in reducing the number of students who have significant reading deficiencies and in ensuring that each student achieves grade level expectations in reading;(a.7)
Identify strategies to address the needs of students who are below grade level or struggling in mathematics and set or revise, as appropriate, ambitious but attainable targets that the public school shall attain in reducing the number of students who are below grade level or struggling in mathematics and to increase the number of students who achieve grade-level expectations in mathematics. Strategies may include tutoring, including peer tutoring; additional educator training; personalized learning models, which may include a combination of in-person instruction, online modules, and self-paced learning techniques; or supplemental supports or curricula in mathematics, including digital mathematics accelerator programs.(b)
Identify positive and negative trends in the levels of attainment by the public school on the performance indicators;(c)
Assess and prioritize the issues and needs at the public school that must be addressed to raise the levels of attainment on the performance indicators by the public school and to improve school readiness, if the public school serves students in preschool or kindergarten. The needs assessment for a public school that enrolls students in kindergarten or any of grades one through three shall include, but shall not be limited to, the early childhood learning needs assessment described in section 22-11-405 (4.5).(d)
Identify specific, research-based strategies that are appropriate in scope, intensity, and type to address the needs and issues identified pursuant to subsection (3)(c) of this section, which strategies shall, at a minimum, include one or more of the following:(I)
Employing a lead turnaround partner that uses research-based strategies and has a proven record of success working with schools under similar circumstances, which turnaround partner shall be immersed in all aspects of developing and collaboratively executing the turnaround plan and shall serve as a liaison to other school partners;(II)
Reorganizing the oversight and management structure within the public school to provide greater, more effective support;(III)
For a district public school, seeking recognition as an innovation school or clustering with other district public schools that have similar governance or management structures to form an innovation school zone pursuant to article 32.5 of this title;(IV)
Hiring a public or private entity that uses research-based strategies and has a proven record of success working with schools under similar circumstances to manage the public school pursuant to a contract with the local school board or the institute;(V)
For a district public school that is not a charter school, converting to a charter school;(VI)
For a district charter school or an institute charter school, renegotiating and significantly restructuring the charter school’s charter contract;(VI.5)
For a public school that serves students enrolled in kindergarten or any of grades one through three, that the public school invest in research-based strategies focused on early learning and development to address any deficiencies identified in the early childhood learning needs assessment completed for the public school pursuant to subsection (3)(c) of this section if the cause of the public school’s low performance is directly related to lack of school readiness and access to quality early learning opportunities, as demonstrated by student achievement data for the early elementary grades, and the public school has not successfully implemented these strategies in the preceding school years. Research-based early learning and development strategies include increasing the quality and availability of early learning and development programs for students who reside within the neighborhood of the public school and increasing the resources available in kindergarten through third grade to improve school readiness and early learning. A public school may implement strategies focused on early learning and development as described in this subsection (3)(d)(VI.5) only in combination with at least one other research-based strategy specified in this subsection (3)(d).(VII)
Other actions of comparable or greater significance or effect;(e)
Identify the local, state, and federal resources that the public school will use to implement the identified strategies with fidelity;(e.5)
Incorporate strategies to increase parent engagement in the public school; and(f)
Address any other issues required by rule of the state board or raised by the department through the performance review pursuant to section 22-11-210.(4)
The general assembly may appropriate such money as is available to assist school districts and the institute in improving the academic growth of students in public schools that are required to adopt school turnaround plans. In addition, the department may allocate any money received pursuant to the federal “Every Student Succeeds Act”, 20 U.S.C. sec. 6301 et seq., for such purpose.
Section 22-11-406 — School turnaround plan - contents, https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.pdf
(accessed Dec. 24, 2024).