Department of personnel - state support services 24‑30‑102
Construction of terms 24‑30‑104
Burnham Yard rail property site - required development planning 24‑30‑201
Accounts and control - controller 24‑30‑202
Procedures - vouchers, warrants, and checks - rules - penalties - definitions 24‑30‑202.4
Collection of debts due the state - state agency options - controller’s duties - offsetting disbursements - definitions 24‑30‑202.5
Assistant state solicitors general 24‑30‑202.7
Lottery winnings offset - definitions 24‑30‑203
Refunds of money erroneously collected 24‑30‑204
Fiscal year 24‑30‑205
Duties of controller 24‑30‑207
Reports of revenue and expenditures 24‑30‑209
Statewide financial and human resources information technology systems - billing process - statewide financial information technology systems cash fund - creation 24‑30‑210
Cash fund solvency fund - creation - loans - report - legislative declaration 24‑30‑1001
Office of administrative courts - administrative courts cash fund - creation 24‑30‑1002
Appropriation of moneys 24‑30‑1003
Administrative law judges - appointment - qualifications - standards of conduct 24‑30‑1101
Legislative findings and declarations 24‑30‑1102
Definitions 24‑30‑1103
Central services 24‑30‑1104
Functions of the department - definitions - rules 24‑30‑1105
Powers of the executive director - penalties 24‑30‑1106
Appeal from decisions of director 24‑30‑1107
Existing and new equipment, personnel, applications, and systems subject to approval of director 24‑30‑1108
Revolving fund - service charges - pricing policy 24‑30‑1111
Postage meters - penalty for private use 24‑30‑1112
Permanent assignment of vehicles - state agency - verification of minimum mileage - revocation 24‑30‑1113
Assignment of vehicles to state agency officers or employees - report to legislative audit committee - definition 24‑30‑1114
Restrictions on assignment of vehicles 24‑30‑1115
Motor fleet management fund - creation 24‑30‑1117
Exclusive authority to acquire state-owned motor vehicles 24‑30‑1201
Definitions 24‑30‑1203
Purchasing requirements 24‑30‑1204
Cooperation between state agencies 24‑30‑1301
Definitions 24‑30‑1302
State buildings - transfer 24‑30‑1302.5
Office of the state architect 24‑30‑1303
Office of the state architect - responsibilities 24‑30‑1303.5
Office of the state architect to prepare and maintain inventory of state property - vacant facilities 24‑30‑1303.7
Controlled maintenance projects - flexibility in administering appropriations 24‑30‑1303.8
Governor’s mansion maintenance fund - creation - report 24‑30‑1303.9
Eligibility for state controlled maintenance funding - legislative declaration 24‑30‑1304
Life-cycle cost - legislative findings and declaration 24‑30‑1305
Life-cycle cost - application - definitions 24‑30‑1305.5
High performance standards - report - legislative declaration - definition 24‑30‑1306
Acceptance of gifts and grants 24‑30‑1307
Legislative declaration 24‑30‑1310
Funding for capital construction, controlled maintenance, or capital renewal - definitions 24‑30‑1311
Statewide planning function - responsibilities 24‑30‑1312
Accessibility signage for facilities 24‑30‑1313
Capitol complex renovation fund - created - repeal 24‑30‑1314
Capitol complex renovation - report - repeal 24‑30‑1401
Legislative declaration 24‑30‑1402
Definitions 24‑30‑1403
Professional services - listings - preliminary selections 24‑30‑1404
Contracts - definition 24‑30‑1405
Public notice 24‑30‑1406
Criminal liability 24‑30‑1407
Prior existing design plans 24‑30‑1408
Emergency contracts 24‑30‑1501
Legislative declaration 24‑30‑1502
Definitions 24‑30‑1503
Risk management system 24‑30‑1503.5
Risk management system - independent program 24‑30‑1504
Powers and duties of the department 24‑30‑1505
Powers of the executive director 24‑30‑1506
Claims investigation, claims adjustment, and support services 24‑30‑1507
Legal services 24‑30‑1508
State claims board - creation 24‑30‑1509
Powers and duties of the board 24‑30‑1510
Risk management fund - creation - authorized and unauthorized payments 24‑30‑1510.3
Risk management fund - state employee workers’ compensation account - assessment of risks to institutions of higher education 24‑30‑1510.5
Self-insured property fund - creation - authorized and unauthorized payments - executive director authorized to make payments 24‑30‑1510.7
Workers’ compensation for state employees 24‑30‑1511
State treasurer to invest funds 24‑30‑1511.5
State self-insurance funds - transfers - definition 24‑30‑1512
Risk management fund and self-insured property fund not subject to insurance laws 24‑30‑1513
State auditor - examination - report 24‑30‑1515
Compromise or settlement of claims - authority 24‑30‑1516
Rules and regulations 24‑30‑1517
Applicability 24‑30‑1519
Insurance policies 24‑30‑1520
Authorization by law to settle claims or to pay judgments 24‑30‑1801
Legislative declaration 24‑30‑1804
Institutions of higher education - statewide telecommunications network 24‑30‑2001
Definitions 24‑30‑2002
Contracts for energy analysis and recommendations 24‑30‑2003
Energy cost-savings contracts 24‑30‑2101
Short title 24‑30‑2102
Legislative declaration 24‑30‑2103
Definitions 24‑30‑2104
Address confidentiality program - creation - substitute address - uses - service by mail - application assistance centers 24‑30‑2105
Filing and certification of applications - authorization card 24‑30‑2106
Change of name, address, or telephone number 24‑30‑2107
Certification cancellation - records 24‑30‑2108
Address use by state or local government agencies 24‑30‑2109
Disclosure of actual address prohibited 24‑30‑2110
Request for disclosure 24‑30‑2111
Disclosure of address or unique identifying information in criminal and civil proceedings 24‑30‑2112
Participation in the program - orders relating to allocation of parental responsibilities or parenting time 24‑30‑2113
Rule-making authority 24‑30‑2114
Surcharge - collection and distribution - address confidentiality program surcharge fund - creation - definitions 24‑30‑2115
Address confidentiality program fund - creation - appropriations 24‑30‑2201
Short title 24‑30‑2202
Definitions 24‑30‑2203
Colorado disability funding committee 24‑30‑2204
Program to assist persons to obtain disability benefits - repeal 24‑30‑2204.5
Program to investigate, fund, and pilot projects or programs to benefit persons with disabilities 24‑30‑2205.5
Disability support fund 24‑30‑2206
License to buy and sell selected registration numbers for license plates 24‑30‑2208
Sale of registration numbers 24‑30‑2209
Creation of a private market for registration numbers - fee 24‑30‑2210
Administration 24‑30‑2211
Implementation 24‑30‑2212
Sunset review - repeal of part
Department of personnel - state support services 24‑30‑102
Construction of terms 24‑30‑104
Burnham Yard rail property site - required development planning 24‑30‑201
Accounts and control - controller 24‑30‑202
Procedures - vouchers, warrants, and checks - rules - penalties - definitions 24‑30‑202.4
Collection of debts due the state - state agency options - controller’s duties - offsetting disbursements - definitions 24‑30‑202.5
Assistant state solicitors general 24‑30‑202.7
Lottery winnings offset - definitions 24‑30‑203
Refunds of money erroneously collected 24‑30‑204
Fiscal year 24‑30‑205
Duties of controller 24‑30‑207
Reports of revenue and expenditures 24‑30‑209
Statewide financial and human resources information technology systems - billing process - statewide financial information technology systems cash fund - creation 24‑30‑210
Cash fund solvency fund - creation - loans - report - legislative declaration 24‑30‑1001
Office of administrative courts - administrative courts cash fund - creation 24‑30‑1002
Appropriation of moneys 24‑30‑1003
Administrative law judges - appointment - qualifications - standards of conduct 24‑30‑1101
Legislative findings and declarations 24‑30‑1102
Definitions 24‑30‑1103
Central services 24‑30‑1104
Functions of the department - definitions - rules 24‑30‑1105
Powers of the executive director - penalties 24‑30‑1106
Appeal from decisions of director 24‑30‑1107
Existing and new equipment, personnel, applications, and systems subject to approval of director 24‑30‑1108
Revolving fund - service charges - pricing policy 24‑30‑1111
Postage meters - penalty for private use 24‑30‑1112
Permanent assignment of vehicles - state agency - verification of minimum mileage - revocation 24‑30‑1113
Assignment of vehicles to state agency officers or employees - report to legislative audit committee - definition 24‑30‑1114
Restrictions on assignment of vehicles 24‑30‑1115
Motor fleet management fund - creation 24‑30‑1117
Exclusive authority to acquire state-owned motor vehicles 24‑30‑1201
Definitions 24‑30‑1203
Purchasing requirements 24‑30‑1204
Cooperation between state agencies 24‑30‑1301
Definitions 24‑30‑1302
State buildings - transfer 24‑30‑1302.5
Office of the state architect 24‑30‑1303
Office of the state architect - responsibilities 24‑30‑1303.5
Office of the state architect to prepare and maintain inventory of state property - vacant facilities 24‑30‑1303.7
Controlled maintenance projects - flexibility in administering appropriations 24‑30‑1303.8
Governor’s mansion maintenance fund - creation - report 24‑30‑1303.9
Eligibility for state controlled maintenance funding - legislative declaration 24‑30‑1304
Life-cycle cost - legislative findings and declaration 24‑30‑1305
Life-cycle cost - application - definitions 24‑30‑1305.5
High performance standards - report - legislative declaration - definition 24‑30‑1306
Acceptance of gifts and grants 24‑30‑1307
Legislative declaration 24‑30‑1310
Funding for capital construction, controlled maintenance, or capital renewal - definitions 24‑30‑1311
Statewide planning function - responsibilities 24‑30‑1312
Accessibility signage for facilities 24‑30‑1313
Capitol complex renovation fund - created - repeal 24‑30‑1314
Capitol complex renovation - report - repeal 24‑30‑1401
Legislative declaration 24‑30‑1402
Definitions 24‑30‑1403
Professional services - listings - preliminary selections 24‑30‑1404
Contracts - definition 24‑30‑1405
Public notice 24‑30‑1406
Criminal liability 24‑30‑1407
Prior existing design plans 24‑30‑1408
Emergency contracts 24‑30‑1501
Legislative declaration 24‑30‑1502
Definitions 24‑30‑1503
Risk management system 24‑30‑1503.5
Risk management system - independent program 24‑30‑1504
Powers and duties of the department 24‑30‑1505
Powers of the executive director 24‑30‑1506
Claims investigation, claims adjustment, and support services 24‑30‑1507
Legal services 24‑30‑1508
State claims board - creation 24‑30‑1509
Powers and duties of the board 24‑30‑1510
Risk management fund - creation - authorized and unauthorized payments 24‑30‑1510.3
Risk management fund - state employee workers’ compensation account - assessment of risks to institutions of higher education 24‑30‑1510.5
Self-insured property fund - creation - authorized and unauthorized payments - executive director authorized to make payments 24‑30‑1510.7
Workers’ compensation for state employees 24‑30‑1511
State treasurer to invest funds 24‑30‑1511.5
State self-insurance funds - transfers - definition 24‑30‑1512
Risk management fund and self-insured property fund not subject to insurance laws 24‑30‑1513
State auditor - examination - report 24‑30‑1515
Compromise or settlement of claims - authority 24‑30‑1516
Rules and regulations 24‑30‑1517
Applicability 24‑30‑1519
Insurance policies 24‑30‑1520
Authorization by law to settle claims or to pay judgments 24‑30‑1801
Legislative declaration 24‑30‑1804
Institutions of higher education - statewide telecommunications network 24‑30‑2001
Definitions 24‑30‑2002
Contracts for energy analysis and recommendations 24‑30‑2003
Energy cost-savings contracts 24‑30‑2101
Short title 24‑30‑2102
Legislative declaration 24‑30‑2103
Definitions 24‑30‑2104
Address confidentiality program - creation - substitute address - uses - service by mail - application assistance centers 24‑30‑2105
Filing and certification of applications - authorization card 24‑30‑2106
Change of name, address, or telephone number 24‑30‑2107
Certification cancellation - records 24‑30‑2108
Address use by state or local government agencies 24‑30‑2109
Disclosure of actual address prohibited 24‑30‑2110
Request for disclosure 24‑30‑2111
Disclosure of address or unique identifying information in criminal and civil proceedings 24‑30‑2112
Participation in the program - orders relating to allocation of parental responsibilities or parenting time 24‑30‑2113
Rule-making authority 24‑30‑2114
Surcharge - collection and distribution - address confidentiality program surcharge fund - creation - definitions 24‑30‑2115
Address confidentiality program fund - creation - appropriations 24‑30‑2201
Short title 24‑30‑2202
Definitions 24‑30‑2203
Colorado disability funding committee 24‑30‑2204
Program to assist persons to obtain disability benefits - repeal 24‑30‑2204.5
Program to investigate, fund, and pilot projects or programs to benefit persons with disabilities 24‑30‑2205.5
Disability support fund 24‑30‑2206
License to buy and sell selected registration numbers for license plates 24‑30‑2208
Sale of registration numbers 24‑30‑2209
Creation of a private market for registration numbers - fee 24‑30‑2210
Administration 24‑30‑2211
Implementation 24‑30‑2212
Sunset review - repeal of part