C.R.S. Section 34-60-105
Powers of commission


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The commission has jurisdiction over all persons and property, public and private, necessary to enforce this article 60, the power to make and enforce rules and orders pursuant to this article 60, and to do whatever may reasonably be necessary to carry out this article 60.


Any delegation of authority to any other state officer, board, or commission to administer any other laws of this state relating to the conservation of oil or gas, or either of them, is hereby rescinded and withdrawn, and that authority is unqualifiedly conferred upon the commission, as provided in this section; except that, as further specified in section 34-60-131, nothing in this article 60 alters, impairs, or negates the authority of:


The air quality control commission to regulate, pursuant to article 7 of title 25, the emission of air pollutants from oil and gas operations;


The water quality control commission to regulate, pursuant to article 8 of title 25, the discharge of water pollutants from oil and gas operations;


The state board of health to regulate, pursuant to section 25-11-104, the disposal of naturally occurring radioactive materials and technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials from oil and gas operations;


The solid and hazardous waste commission to:


Regulate, pursuant to article 15 of title 25, the disposal of hazardous waste from oil and gas operations; or


Regulate, pursuant to section 30-20-109 (1.5), the disposal of exploration and production waste from oil and gas operations; and


A local government to regulate oil and gas operations pursuant to section 29-20-104.


Any person, or the attorney general on behalf of the state, may apply for a hearing before the commission, or the commission may initiate proceedings, upon any question relating to the administration of this article 60, and jurisdiction is conferred upon the commission to hear and determine the question and enter its rule or order with respect to the question.




The attorney general is the legal advisor of the commission, and it is his or her duty to represent the commission in all court proceedings and in all proceedings before it and in any proceedings to which the commission may be a party before any department of the federal government.


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Except as specified in subsection (4)(b) of this section, nothing in this article 60 authorizes the state or its local governments, including the commission, boards of county commissioners, and municipalities, to regulate the activities of:


Federally recognized Indian tribes, their political subdivisions, or tribally controlled affiliates, undertaken or to be undertaken with respect to mineral evaluation, exploration, or development on lands within the exterior boundaries of an Indian reservation located within the state; or


Third parties, undertaken or to be undertaken with respect to mineral evaluation, exploration, or development on Indian trust lands within the exterior boundaries of an Indian reservation located within the state.


Regulation by the state or its local governments, including the commission, boards of county commissioners, and municipalities, applicable to non-Indians conducting oil and gas operations on lands within the exterior boundaries of the Southern Ute Indian reservation may apply to lands where both the surface and the oil and gas estates are owned in fee by a person other than the Southern Ute Indian tribe, regardless of whether the lands are communitized or pooled with Indian mineral lands.


Nothing in this article 60 alters the authority for the regulation of air pollution on the Southern Ute Indian reservation as set forth in article 62 of title 24 and part 13 of article 7 of title 25.

Source: Section 34-60-105 — Powers of commission, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-34.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Energy and carbon management commission - report - publication
Director of commission - duties
Powers of commission
Additional powers of commission - rules - definitions - repeal
Waste of oil or gas prohibited
Rules - hearings - process
Commission may bring suit
Witnesses - suits for violations
Judicial review
Plaintiff post bond
Trial to be advanced
Action for damages
Limitation on actions
Drilling units - pooling interests
Prevention of waste - protection of correlative rights
Agreements for development and unit operations
Payment of proceeds - definitions
Production - limitation
Application of article
Violations - investigations - penalties - rules - definition - legislative declaration
Expenses - energy and carbon management cash fund created
Interstate compact to conserve oil and gas
Energy and carbon management cash fund - definitions - repeal
Reasonable accommodation
Habitat stewardship - rules
Reporting of spills - rules
No land use preemption
Disclosure of chemicals used in downhole oil and gas operations - chemical disclosure lists - community notification - reports - definitions - rules - repeal
Orphaned wells mitigation enterprise - creation - powers and duties - enterprise board created - mitigation fees - cash fund created - rules - definitions
Reporting of water used in oil and gas operations - cumulative reporting - definitions - rules - repeal
Colorado produced water consortium - created - membership - recommendations - definitions - review of functions - repeal
Biochar in oil and gas well plugging working advisory group - created - members - study by Colorado state university - recommendations for the development of a pilot program - report - definitions - repeal
Hydrogen study - report - repeal
Pipeline study - report - repeal
Methane seepage in Raton basin - study of best management practices and water quality required - repeal
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 34-60-105’s source at colorado​.gov