C.R.S. Section 34-60-122

  • energy and carbon management cash fund created


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In addition to the filing and service fee required to be paid under section 34-60-106 (1)(f) and the fees authorized for other services provided by the commission by section 34-60-106 (16), there is imposed on the market value at the well of all oil and natural gas produced, saved, and sold or transported from the field where produced in this state a charge not to exceed one and seven-tenths mills on the dollar. The commission shall, by order, fix the amount of such charge in the first instance and may, from time to time, reduce or increase the amount thereof as, in its judgment, the expenses chargeable against the energy and carbon management cash fund specified in subsection (5) of this section may require.


On and after July 1, 2019, the commission shall ensure that the unobligated portion of the fund does not exceed fifty percent of total appropriations from the fund for the upcoming fiscal year and that there is an adequate balance in the fund to support the operations of the commission, to address environmental response needs, and to fund the purposes identified in section 34-60-124 (10).


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On or before March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1 of each year, every producer or purchaser, whichever disburses funds directly to each and every person owning a working interest, a royalty interest, an overriding royalty interest, a production payment and other similar interests from the sale of oil or natural gas subject to the charge imposed by subsection (1) of this section, shall file a return with the commission showing the volume of oil, gas, or condensate produced or purchased during the preceding calendar quarter, and the actual sales value of such oil, gas, or condensate, including the total consideration due or received at the point of delivery. Such return shall be accompanied by the total amount of the charges due on all interests in the oil or gas except those interests exempted under the provisions of subsection (4) of this section.


Each producer shall advise the commission whether he or the purchaser will be responsible for reporting and remitting the levy under the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (2). If the return is filed by the producer, the producer shall maintain at his place of business for three years the invoice or statement issued by each purchaser showing the amount of oil or gas purchased, the producing lease from which such purchase was made, and the total sales price paid. Such purchaser invoice or statement may be requested periodically by the commission with the quarterly report.


Any producer or purchaser who files a return pursuant to subsection (2) of this section shall pay any such charge or any interest other than his own, and such producer or purchaser is authorized to deduct the amount of such payment from any amount owed by him to the person for whom such charge was paid. Any such charge not paid when required by subsection (2) of this section shall bear interest at the rate of three percent per month, from the date of delinquency until paid.


The charge imposed by subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to the interest in any oil or gas or the proceeds therefrom of the following:


The United States;


The state of Colorado or any of its political subdivisions;


Any Indian or Indian tribe on production from land subject to the supervision of the United States.


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The commission shall collect all charges and penalties under this article 60 and remit the charges and penalties to the state treasurer for deposit in the energy and carbon management cash fund, which fund is hereby created in the state treasury.


There is hereby created in the fund the environmental response account, into which shall be deposited penalties pursuant to section 34-60-121 (1). Expenditures authorized pursuant to section 34-60-124 (4) shall be paid in the first instance from the account, and expenditures authorized pursuant to section 34-60-124 (10) shall not be paid from the account. The year-end balance of the account remains in the account.


The general assembly shall annually make appropriations for the purposes authorized by section 34-60-124, and warrants shall be drawn against the appropriations as provided by law.


The revisor of statutes is authorized to change all references to the oil and gas conservation and environmental response fund that appear in the Colorado Revised Statutes to the energy and carbon management cash fund.

Source: Section 34-60-122 — Expenses - energy and carbon management cash fund created, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-34.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Energy and carbon management commission - report - publication
Director of commission - duties
Powers of commission
Additional powers of commission - rules - definitions - repeal
Waste of oil or gas prohibited
Rules - hearings - process
Commission may bring suit
Witnesses - suits for violations
Judicial review
Plaintiff post bond
Trial to be advanced
Action for damages
Limitation on actions
Drilling units - pooling interests
Prevention of waste - protection of correlative rights
Agreements for development and unit operations
Payment of proceeds - definitions
Production - limitation
Application of article
Violations - investigations - penalties - rules - definition - legislative declaration
Expenses - energy and carbon management cash fund created
Interstate compact to conserve oil and gas
Energy and carbon management cash fund - definitions - repeal
Reasonable accommodation
Habitat stewardship - rules
Reporting of spills - rules
No land use preemption
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Orphaned wells mitigation enterprise - creation - powers and duties - enterprise board created - mitigation fees - cash fund created - rules - definitions
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Pipeline study - report - repeal
Methane seepage in Raton basin - study of best management practices and water quality required - repeal
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 34-60-122’s source at colorado​.gov