C.R.S. Section 38-38-103
Combined notice

  • publication
  • providing information


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No more than twenty calendar days after the recording of the notice of election and demand, the public trustee shall mail a combined notice as described in subsection (4) of this section to the persons set forth in the mailing list.


No more than sixty calendar days nor less than forty-five calendar days prior to the first scheduled date of sale, the public trustee shall mail a combined notice as described in subsection (4) of this section to the persons as set forth in the most recent amended mailing list. If there is no amended mailing list, the public trustee shall mail a combined notice as described in subsection (4) of this section to the persons as set forth in the mailing list.


If a recorded instrument does not specify the address of the party purporting to have an interest in the property under such recorded instrument, the party shall not be entitled to notice and any interest in the property under such instrument shall be extinguished upon the execution and delivery of a deed pursuant to section 38-38-501.


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The holder of the evidence of debt or the attorney for the holder shall deliver an amended mailing list to the officer as needed. If an amended mailing list is received after the officer has sent the mailing described in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section, the officer shall continue the sale to no less than sixty-five calendar days after receipt of the amended mailing list. The officer shall send the notice pursuant to subsection (4) of this section to the persons on the amended mailing list no less than forty-five calendar days prior to the actual date of sale.
(b)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2007, p. 1832, § 7, effective January 1, 2008.)(3) The sheriff shall mail a combined notice as described in subsection (4) of this section to the persons named at the addresses indicated in the mailing list no less than sixteen nor more than thirty calendar days after the holder of the evidence of debt or the attorney for the holder delivers to the sheriff the mailing list and the original or a copy of a decree of foreclosure or a writ of execution directing the sheriff to sell property.


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The combined notices required to be mailed pursuant to subsections (1), (2), and (3) of this section must contain the following:


The information required by section 38-38-101 (4);


The statement: A notice of intent to cure filed pursuant to section 38-38-104 shall be filed with the officer at least fifteen calendar days prior to the first scheduled sale date or any date to which the sale is continued;


The statement, which must be in bold: If the sale date is continued to a later date, the deadline to file a notice of intent to cure by those parties entitled to cure may also be extended;


The statement: A notice of intent to redeem filed pursuant to section 38-38-302 shall be filed with the officer no later than eight business days after the sale;


The date to which the sale has been continued pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section;


The date of sale determined pursuant to section 38-38-108;


The place of sale determined pursuant to section 38-38-110;


If the sale is conducted by means of the internet or another electronic medium pursuant to section 38-38-110 (1):


The electronic address;


The location of computer workstations that are available to the public and information about how to obtain instructions on accessing the sale and submitting bids; and


A statement that the bidding rules for the sale will be posted on the internet or other electronic medium used to conduct the sale at least two weeks before the date of sale;


The statement as required by section 24-70-109, C.R.S.: The lien being foreclosed may not be a first lien; and


A statement that, if the borrower believes that a lender or servicer has violated the requirements for a single point of contact in section 38-38-103.1 or the prohibition on dual tracking in section 38-38-103.2, the borrower may file a complaint with the Colorado attorney general, the CFPB, or both, but the filing of a complaint will not stop the foreclosure process. The notice must include contact information for both the Colorado attorney general’s office and the CFPB. If the officer maintains a website, the officer shall also post this information on the website for viewing by all borrowers.


A legible copy of this section and sections 38-37-108, 38-38-104, 38-38-301, 38-38-302, 38-38-304, 38-38-305, and 38-38-306 shall be sent with all notices pursuant to this section.


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No more than sixty calendar days nor less than forty-five calendar days prior to the first scheduled date of sale, unless a longer period of publication is specified in the deed of trust or other lien being foreclosed, a deed of trust or other lien being foreclosed is deemed to require the officer to commence publication of the combined notice, omitting both the statements under subsections (4)(a)(II), (4)(a)(III), and (4)(a)(IX) of this section and the copies of the statutes under subsection (4)(b) of this section and adding the first and last publication dates if not already specified in the combined notice, for four weeks, which means publication once each week for five consecutive weeks.


The officer shall review the publication of the combined notice for accuracy.


The fees and costs to be allowed for publication of the combined notice shall be as provided by law for the publication of legal notices or advertising.



Source: Section 38-38-103 — Combined notice - publication - providing information, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-38.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Holder of evidence of debt may elect to foreclose
Recording notice of election and demand - record of sale
Notice prior to residential foreclosure - hotline
Combined notice - publication - providing information
Single point of contact - servicer to designate - duties - exemption
Dual tracking prohibited - notice to officer - continuation of sale pending inquiry
Right to cure when default is nonpayment - right to cure for certain technical defaults
Court order authorizing sale mandatory - notice of hearing for residential properties - definition
Bid required - form of bid
Fees and costs - definitions
Date of sale
Continuance of sale - effect of bankruptcy - withdrawal of sale
Sales by officer - location - announcement - records - electronic devices - definitions
Treatment of an overbid - agreements to assist in recovery of overbid prohibited - penalty - definition
Use of electronic documents authorized
Rescission of public trustee sale
Unclaimed refunds - disposition under “Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act”
Foreclosure of installments without acceleration
Holder of certificate of purchase paying charges - redemption
Redemption by lienor - procedure
Effect of redemption
Lessee, easement holder, and installment land contract vendor considered as lienors - installment land contract vendee considered as an owner
Rights of other lienors to redeem - definition
Certificate of purchase - issuance
Certificate - priority of lien
Certificate of redemption - issuance
Certificates assignable
Certificate as prima facie evidence
Title vests upon expiration of redemption periods - confirmation deed
Form of confirmation deed for public trustee’s sale
Form of confirmation deed for sheriff’s sale
Deed evidence of compliance
Effect of foreclosures as to certain classes of persons
Omitted parties - definitions
Receiver appointed upon application
Appointment of receiver to prevent waste
Application - use of term “foreclosure”
Limitation of officer’s liability
No waiver of or agreement to shorten right to cure
Providing information to homeowner and public
Curative provisions
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 38-38-103’s source at colorado​.gov