C.R.S. Section 38-38-103.2
Dual tracking prohibited

  • notice to officer
  • continuation of sale pending inquiry


A servicer is subject to the time limits and other requirements of federal law and CFPB rules in connection with a foreclosure under this article.


The servicer shall:


Notify the borrower in writing when it receives a complete loss mitigation application from the borrower; and


Exercise reasonable diligence in obtaining documents and information to complete a loss mitigation application.


If the borrower has received confirmation from the servicer that the borrower has submitted a complete loss mitigation application or has been offered and has accepted a loss mitigation option and is complying with its provisions, and yet a notice of election and demand pursuant to section 38-38-101 has been filed or action is being taken pursuant to section 38-38-105 or 38-38-106 with regard to the borrower, then, in order to stop the foreclosure sale, no later than fourteen calendar days before the sale date, the borrower must present to the officer the borrower’s written notification from the servicer indicating receipt of a complete loss mitigation application dated at least thirty-seven days prior to the sale date or acceptance of a loss mitigation option, and, if the borrower does so:


As soon as possible, but no later than three business days after receipt of the notification, the officer shall contact the attorney for the servicer or holder or the servicer or holder, if not represented by an attorney, by telephone, electronic mail, or first-class mail and inquire as to the status of the loss mitigation option. The officer shall document this inquiry. Until the servicer or its attorney responds to the inquiry, the officer shall continue the sale in accordance with section 38-38-109 (1)(a).


If the attorney for the servicer or holder or the servicer or holder, if not represented by an attorney, fails to respond within seven calendar days to an inquiry under paragraph (a) of this subsection (3), then, as soon as possible but no later than the fourteenth day after the date of the inquiry, the officer shall send a certified letter to the attorney for the servicer or holder or to the servicer or holder, if not represented by an attorney, as listed on the notice of election and demand, inquiring as to the status of the loss mitigation option. The servicer or holder shall reimburse the officer for the cost of mailing the letter.


If, after being contacted in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection (3), the attorney for the servicer or holder or the servicer or holder, if not represented by an attorney, gives the officer a written statement via electronic mail or first-class mail disputing that a loss mitigation option has been offered and accepted or that the borrower is complying with its terms, the officer shall proceed with the sale.


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If the attorney for the servicer or holder or the servicer or holder, if not represented by an attorney, acknowledges that a loss mitigation option has been offered and accepted and that the borrower is complying with its terms, the officer shall continue the sale in accordance with section 38-38-109 (1)(a), and the holder shall withdraw the notice of election and demand within one hundred eighty calendar days after the date of the acknowledgment if the borrower continues to comply with the terms of the loss mitigation option.


If, within one hundred eighty calendar days after the date of the acknowledgment, the attorney for the servicer or holder or the servicer or holder, if not represented by an attorney, has not withdrawn the notice of election and demand and neither the attorney for the servicer or holder nor the servicer or holder, if not represented by an attorney, has notified the officer that the borrower is not complying with the terms of the loss mitigation option, the officer may administratively withdraw the notice of election and demand.


If, within one hundred eighty calendar days after the date of the acknowledgment, the borrower fails to comply with the terms of the loss mitigation option, the holder or the attorney for the holder may give written notice to the officer that the loss mitigation option has been breached, and, no later than ten business days after receiving the notice, the officer shall mail an amended combined notice containing the date of the rescheduled sale to each person appearing on the most recent mailing list, or on an updated mailing list if provided by the holder or the holder’s attorney. The rescheduled sale date must not be fewer than seven calendar days after the date the amended combined notice is mailed. All fees and costs of providing the amended combined notice may be included as part of the foreclosure costs.


If a foreclosure sale is continued as a result of compliance with the requirements of subsection (3) of this section, the periods for which the sale may be continued are in addition to the twelve-month period of continuance provided by section 38-38-109 (1).


A servicer is exempt from this section if the servicer services five thousand or fewer mortgage loans for all of which the servicer, or an affiliate of the servicer, is the creditor or assignee. In determining whether a servicer services five thousand or fewer mortgages, the servicer is evaluated based on the number of mortgage loans serviced by the servicer and any affiliates as of January 1 for the remainder of the calendar year. A servicer that crosses the threshold has six months after crossing the threshold or until the next January 1, whichever is later, to comply with this section.


A servicer who complies with 12 CFR 1024.41, as promulgated by the CFPB, or is exempt from compliance with that regulation under federal law or CFPB rules, regulations, or orders, is deemed in compliance with this section.

Source: Section 38-38-103.2 — Dual tracking prohibited - notice to officer - continuation of sale pending inquiry, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-38.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Holder of evidence of debt may elect to foreclose
Recording notice of election and demand - record of sale
Notice prior to residential foreclosure - hotline
Combined notice - publication - providing information
Single point of contact - servicer to designate - duties - exemption
Dual tracking prohibited - notice to officer - continuation of sale pending inquiry
Right to cure when default is nonpayment - right to cure for certain technical defaults
Court order authorizing sale mandatory - notice of hearing for residential properties - definition
Bid required - form of bid
Fees and costs - definitions
Date of sale
Continuance of sale - effect of bankruptcy - withdrawal of sale
Sales by officer - location - announcement - records - electronic devices - definitions
Treatment of an overbid - agreements to assist in recovery of overbid prohibited - penalty - definition
Use of electronic documents authorized
Rescission of public trustee sale
Unclaimed refunds - disposition under “Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act”
Foreclosure of installments without acceleration
Holder of certificate of purchase paying charges - redemption
Redemption by lienor - procedure
Effect of redemption
Lessee, easement holder, and installment land contract vendor considered as lienors - installment land contract vendee considered as an owner
Rights of other lienors to redeem - definition
Certificate of purchase - issuance
Certificate - priority of lien
Certificate of redemption - issuance
Certificates assignable
Certificate as prima facie evidence
Title vests upon expiration of redemption periods - confirmation deed
Form of confirmation deed for public trustee’s sale
Form of confirmation deed for sheriff’s sale
Deed evidence of compliance
Effect of foreclosures as to certain classes of persons
Omitted parties - definitions
Receiver appointed upon application
Appointment of receiver to prevent waste
Application - use of term “foreclosure”
Limitation of officer’s liability
No waiver of or agreement to shorten right to cure
Providing information to homeowner and public
Curative provisions
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 38-38-103.2’s source at colorado​.gov