C.R.S. Section 18-1-202
Place of trial

  • applicability


Except as otherwise provided by law, criminal actions shall be tried in the county where the offense was committed, or in any other county where an act in furtherance of the offense occurred.


If a person committing an offense upon the person of another is in one county and his victim is in another county at the time of the commission of an act constituting an element of the offense, the offense is committed and trial may be had in either of said counties.


In a case involving the death of a person, the offense is committed and the offender may be tried in any county in which the cause of death is inflicted, or in which death occurs, or in which the body of the deceased or any part of such body is found.


Theft of property is committed and the offender may be tried in any county in which he exercised control over the property.


If the commission of an offense commenced outside the state is consummated within this state, the offense is committed and the offender shall be tried in the county where the offense is consummated.


If an offense is committed in or upon any automobile, trailer, railroad car, aircraft, or other vehicle of transportation passing within or over this state, the offense is deemed to have been committed and the offender may be tried in any county through or over which the vehicle of transportation passed.


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When multiple crimes are based upon the same act or series of acts arising from the same criminal episode and are committed in several counties, the offender may be tried in any county in which any one of the individual crimes could have been tried, regardless of whether or not the counties are in the same judicial district.


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For purposes of this subsection (7), when a person commits one of the offenses listed in subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (b) on two or more occasions within a six-month period, it may be considered part of the same criminal episode. Nothing in this subsection (7) shall bar prosecution of an offense that could have been joined in another prosecution.


The provisions of subsection (7)(b)(I) of this section apply to the following offenses:


Theft, as defined in section 18-4-401;


and (C) Repealed.


Criminal mischief, as defined in section 18-4-501;


Fraud by check, as defined in section 18-5-205;


Defrauding a secured creditor or debtor, as defined in section 18-5-206;


Failure to pay over assigned accounts, as defined in section 18-5-502;


Concealment or removal of secured property, as defined in section 18-5-504;


Failure to pay over proceeds, as defined in section 18-5-505;


Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, as defined in section 18-5-702;


Cybercrime, as defined in section 18-5.5-102;




Trafficking in food stamps, as defined in section 26-2-306, C.R.S.;


Unlawful use of a patient personal needs trust fund, as defined in section 25.5-6-206, C.R.S.;




Theft of a license plate, as described in section 42-5-104;


Theft in connection with assistive technology, as described in section 6-1-409, C.R.S.;


Theft of farm products, as described in section 35-36-313;


Fraud in connection with obtaining public assistance, as described in section 26-1-127, C.R.S.;


Fraud in connection with obtaining food stamps, as described in section 26-2-305, C.R.S.;


An offense described in part 1 of article 5 of this title;


Forgery, as defined in sections 18-5-102 and 18-5-104; and


Identity theft, as defined in section 18-5-902.


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For an indictment or information that includes an offense described in article 5 of this title, the offender may be tried in a county where the offense occurred, in a county where an act in furtherance of the offense occurred, or in a county where a bank, savings and loan, credit union, or government agency processed a document or transaction related to the offense.


For the purpose of this section, “processed” means to physically handle a document or to make a written or electronic entry in a permanent or temporary record of the transaction, whether the entry is made manually or through automated means.


An inchoate offense is committed and the offender may be tried in any county in which any act which is an element of the offense, including formation of the agreement in conspiracy, is committed.


When a person in one county solicits, abets, agrees, aids, or attempts to aid another in the planning or commission of an offense in another county, the offense is committed and the offender may be tried for the offense in either county, or in any other county in which the principal offense could be tried.


When an offense is committed on the boundary line between two counties, or so close thereto as to be difficult to readily ascertain in which county the offense occurred, the offense is committed and the offender may be tried for the offense in either county.


Proof of the county in which the offense occurred or which county is the proper place for trial pursuant to this section shall not constitute an element of any offense and need not be proven by the prosecution at trial unless required by the statute defining the offense. Any challenge to the place of trial pursuant to this section shall be made by motion in writing no later than twenty-one days after arraignment, except for good cause shown. The court shall determine any such issue prior to the commencement of the trial and the selection of a jury. If the court finds that trial is not proper in the county in which the charges were filed, the court shall transfer the case to a court of appropriate jurisdiction in the proper county. Failure to challenge the place of trial as provided in this subsection (11) shall constitute a waiver of any objection to the place of trial. Pursuant to section 16-12-102 (2), C.R.S., the prosecution may file an interlocutory appeal of a decision transferring the case to another county.


If a person commits the offense of failure to register as a sex offender as provided in section 18-3-412.5, the offense is committed and the offender may be tried in the county in which the offender was released from incarceration for commission of the offense requiring registration, in the county in which the offender resides, in the county in which the offender completed his or her last registration, or in the county in which the offender is apprehended.


If a person commits identity theft as described in section 18-5-902, identity theft is committed and the offender may be tried in any county where a prohibited act was committed, in any county where an act in furtherance of the offense was committed, or in any county where the victim resides during all or part of the offense. For purposes of this subsection (13), a business entity resides in any county in which it maintains a physical location.


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If a person commits sexual assault on a child as described in section 18-3-405 (1) and commits the offense as part of a pattern of sexual abuse as described in section 18-3-405 (2)(d), or commits sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust as described in section 18-3-405.3 (1) and commits the offense as part of a pattern of sexual abuse as described in section 18-3-405.3 (2)(b), the offender may be tried for all acts:


In a county where at least one of the acts constituting the offense or the pattern of sexual abuse was committed; or


In a county where an act in furtherance of the offense was committed.


This subsection (14) takes effect on April 4, 2017, and applies to an act constituting a pattern of sexual abuse for which the offense’s statute of limitations has not yet run on April 4, 2017.


Nothing in this subsection (14) allows for a defendant to be placed in jeopardy twice for the same incident of sexual conduct involving a child that has been previously alleged as an incident necessary to form a pattern of sexual abuse as defined in section 18-3-401(2.5) in violation of the prohibition against second trials in sections 18-1-301, 18-1-302, and 18-1-303.

Source: Section 18-1-202 — Place of trial - applicability, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-18.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Citation of title 18
Purpose of code, statutory construction
Purposes of code with respect to sentencing
Scope and application of code
“Offense” defined - offenses classified - common-law crimes abolished
State jurisdiction
Place of trial - applicability
Second trial barred by former prosecution for same offense
Second trial barred by former prosecution for different offense
Second trial barred by prosecution in another jurisdiction
Former prosecution not a bar
Presumption of innocence
Legal assistance and supporting services
Preliminary hearing or waiver - dispositional hearing
Speedy trial - definition
Right to jury trial
Affirmative defense
Prosecution of multiple counts for same act
Appellate review of sentence for a felony
Postconviction remedy
Relief from improperly entered guilty pleas - legislative declaration
Relief from improperly entered guilty pleas for certain misdemeanor and municipal offenses - legislative declaration
Postconviction testing of DNA - definitions
Procedure for application for DNA testing - appointment of counsel
Content of application for DNA testing
Preservation of evidence
Testing - payment
Results of the DNA test
Ineffective assistance of counsel claims - waiver of confidentiality
Requirements for criminal liability in general and for offenses of strict liability and of mental culpability
Construction of statutes with respect to culpability requirements
Principles of criminal culpability
Effect of ignorance or mistake upon culpability
Liability based upon behavior
Behavior of another
Exemptions from liability based upon behavior of another
Liability based on behavior of another - no defense
Criminal liability of business entities - definitions
Criminal liability of an individual for corporate conduct
Execution of public duty
Choice of evils
Use of physical force - special relationships
Use of physical force in defense of a person - definitions
Use of deadly physical force against an intruder
Use of physical force in defense of premises
Use of physical force in defense of property
Justification and exemption from liability when rendering emergency assistance to an at-risk person or animal in a locked vehicle
Use of force by peace officers - definitions
Affirmative defense
Immunity for persons who suffer or report an emergency drug or alcohol overdose event - definitions - repeal
Immunity for a person who administers an opiate antagonist during an opiate-related drug overdose event - definitions
Immunity for sex workers and persons who are victims of human trafficking for sexual servitude and who suffer or report an assault - definition
Victims of human trafficking of a minor for involuntary servitude or sexual servitude - affirmative defenses
Protective hearing - victim’s, defendant’s, or witness’s gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation - definitions
Insufficient age
Impaired mental condition
Responsibility - affirmative defense
Protection order against defendant - definitions
Protection order against defendant - transfer of wireless telephone service in domestic violence cases - definitions
Criminal contempt proceedings - notice to district attorney
Duty to preserve DNA evidence
Manner and location of preservation of DNA evidence
Law enforcement agency request for permission to dispose of evidence - procedures
Defendant request for disposition of or waiver of preservation of DNA evidence - procedures
Victim request for disposition of DNA evidence - procedures
Notice - form and sufficiency
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2025

§ 18-1-202’s source at colorado​.gov