Short title 37‑90‑102
Legislative declaration 37‑90‑103
Definitions - repeal 37‑90‑104
Commission - organization - expenses 37‑90‑105
Small capacity wells 37‑90‑106
Determination of designated groundwater basins - exception - legislative declaration - repeal 37‑90‑107
Application for use of groundwater - publication of notice - conditional permit - hearing on objections - well permits 37‑90‑107.5
Replacement plans 37‑90‑107.6
Aquifer storage-and-recovery plans - publication - objection - hearing - rules 37‑90‑108
Final permit - evidence of well construction and beneficial use - limitations 37‑90‑109
Priority - discontinuance orders - grounds 37‑90‑110
Powers of the state engineer 37‑90‑111
Powers of the ground water commission - limitations 37‑90‑111.5
Well enforcement - injunction - fines 37‑90‑112
Notice - publication 37‑90‑113
Hearings 37‑90‑114
Other administrative hearings 37‑90‑115
Judicial review of actions of the ground water commission or the state engineer 37‑90‑116
Fees 37‑90‑117
Water conservation board - duties 37‑90‑118
Ground water management districts - formation 37‑90‑119
Creation of districts - proposal - submission - changes - proposed boundaries 37‑90‑120
Management districts - petition - signatures required - filing 37‑90‑121
Management districts - petition - contents - minor defects - amendment 37‑90‑122
Management district - petition - certification of signatures - hearing - notice - publication 37‑90‑123
Management districts - hearing - objections - change of boundaries 37‑90‑124
Election on organization 37‑90‑125
Filing decree 37‑90‑126
Management district - directors - qualifications - oath or affirmation - bond - vacancies 37‑90‑127
Management district - directors - election - term of office 37‑90‑128
Management district - directors - no compensation - expenses 37‑90‑129
Management district - officers - election 37‑90‑130
Management districts - board of directors - enforcement 37‑90‑131
Management district - board of directors - control measures - hearing - notice - publication - order 37‑90‑132
Management district - board of directors - taxes - levy - limitation 37‑90‑133
Management district - claims - warrants - payment 37‑90‑134
Management district - issuance of bonds - indebtedness - submission to electors 37‑90‑135
Management district - dissolution - procedure - funds - disposition 37‑90‑137
Permits to construct wells outside designated basins - fees - permit no groundwater right - evidence - time limitation - well permits - rules 37‑90‑138
Waste - violations - permits 37‑90‑139
Existing beneficial uses not recorded - fee 37‑90‑140
Inclusion of lands 37‑90‑141
Exclusion of lands 37‑90‑142
State engineer - action upon permit 37‑90‑143
Owners of well permits - update for name and contact information
Short title 37‑90‑102
Legislative declaration 37‑90‑103
Definitions - repeal 37‑90‑104
Commission - organization - expenses 37‑90‑105
Small capacity wells 37‑90‑106
Determination of designated groundwater basins - exception - legislative declaration - repeal 37‑90‑107
Application for use of groundwater - publication of notice - conditional permit - hearing on objections - well permits 37‑90‑107.5
Replacement plans 37‑90‑107.6
Aquifer storage-and-recovery plans - publication - objection - hearing - rules 37‑90‑108
Final permit - evidence of well construction and beneficial use - limitations 37‑90‑109
Priority - discontinuance orders - grounds 37‑90‑110
Powers of the state engineer 37‑90‑111
Powers of the ground water commission - limitations 37‑90‑111.5
Well enforcement - injunction - fines 37‑90‑112
Notice - publication 37‑90‑113
Hearings 37‑90‑114
Other administrative hearings 37‑90‑115
Judicial review of actions of the ground water commission or the state engineer 37‑90‑116
Fees 37‑90‑117
Water conservation board - duties 37‑90‑118
Ground water management districts - formation 37‑90‑119
Creation of districts - proposal - submission - changes - proposed boundaries 37‑90‑120
Management districts - petition - signatures required - filing 37‑90‑121
Management districts - petition - contents - minor defects - amendment 37‑90‑122
Management district - petition - certification of signatures - hearing - notice - publication 37‑90‑123
Management districts - hearing - objections - change of boundaries 37‑90‑124
Election on organization 37‑90‑125
Filing decree 37‑90‑126
Management district - directors - qualifications - oath or affirmation - bond - vacancies 37‑90‑127
Management district - directors - election - term of office 37‑90‑128
Management district - directors - no compensation - expenses 37‑90‑129
Management district - officers - election 37‑90‑130
Management districts - board of directors - enforcement 37‑90‑131
Management district - board of directors - control measures - hearing - notice - publication - order 37‑90‑132
Management district - board of directors - taxes - levy - limitation 37‑90‑133
Management district - claims - warrants - payment 37‑90‑134
Management district - issuance of bonds - indebtedness - submission to electors 37‑90‑135
Management district - dissolution - procedure - funds - disposition 37‑90‑137
Permits to construct wells outside designated basins - fees - permit no groundwater right - evidence - time limitation - well permits - rules 37‑90‑138
Waste - violations - permits 37‑90‑139
Existing beneficial uses not recorded - fee 37‑90‑140
Inclusion of lands 37‑90‑141
Exclusion of lands 37‑90‑142
State engineer - action upon permit 37‑90‑143
Owners of well permits - update for name and contact information