C.R.S. Section 42-2-108
Application of minors

  • rules

(1)(a)(I) The application of any person under eighteen years of age for an instruction permit or minor driver’s license must be accompanied by either:


An affidavit of liability signed and verified by the parent, stepparent, foster parent, grandparent with power of attorney, guardian, spouse of the applicant if the spouse is eighteen years of age or older, or any other responsible adult who assumes the obligation imposed under this article 2 by signing the affidavit of liability for a minor; or


Proof of financial responsibility for the future, as defined in section 42-7-103 (14), held in the name of the minor if the minor is a foster child.


When an applicant has been made a ward of any court in the state for any reason and has been placed in foster care, the foster parents or parent may sign the affidavit of liability for the minor. If the parent or foster parent is unwilling or unable to sign the affidavit of liability, a guardian ad litem or counsel for youth, an official of the county department of human or social services having custody of the applicant, or an official of the division of youth services in the state department of human services having custody of the applicant may sign the application for an instruction permit without signing the affidavit of liability for the minor if the requirements of subsection (1)(b) of this section are met; except that, prior to signing the application for an instruction permit, the guardian ad litem or counsel for youth or other official shall notify the court of the guardian ad litem’s or counsel for youth’s or other official’s intent to sign the application, and except that the guardian ad litem or counsel for youth or official shall not sign the application for an instruction permit for a minor who is placed in foster care and is under seventeen years of age without first obtaining the consent of the foster parent. If the minor is seventeen years of age or older and is in the care of a foster parent, in order to prepare the minor for emancipation from foster care and to assist the minor in obtaining important life skills, the guardian ad litem or counsel for youth or official shall consult with the foster parent of the minor about the opportunity for the minor to learn driving skills under the restrictions provided in subsection (1)(b) of this section prior to signing an application for an instruction permit. The guardian ad litem or counsel for youth or official shall solicit the opinion of the minor’s foster parent concerning the minor’s ability to exercise good judgment and make decisions as well as the minor’s overall capacity to drive.


When a minor to whom an instruction permit or minor driver’s license has been issued is required to appear before the department for a hearing in accordance with this article 2, the person who signed the affidavit of liability for the minor or the guardian ad litem or counsel for youth or official who signed the application for an instruction permit for the minor shall accompany the minor. If the person who signed the minor’s affidavit of liability or application for an instruction permit is unable to attend the hearing, the person shall submit to the department a verified signed statement certifying under oath that the person is aware of the purpose of the hearing but cannot attend.


The department shall issue an instruction permit to an applicant under eighteen years of age who is otherwise eligible to obtain an instruction permit and who has been made a ward of the court and who is in out-of-home placement without the requirement of a person signing an affidavit of liability if the following requirements are met:


The guardian ad litem or counsel for youth, an official of the county department of human or social services having custody of the applicant, or an official of the division of youth services in the state department of human services having custody of the applicant signs the application for an instruction permit; and


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If the minor is in the care of a foster parent and is under seventeen years of age, the foster parent consents to the minor learning driving skills under the restrictions provided in this subsection (1); or


If the minor is in the care of a foster parent and is at least seventeen years of age, the guardian ad litem or counsel for youth or the official has consulted with the foster parent prior to signing the application for an instruction permit.


and (IV) Repealed.


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The application of any person under the age of eighteen years for an instruction permit or minor driver’s license shall include the option for a minor to be an organ or tissue donor.




Any person under the age of eighteen years who volunteers to donate anatomical gifts by designation on an instructional permit or minor driver’s license shall include a notice of consent signed and verified by the father or the mother of the applicant, or, in the event neither parent is living, by the person or guardian having proof of legal custody of such minor, or by the spouse of the applicant if the spouse of the applicant is eighteen years of age or older.


If the person under the age of eighteen years who volunteers to donate anatomical gifts by designation on an instructional permit or minor driver’s license is an emancipated minor, a notice of consent is not necessary for an anatomical gift to be valid.


Each county department of human or social services having custody of a foster child or ward of the court may implement a program that provides the services authorized under subsection (1)(b) of this section. The county department of human or social services may:


Assess the child’s or ward’s mental, emotional, and physical ability to safely drive a motor vehicle and, based on that assessment, approve or deny the provision of services under subsection (1)(b) of this section; and


Seek, accept, and expend gifts, grants, or donations from private or public sources for the purposes of this subsection (1.5).


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Any negligence or willful misconduct of a minor under eighteen years of age who drives a motor vehicle upon a highway is imputed to the person who signed the affidavit of liability that accompanied the minor’s application for an instruction permit or a minor driver’s license. The person is jointly and severally liable with the minor for any damages caused by the minor’s negligence or willful misconduct, except as provided in subsection (3) of this section.


A guardian ad litem or a counsel for youth, an official of a county or district department of human or social services, or an official of the division of youth services in the state department of human services who signs a minor’s application for an instruction permit or a minor driver’s license but does not sign an affidavit of liability does not impute liability on themselves, on the county, or on the state for any damages caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the applicant.


Nothing in this section waives or limits the governmental immunity of a county or district department of human or social services, as described in article 10 of title 24.


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The department shall accept the application of a qualified minor if:


A minor under eighteen years of age has deposited, or there is deposited on the minor’s behalf, proof of financial responsibility covering the operation of a motor vehicle owned by the minor or, if the minor is not the owner of a motor vehicle, covering the operation of another motor vehicle; and


The application is accompanied by an affidavit of liability signed by one parent or the guardian of the minor unless, under subsection (1) or (1.5) of this section, the minor need not have a responsible adult sign the affidavit of liability.


While proof of financial responsibility is maintained, the parent, foster parent, or guardian is not subject to the liability imposed under subsection (2) of this section. Nothing in this section requires a foster parent to sign an affidavit of liability for a foster child and nothing in this section precludes a foster parent from obtaining a named driver’s exclusion on the foster parent’s insurance policy.




An individual who is in the custody of the state department of human services or a county or district department of human or social services who does not possess all of the required documents to apply for an instruction permit or a minor driver’s license pursuant to this section may be eligible for exception processing pursuant to rules of the executive director of the department of revenue.


On or before November 1, 2021, the executive director of the department of revenue shall promulgate rules establishing, to the extent permissible under federal law, forms of documentation that are acceptable for the purpose of allowing individuals who are in the custody of the state department of human services or a county or district department of human or social services to verify their legal residence in the United States, establish identity, and satisfy any other prerequisites for the acquisition of an instruction permit or a minor driver’s license.

Source: Section 42-2-108 — Application of minors - rules, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Licenses for drivers required - penalty - definition
Persons exempt from license
Motorcycles - autocycles - low-power scooters - driver’s license required
Licenses issued - denied
Special restrictions on certain drivers
Restrictions on minor drivers under eighteen years of age - penalties - legislative declaration
Instruction permits and temporary licenses
Buckner organ and tissue donation awareness fund - legislative declaration - rules - annual report - repeal
Application of minors - rules
Release from liability
Revocation upon death of signer for minor
Examination of applicants and drivers - when required
Medical advice - use by department - provider immunity
License examiners appointed
License issued - voluntary disability identifier symbol - fees - rules - report - definitions
Fees for drivers’ licenses, identification cards, and related services - crediting to DRIVES account - fee setting procedures - rules - repeal
License, permit, or identification card to be exhibited on demand - penalty
Restricted license
Duplicate permits and minor licenses - replacement licenses
Buckner organ and tissue donation awareness fund - rules - report - repeal
Driver restoration and payment incentive program
Notices - change of address or name
Methods of service
Records to be kept by department - admission of records in court
Emergency contact information - website form - license application - driver’s license database
Department may cancel license - limited license for physical or mental limitations - rules
Suspending privileges of nonresidents and reporting convictions
When court to report convictions
Mandatory revocation of license and permit
Revocation of license based on administrative determination
Revocation of license based on administrative actions taken under tribal law - repeal
Authority to suspend license - to deny license - type of conviction - points
Authority to suspend license - violation of child support order
Authority to suspend driver’s license - uninsured motorists - legislative declaration
Authority to suspend driver’s license - leaving the scene of an accident
Vehicular homicide - revocation of license
Mandatory surrender of license or permit for driving under the influence or with excessive alcoholic content
Period of suspension or revocation
Mandatory and voluntary restricted licenses following alcohol convictions - rules
Surrender and return of license
Foreign license invalid during suspension
Right to appeal
Unlawful possession or use of license
False affidavit - penalty
Driving under restraint - penalty - definitions
Permitting unauthorized minor to drive
Permitting unauthorized person to drive
Renting or loaning a motor vehicle to another
Violation - penalty
Legislative declaration
Reporting by certified level II alcohol and drug education and treatment program providers - notice of administrative remedies against a driver’s license - rules
Legislative declaration concerning habitual offenders of motor vehicle laws
Habitual offenders - frequency and type of violations
Authority to revoke license of habitual offender
Driving after revocation prohibited
No existing law modified
Computation of number of convictions
Department may or shall issue - limitations - rules
Contents of identification card - disability identifier symbol - rules - definition
Validity of identification card - rules
Lost, stolen, or destroyed cards
Fees - disposition
Change of address - penalty
No liability on public entity
Unlawful acts
Department consult with counties on county jail identification processing unit
Short title
Department authority - rules - federal requirements
Commercial driver’s license - limitations - rules
Driver’s license disciplinary actions - grounds for denial - suspension - revocation - disqualification
Violations of out-of-service order
Fees - rules
Licensing of testing units and driving testers - hearings - regulations
Unlawful acts - penalty
Unlawful possession or use of a commercial driver’s license
Short title
Legislative declaration
Identification documents - individuals not lawfully present - rules
Identification documents - individuals temporarily lawfully present
Taxpayer identification number - confidentiality
Fees - operations - rule
Renewal - duplicate - replacement - rules
Peace officers - arrest authority
Driving test - third-party option - definition
Equipment of vehicles
Violations - penalty
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 42-2-108’s source at