Section 39-22-4301
Legislative declaration
The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that:(a)
The American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that brings together well-trained and dedicated volunteers and paid staff to help prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies;(b)
The American Red Cross:(I)
Helps military families deliver messages to their loved ones serving our nation in foreign countries; and(II)
Has been instrumental in assisting victims of disasters around the world, including fires, floods, earthquakes, wars, and hurricanes;(c)
Under the leadership of the American Red Cross, thousands of volunteers stand ready to assist those displaced by disaster, wherever and whenever it may strike;(d)
In Colorado, the American Red Cross has trained tens of thousands of citizens in first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, water safety, and other life-saving techniques; and(e)
In the 2011 fiscal year alone, the American Red Cross Colorado Chapters:(I)
Responded to more than four hundred disasters;(II)
Assisted nearly eight hundred families affected by disaster;(III)
Assisted more than five thousand members of the United States armed forces via emergency communications and other services;(IV)
Trained more than ninety-eight thousand individuals in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first aid, and other health and safety techniques;(V)
Gave preparedness presentations at events attended by more than thirty thousand individuals; and(VI)
Relied on more than three thousand volunteers to fulfill the American Red Cross mission.(2)
In order to assist the American Red Cross Colorado Chapters in fulfilling the mission of the American Red Cross, the general assembly recognizes that many citizens of Colorado may be willing to provide moneys to assist in its efforts. It is therefore the intent of the general assembly to provide Coloradans the opportunity to support the efforts of the American Red Cross Colorado Chapters by allowing citizens to make a voluntary contribution on their state income tax return form to the American Red Cross Colorado disaster response, readiness, and preparedness fund for such a purpose.
Section 39-22-4301 — Legislative declaration, https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-39.pdf
(accessed Dec. 24, 2024).